Chapter 2-Going all Out

1954 Words
(Bexley) I took a deep breath causing the crisp air to burn my lungs, making me shudder from the cold as I closed the passenger door and walked towards the house. Kristi decided to invite herself to dinner, saying she couldn't miss the drama that was about to unfold and I was actually thankful for her coming.. I began to feel would think I would be comfortable with my sister and have that bond considering we shared the same damn womb..but honestly, seeing her now in her name-brand clothes and sleek leather boots...I didn't recognize this person..not one bit. Suddenly our presence must've finally been known because my sister pulled away from the guy who had been sucking her face off and locked eyes with me. She slowly looked me up and down, causing my hands to slip into my jacket and look down. "Oh my God Bexy, you look great!" She squealed before running over to me and practically knocking me over after she threw herself into my arms. To say I was surprised was an understatement..even as kids Charlotte never hugged me like this. I heard Kristi scoff and knew she was rolling her eyes right now as I awkwardly patted Charlotte's back. "Aren't you excited to see me?" Charlotte asked abruptly making me nod my head as I cleared my throat and pulled away slightly. "Yeah, I'm just surprised you came." I laughed, trying to be lighthearted about the whole thing but Charlotte's pout suggested she took it the wrong way. "I mean..I know how busy you are." I covered, making her smile as I began to study her face carefully. She looked so different than I remembered..she obviously knew how to do makeup or hired someone to do it for her because she looked like she was about to do some type of photo shoot or something. Her hair was still black like mine but had some warm brown tones layered in. Her green eyes sparkled brightly as she flicked her beautiful hair back with her long manicured nails. Yeah, she looked like a celebrity, that's for sure. "Oh Bexy, I've missed you so much. We just got back from Capri, it was absolutely stunning. You would've loved it..I told Mom that we should take a girl's trip there soon, just the three of us." She began to ramble as I just nodded my head and walked towards the house. Is she not going to even introduce the guy that was now hovering awkwardly behind us? "Wouldn't you have to actually acknowledge that you have a family for you to do that?" Kristi butted in, making me shoot her a warning look..Listen..what she said was true, but I didn't want to start the night off with a fight. "Oh Kristi, I didn't even see you there. You're blonde looks..great. I can give you a number for a guy I know..he owes me a favor. He could totally make it look more natural." Charlotte whispered in her overly sweet voice..the one she uses for people she dislikes. I locked eyes with Kristi, seeing she was ready to pounce and I quickly gave her a pleading look, making her let out a strangled thanks before sighing and looking away.. I just didn't want to ruin this for my parents..they have been wanting this for so long..I don't want to be the one to jeopardize this night for my mom. All she has been talking about is Charlotte coming home and our family finally becoming whole again. Right on cue, my mother swung the door open for us as I watched her give the biggest, warmest smile I had ever seen towards Charlotte. "There you are, I was wondering where you and your friend got off to." She laughed before pulling Charlotte by the arm and holding onto her tight. "Jeff and I just wanted to get some fresh air and greet Bexy when she got home." My sister explained, leaving out one obvious detail..the fact that she and this Jeff guy were sucking face. Suddenly my eyes drifted over towards him. He wore a cream-colored sweater and light-wash jeans with brown boots. He had light blonde hair and brown eyes..he was handsome, I won't lie, but he seemed like one of those guys who had a lot of money and wasn't afraid to let you know it. He was pretty tall as well, at least six foot..but me being 5'3 everyone seems 6 foot down here. My sister is a few inches taller than me standing at 5'5 but with her wearing heels, she always towered above me. "Oh Bexy, I forgot to introduce you two. This is my friend Jeff Owens." Charlotte stated, glancing back towards me as the Jeff guy held out his hand to shake mine...friend..right. "Lovely to finally meet you Bexley, you're just as beautiful as your sister." He smirked as I tentatively placed my hand in his, feeling him grip me tight before bringing it up to his mouth and kissing the back of it. After pulling away, his gaze began to wander up and down my body, as I glanced over at my sister. seeing her eyes narrowing at me. Was she jealous? Where was her supposed husband at? "Oh weird..I thought that his name would be Gage Reed considering the way you were eating his face off." Kristi muttered, thinking the same thing as I was. My mom quickly shot her a glare before hitting Kristi on the arm and mouthed for her to stop. My mom loved Kristi and treated her just like one of us...well, at least like me..Charlotte always got better treatment than anyone. "I know, you guys probably have a lot of questions." Charlotte