Chapter 3-The Proposal

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(Bexley) I blinked over at my sister..the words she just spoke not making sense..she needed me. But for what? What could Charlotte possibly need me for? "It's true, Gage and I are getting a all happened so fast. We met on set, filming the most recent movie I starred in and I fell for him hard." She began, making me look over towards my mom as I could see she was ready to cry at any moment..she has become more emotional than ever since Charlotte left four years ago..I swear she cries over anything now. "You know how big my heart easily I fall in love." Charlotte continued and before Kristi could say some snarky comment, I reached over and pinched her leg, causing her to look at me and glare. "Don't you dare." I mouthed to her, making her frown before she let out a whispered "fine" and looked back towards my sister. Charlotte wasn't one to settle down, so to hear her describe herself like that was surprising. I remember she strung many guys along in high school..some at the same time too..but maybe this Gage guy was the one who actually caught her attention. "But Gage wasn't who I thought he was..he was pretending to be this caring passionate man..but..but he was the opposite and ended up being so cold and calculated. He used me for fame Daddy..he used me to make himself look better." She sobbed, throwing herself into our dad's arms as he rubbed her back..He looked he wanted to beat this Gage guy's ass. I can't lie..hearing her say this made my heart ache..could it really be the truth? He tricked her and used her to become more famous? Charlotte has become one of the hottest most sought-after celebrities in the past year. She has played the female lead in a few movies that really took off and has acted with some of the biggest stars. "That's why I'm here..Jeff..he..well, we fell in love. I felt so low, like I was worthless..My mental health was bad and those horrible thoughts began to enter my mind." She whispered, making my mom gasp as her hand flew over her mouth and those tears finally spilled over. "Oh Char..why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you just come home, sweetheart?" Mom cried out before rushing over to Charlotte's side and hugging her. "Because I signed a contract Mom..I made an obligation and I promised to tour with Gage to promote the movie. If I back will destroy me..I will be ruined..I can't bear to see him.." She broke down again, her hands covering her face as she ugly cried for the first time ever. I felt horrible..what was she going to do? If this guy really was that bad..would it cause my sister to break down? "Yikes, who knew Gage Reed was really an asshat..I mean I heard the rumors he was a dick..but this..he even has me feeling bad for Charlotte." Kristi whispered and I nodded my head. Suddenly Jeff cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. "That's why we have come up with a plan...something that will help Charlotte without breaking her contract and keeping her image safe." Jeff said smoothly, his head turned as his eyes now drifted over to me as I swear I looked over my shoulder, seeing if someone else was behind me. "Me?" I asked, pointing to myself as Charlotte sniffled and stood up, going back to her seat. "Bexy..I know I haven't been the best sister..or daughter at that.." She started making my mom cry even harder as my dad patted her back, comforting her. "Don't say that Charlotte, you are a wonderful daughter and sister." My mom wailed, and I watched as Charlotte smiled softly before turning to me once more. "I need your help, are the only one who can do it.." She began, continuing to confuse me. "It would only be for a few weeks, and you will have a team of my people with you at all times." She stated and I looked over at my parents, wondering if they knew what she was going on about. "What are you asking Charlotte?" My dad suddenly spoke up, his voice firm and serious. "Daddy, if Bexley can just continue my promotion tour for me...if she can step in my place and finish my contract then I will be done with it." She dropped this bomb on me, making my mouth gape open as Kristi gasped and hit me on the arm before looking between all of us. "You want Bexley to pretend to be you?!" She asked, her voice loud and animated. "Well, I mean..she would just be stepping in for the wouldn't be forever and all it is is signing pictures and doing interviews." She explained. "Which we will coach you on." Jeff added, making everyone at the table go quiet. "Why can't you just finish the tour?" Kristi asked, wondering what everyone else was thinking. "I can't be by him..I can't handle another second around that man...he broke my heart, and I'm just not strong enough...he can ruin me, Bex..he can ruin everything I've been able to build." She cried out again, making my mom rush to her side. "Shhh, it's okay sweetie.." She consoled her as her eyes now drifted up to me. "Bexley will do it. She will go in your place." My mom announced making me do a double take as my dad frowned before speaking. " can not decide this for her. I don't think this is a good do we know this man won't hurt Bex?" My dad asked, making me nod my head in agreement, still unable to speak. "Sir, Gage has never threatened Charlotte's life..she just was unable to continue because of her mental state." Jeff informed him..making my stomach fill with nerves. So I have to pretend to be my sister because she doesn't want to work with her ex? I understand it would be hard..but how the hell would this even work?! Wouldn't he know? "My still can't work and I can't leave them." I suddenly blurted, voicing the first excuse that came to mind. "You don't have to worry about that Bexy, I am already in the process of taking care of it. I am prepared to pay Daddy's medical bills and pay off the house." She said while wiping away her tears with a napkin. Kristi started choking, causing me to snap my head towards hers as what Charlotte just informed us made everyone fall silent with shock..well, other than a choking Kristi. "Wait..are you blackmailing your sister to take your place by offering to pay your dad's medical bills and the house off?" Kristi finally spoke up, making Charlotte scoff as disgust filled her face. "It's not blackmail..I am just asking MY sister for a favor and telling her everything will be handled." Charlotte shot back. "So if she said no you would still pay the medical bills?" Kristi asked, her brow raising as she crossed her arms..the stare off becoming intense. "Kristina Scott..please.." My mother chastised her, making Kristi sink into her chair as my sister looked towards my mom with relief. "It doesn't matter about the money..what matters is Charlotte's health..and if this is the only way, then Bexley will do it." She declared, making my dad stand as he slammed his hand down on the table, looking between all of us. "Janet, that is not for you to decide..this is up to our daughter and I hope she says no. I don't like this..not one bit." He shouted, causing us to all grow quiet as I looked up at my dad adoringly..he actually stuck up for me..he wanted me to choose. "Now, I think we should all sleep on is getting late and Bexley has work tomorrow. I am glad you are home Charlotte but I hope this is something you really thought you know what you are asking of your sister?" He asked her, making Charlotte blink up at him with surprise. This was the sternest he had ever spoken to Charlotte, and I could tell she was genuinely hurt this time. "Yes Daddy, I know..I just thought she could will be a chance for her to travel and see the world too." She added, trying to spin it in a positive light. "Let's go to your room..we have to talk about this." Kristi whispered, tugging my arm as we all began to get up. I heard my mom calling my name but Kristi continued to drag me down the hallway and practically shoved me in my room before slamming and locking the door. "You totally have to do this.." She blurted, making me stare at her in shock. "What?!" Not her too..seriously?!
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