Chapter 4-The Choice

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(Bexley) "You totally have to do this Bex." Kristi blurted out, making me blink up at her as her words didn't quite make sense.. "What? You want me to do this?" I stammered, thinking Kristi would've totally been on my side for this.. "Not because of Charlotte..screw Charlotte..the fact that she is offering to pay your dad's bills and the house off is an added bonus." Kristi waved her hands in the air before gripping my arm and leading me over to my floor-length mirror. "Look at yourself, Bex.." She began, turning my body to face the mirror as she stood behind me, holding my arms. "You're wearing a sweatshirt you had in f*****g high never take care of offense..but you spend all your money on your mom and dad and haven't done a single thing for yourself since I have f*****g known you." She ranted, making me study my appearance as I looked like a freaking hobo with a worn-out sweater and faded jeans. "This wouldn't be doing something for myself..did you forget the part where my sister begged me to do it for her?" I asked, wondering if Kristi somehow hit her head and got a concussion without me noticing. "Yeah, she says it's for herself..which I won't lie..there is a possibility that most of what she said could be exaggerated..but Bex..when have you ever left Great Falls? When have you f*****g lived and experienced the haven't even kissed a f*****g dude..your twenty-two!!" She shouted a little too loudly as I turned and slapped my hand over her mouth. " don't need to announce it to the world..and I did kiss someone..your cousin Derek remember?" I whispered, glancing towards the door and making sure my dad didn't somehow magically appear before it. "Oh, my bad..I forgot..I did yell for him just to get it over with and shut your eyes tight before he pecked you on the lips..but we will say it counts..will that make you feel better?" She teased before rolling her eyes and crossing her arms in front of her chest. " does." I grumbled, I didn't necessarily like the guy but it was a dare from Kristi and the kiss did only last one second..but's all I've got. It was hard to date when every guy went for my sister..even though we did look-alike for the most part..I dressed the complete opposite of her and kept to my small group of friends. Plus Kristi always chased off any guy trying to hook up with me just because I resembled Charlotte. Then after that, I worked at the library which surprisingly doesn't have a bigger dating pool than you would think. Shocker right? "Let's get back on track..Bexley, this is your f*****g out..I'm talking strings attached.." She said dramatically before plopping onto my bed and laying back. "But I just can't leave my dad..he needs me.." I muttered before chewing my lip nervously. "Charlotte said she will take care of them..she obviously seems desperate like usual." Kristi muttered when I suddenly heard a loud bang outside my door, causing me to snap my head at Kristi. Kristi placed her finger over her mouth, signaling for me to be quiet before she tiptoed over towards the door and swung it open in one smooth motion, making Charlotte fall through the doorway and onto the ground before she scrambled to her feet hastily. "I guess some things never change, huh Charlotte?" Kristi smirked at her, making Charlotte scoff before brushing off her clothes and clearing her throat. "I was just coming to check on Bexley." She stated in a snooty tone. "I'm okay, did everyone go to bed? And your he staying the night?" I asked awkwardly unsure of what they even were or how she met him. "Yeah, Mom made up his bed in the guest room..I know it seems fast, but Jeff was there for me when I realized my relationship with Gage wasn't what I thought it was..Once Gage signs the divorce papers after the tour then we will make things official." She explained before sitting on my bed and grabbing an old stuffed bear I've had since a baby. "Was it really that bad Char?" I whispered softly, searching my sister's green eyes as she nodded and looked away, her eyes landing over towards the cluster of pictures I had taped to my wall. "I thought it would be different..we had that physical connection from the start..but then he became so cold and treated me like I was beneath him and said things like I should be thankful he even looked my way..stuff like got bad Bexy..I really fell for him..then Jeff and I got closer and I decided I couldn't do it any longer. Gage threatened to spread the rumor that I had an affair to the press if I didn't finish out my contract. This movie is supposed to be big, and if I back out now it will cause a huge problem..I just can't be near him..So I told