spoke quietly, her eyes downcast as Jeff let go of my hand and went to her side, pulling her into a one-armed hug. "Oh sweetie..whatever is going can tell us, we are here for you." My mom added softly before reaching for her hand and squeezing. I just stood there awkwardly as my sister wiped a stray tear and sniffled before nodding her head and smiling weakly at my mom. "Damn she is good." Kristi whispered, causing me to elbow her in the side. It's hard to know if Charlotte is really upset or not..she was always a great actress..that's why I got in trouble eighty percent of the time when we fought because she would lie and say I started it. Mom always believed her. "Let's sit down with Daddy and I will tell you guys why I'm here..I mean, besides missing you guys." She added for good measure, her green eyes now meeting mine as I smiled softly at her. I would like to think it's genuine..but that rational part of me kept feeling like it was too good to be true. We all walked into the other room and man my mom went all out. The whole table was filled with all of Charlotte's favorite foods and she even had freaking caviar on ice..CAVIAR! Kristi just blinked her eyes and glanced over at me as I just shrugged..where did my mom even get caviar around here? "Hey sweetheart, how was work?" My dad asked while limping over towards me before kissing me on the head. "Dad, where's your cane? You shouldn't be walking around like that." I stated, looking around the room as I felt that worry surface. My dad shattered his leg last year after falling off of a roof. He almost had to have it amputated the injuries were so bad. But luckily with lots of physical therapy, he is able to walk on it again but uses a cane for balance. "Bexley, he can go one night without it." My mom snapped, making me meet her gaze as she darted her eyes towards Charlotte who was now staring at Dad. I could tell my mom didn't want Charlotte to know how bad it was..she wanted us to look perfect just like she saw Charlotte. "I'm fine kiddo, don't worry okay?" My dad whispered before squeezing my hand, causing me to nod my head. "Why don't we sit while I go grab the champagne." My mom ushered us to the table and I nervously watched Dad walking towards his chair and I couldn't help but race forward and pull it out for him. "Why didn't you tell me he was this bad?" Charlotte suddenly hissed next to my ear and her words instantly made that anger I had been hiding away boil up inside of me. "I guess you didn't get my texts. We have been managing fine need to worry sis." I gave her a fake smile, trying not to snap at her as I let out a deep breath before turning to take my seat next to my dad on one side. "Let me sit next to Daddy." Charlotte suddenly stated, practically pushing me to the side as I nodded once and then went to the other end of the table now sitting between Jeff and Kristi. Just as I sat down, I felt my phone vibrate as Kristi gave me a swift kick to my foot..letting me know right away that it was her who texted me. From Kristi: You give me the sign and I will f*****g yank those extensions right out of her big ass head. My eyes widened as I glanced over at her and tried to stifle my laugh. Did she think my head was big too?! What the heck.. To Kristi: Do you think she wears extensions? And please don't..see how happy my mom is? She has been waiting for this for years. I don't want to be the one to ruin it. :( From Kristi: You won't be, I will be the one ruining it. Just say pineapple and I am springing from this chair and going all real housewives on her ass..legit..also her hair is totally fake...and no, your head isn't big, just hers...I know you were thinking it.. I tried not to laugh as the sound of my mother's voice cut through the room she came bustling in with a bottle of champagne in her hands. "Bexley, did you hear your sister? Don't be rude.." She chastised me, making me shift uncomfortably in my chair as I glanced over at my sister. "Sorry." I said sheepishly and turned to my sister, seeing the annoyance written all over her face. "I asked if you were still working at the library, your position isn't that important, is it? could take some time off or something if you needed to?" She suddenly bombarded me with questions and I furrowed my brow together. "Well, I guess if it was an emergency or something, or a week for vacation. But my job is important, to help out and stuff." I responded, wondering why she was even asking that to begin with. Was she serious about taking us to Capri? "I see." She smiled before glancing over at Jeff and nodded slightly. "What's this about Char?" My mom finally asked, giving in to her curiosity as she began filling her glass with champagne. "Well, there is a reason why I'm here... Something happened and I didn't know where else to see..the rumors about me getting divorced are true..but it isn't what you might've read..the real truth is much more horrible and I need your help. Bexy..I need you more than anyone." She began, the room growing silent as my stomach began to twist and turn into knots..she needs me? What the hell could she need me for? Oh god..why do I feel like I'm not going to like this..not one bit.
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