Chapter 5-Gage Reed

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(Gage) I lifted my hand, pressing the cool glass I was holding against my lips before tilting it back and letting the amber liquid slide down my throat smoothly. The burning sensation was a welcoming feeling as I looked around my dark quiet home. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. We made a promise to one another and she broke it. I knew I shouldn't have fallen for an actress... I had dreams and goals..I wanted to make something of myself, to have my own freedom and happiness and then my manager came up with this plan and I actually went with it like a damn fool. She left..she left me with nothing. With this empty shell of a home that felt so similar to my damn heart. I will never do this again and I vow to destroy Charlotte Miller just like she destroyed me. Suddenly my phone began to ring, making me reach over and grab it as I slid my finger across the screen and pressed it up to my ear. "Did you find her?" I asked, knowing deep down that she would've run..especially after what she did. So the unknown we face now is if she will come back and keep her word. "Yes sir, they just got back from Capri and are in Montana. We don't have eyes on her currently but the card showed the transactions and the security footage I pulled up confirmed it." My private detective Franky informed me, making me grip my glass even tighter. "Jeff Owens doesn't have family in Montana does he?" I wondered what in the hell they could be doing there. "Not that we know of sir." He responded. Jeff Owens, the man who stepped in and ruined it all. He was the scum of Hollywood..some rich politician's spoiled son who decided to invest in movies and just so happened to be the main one for our recent film. The film where I met Charlotte. "She better keep her f*****g word or all of this goes public." I gritted through my teeth. She was supposed to tour with me for the next two months..this was the biggest movie of pur careers and a scandal like this could ruin everything. It was supposed to be the last one I was going to star in..then I would be set. "I will keep you posted if she takes off again sir." He stated before hanging up the phone. I drank the last of my liquor and turned the glass in my hands slowly. "You f*****g promised me.." I muttered, remembering her sweet, her sweet f*****g lies..this started out as a mutual decision, a chance for us to better our image and settle down and start a family. She was going to give me a family and we would all live here together. I remember the first time we met..I was at the studio gym and had just gotten done with my workout. I was starring in a role soon to play a detective and I had to get into pretty good shape. Not like I wasn't before..but I have been pushing myself even harder this time considering I wanted to make a good impression on the director. He was very well-known in the industry. I was walking towards the locker room when this woman suddenly tripped in front of me, causing me to stop in my tracks as she sat up and began holding her ankle. She was f*****g took me a few minutes to realize where I had seen her before and reached my hand down, offering to help her up. "Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" I asked cooly when her captivating green eyes met mine. Charlotte Miller, the hottest actress of the year. I had seen her a few times but hadn't officially met her. We were about to star in a film together, we just hadn't been introduced formally yet. "Yeah, sorry, I just wasn't looking where I was going." Her seductive voice wrapped around me..pulling me in as I glanced down and watched the tops of her breasts rise and fall with each breath. Her assistant quickly rushed over, helping her up as we gave each other our last glance before going on our way. The next time I saw her was for our table read and the chemistry was definitely there..that's when I knew she was the one. We both had similar make it big in this industry and Charlotte wanted to bag the most unattainable bachelor. So we made a deal..we would get married and start a family. A contract marriage of sorts without all of the legal things..then I made one grave mistake. I fell head over heels for this was like she was made just for me..she liked all the same things I liked..she was an orphan and had gone through foster care so she could relate to me on that as well...she loved to read and actually volunteered at the library she grew up around. She was f*****g perfect..and then the cracks began to show..she started drinking heavily and that's when the real Charlotte came out. She was cold-hearted and calculated..always trying to make me feel less than and unwanted.. I went through most of my life feeling that to have the woman I was married to think that same f****d me up. The icing on the cake was when I came home one day and walked in on my wife f*****g our movie invester..Jeff Owens. The next shiny thing Charlotte saw and was dubbed the newest bachelor in Hollywood and Charlotte wanted him. I heard moaning and knew it was Charlotte the second her sounds echoed off the walls. We were supposed to be working things out..she said she wanted to try and fix things and start a family like we talked about. I stomped through our home, kicking the bedroom door open as I walked in on Charlotte sitting on top of Jeff, his c**k buried deep inside of her as she threw her head back and continued rocking her hips. The look in her eyes was pure f*****g evil as she moaned out his name, continuing to f*****g the prick. That is why I will make Charlotte Miller pay..she thinks she can just divorce me and ask for half of my f*****g income? She wants spousal support and ten million f*****g dollars..All the money I have earned and saved..I trusted her..I gave her my f*****g heart and she shattered it beyond repair. Charlotte made a deal..she said if I kept quiet and went through the promotion tour on friendly terms..she would lower the divorce settlement she was asking for...she would never bother me again and I will finally be able to retire and live the rest of my life how I f*****g want. My mother won't be able to say a one will be able to control me again and I will finally be able to get the hell out of here..if only it would be that easy.. I threw my glass at the wall as the sound of it shattering ricocheted off the walls, making me grit my teeth angrily. Sorry, Charlotte..I guess I have changed too.. No, you have made me I am a very very bitter man..and sweetheart..things are about to just get f*****g started. You have no idea who you are messing with.. "See you soon my wife..."
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