Jeff about you, and he came up with the idea." She admitted, making me walk over to her as I hesitated for a moment before wrapping my arms around her thin waist and hugging her. "I'm sorry..why didn't you reach out? We could've helped.." I asked, feeling hurt for my sister that she went through something like that. "I felt like a bitch..after my last manager spread those lies about me being an orphan I just felt ashamed. " She sniffled, making me pull back as I watched her wipe a stray tear. "I understand..I can I be you Char? Even though we look similar I feel like we are pretty different." I stated the obvious. Charlotte was model thin and I had fuller breasts and hips..wouldn't people notice? Not to mention..I am much more reserved and shy as well.. "Well, that's the thing..we will tell people I am preparing for a role and put on some weight. Then makeup can touch up the rest like your nose and extensions for your hair and contacts for your eyes." She explained, making me bite my lip again.. "I knew it..fucking extensions.." Kristi chimed in, earning a glare from Charlotte. " can totally do this..all you have to do is talk about the movie and make appearances..pose for the camera..stuff like that." She explained, making me let out a deep sigh.. "What about the ex? Won't that be a problem?" Kristi asked, making me nod my head.. Wouldn't he not like me either? "It won't be..he will keep things strictly professional... He might hate me Bex, but he won't cross the line because we are in public. He doesn't want to ruin the image he created. Plus my team would be with you at all times to keep him from finding out." She said, giving me a half-hearted smile. "Everyone thinks I have been on a recovery vacation..all you would have to do is say what my people tell you to and fake a few pleasantries with Gage. I just can't face's too hard and I know this seems excessive to avoid an Ex..I just can't stand to be around that man for another second..he really broke me Bex." She whispered and I could see her emotions rising. Whatever they went through must of really affected Charlotte and I felt bad for her. "I understand..but where will you be?" I asked before reaching over and gripping her hand, wondering if she would stay here with Mom and Dad. "Jeff and I will be in Mexico, laying low in his vacation home." She blurted and I frowned. "What?" She asked, looking between Kristi and I. "How long will this be for? What about mom and dad?" I continued..Charlotte isn't just going to abandon them again, will she? "Well, that's the thing..I want to send them on a that Dad can manage..they deserve this Bex..I won't drop out of your lives again..after this..I promise I will keep in touch and we can be a family like before." She added while giving me those big puppy eyes. Mom and Dad do deserve a vacation.. " long? I have the job at the library and stuff.." I know Jim really depends on me to help out but they would do okay without me for a few weeks. "Two months." She stated, making my damn mouth drop open. "Two months?!" Kristi and I both gasped at the same time. "Well..the tour starts in America and then goes to Europe and finally Japan and's a big film Bexy.." She stated cooly and I just sat back on the would be a huge commitment. "I know it's a lot..but I just can't do it..I can't be by that man and see him again. You have no attachment or feelings..and if I cancel, it will destroy me. It will destroy everything Bex." She began to cry again, falling onto her knees as she kneeled in front of me, and looked at me with so much desperation I began to tear up as well. I stared at her for a few moments and then glanced at Kristi behind her who was giving me a thumbs-up as I closed my eyes and said something I didn't expect to say... "Fine, I'll do it." I don't know where this newfound bravery came from..but Kristi was right..what have I really done? I have never left Montana other than on road trips as a kid with my family..I haven't truly lived..and plus Charlotte promised to take care of Mom and Dad..then what do I have to lose? Absolutely nothing.. Charlotte let out a loud squeal before lunging onto me and kissing my face. "Thank you, thank you!! You have no idea how much this means to me are the best twin ever!" She exclaimed, making me laugh as for a brief moment everything felt right.. Maybe this is what I need..I need to get away and see the world..the fact that I am helping out my sister is even better..will this finally bring us together? Will I have my sister back and will this make our mom happy? I hope I won't regret this..but I will do it for them..I will do it for her..I will even do it for me..
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