Chapter 9-The First Interview

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(Bexley) I started pacing back and forth in my dressing room, my heels clicking on the hard floor as I tried not to slip and make a fool of myself. I began going through the sample questions over and over again in my head. This was my first interview and I was close to having a damn mental breakdown as the reality of this whole situation was finally hitting me. "Girl, just relax..we will be right behind the camera if something happens. Remember, just act natural and be confident." Alysha spoke calmly before walking over and reaching up to fix my hair. I was wearing a black knee-length long-sleeved bodycon dress with a gold belt around the waist. My nails were a nude pink and my makeup was more natural with a light gloss on my lips. Well, they called it natural..but it took two hours to do.. "Come here, look in the mirror." Alysha instructed me before pulling my hand and leading me towards the vanity mirror. "You look just like probably know Charlotte more than anyone being her you've got this. The first time is always the popping your cherry..after this you will know what to expect." She smiled and honestly, that didn't help me one freaking bit considering I was a damn virgin. But I can't lie..I do look just like her, the only thing left to do is respond to the questions how Charlotte would. Oh god..I think I'm going to throw up.. "Mrs. Miller, we are ready for you." One of the staff called into the room, making me gasp as my eyes widened. "It will all be okay, just relax.." Alysha encouraged and I nodded my head nervously. Then I suddenly remembered that I would be sitting with Gage during the interview. "Oh god..what if Gage knows the moment he sees me? What if he can tell by the way I walk or talk?" I blurted, realizing this would be our first official meeting. "Listen..the guy hasn't seen Charlotte in a few months..I'm sure he won't even with what Charlotte says, he didn't really even know her to begin with, right?" She stated and I let out the deep breath I had been holding. "Were you working for Charlotte when they were together?" I asked curiously, glancing towards Alysha as she shook her head. "Only towards the end, they had a lot of issues and she would complain how he didn't pay enough attention to her or talk about their fights. Then he would make up with her by buying her some big gift like a new car or a f*****g diamond necklace. It was definitely that love bombing shit." Alysha waved her hand before averting her gaze. I thought she was about to say more but instead, she just turned me towards the door and began pushing me forward. "Come on, you don't want to be late or they will label Charlotte Miller even more of a diva than she already is." She joked, and I began walking on my own. I guess this is it..Alysha is right, I just have to get this first one over with and then I will know what to expect. Peeking out the door, I saw Vince standing outside with another security guard named Mike. Vince gave me a nod before smiling softly at me, and honestly, it did help..I could tell he was trying to be encouraging. Vince has actually been one of the friendlier people I have met so far and seems to be genuine about it.. Even if it's still hard to talk to him. Damn, these men and their handsome faces... "This way Mrs. Miller." A woman holding a tablet said, leading me towards the front of the studio where they would be filming the interview. I walked forward, feeling dozens of eyes on me as I quickly straightened my back and held my head up high. Be can do this Bexley. I smiled politely, seeing a few people wave as they began to whisper to one another the moment I walked by. Then I saw him, Gage Reed, Charlotte's husband. Of course, the moment my eyes landed on Gage's broad back, I didn't realize that the stage rose into a step, causing me to stumble forward as I lost my balance and was about to fall flat on my damn face. That's when I felt two strong hands gripping my waist as Gage was now in front of me, catching me mid-fall. I lifted my gaze, his green eyes boring into mine as I let my mouth drop open did he get here so fast? The feel of his hands on my waist made my stomach flip uncontrollably as we just stayed like that for a few seconds. The intensity of his stare burned into me, causing his fingers to dig into my sides as he seemed to change his expression completely, a smile forming on his full lips as he let out a deep chuckle that made a shiver tremble through me. "Careful Darling, we haven't even started the interview and you're already falling for me all over again." He quipped, making a group of people around us laugh as the reality of where I was sunk in. What am I doing?! Why am I being so ridiculous right now? "Sorry " I mumbled softly, causing Gage to glance down at me once more, his brow furrowing together as I stood up straighter and smoothed out my dress, avoiding his gaze. "If we could have you both sit over here then we will start the interview." A man who looked like another assistant motioned towards the chairs and I just smiled politely at him. Before I could sit down, I felt my hand being grabbed and turned my head to the side, gazing up once again at Gage's handsome face. "Don't I get my kiss Darling before we start?" He asked, making me blink in confusion as I glanced towards Alysha who shook her head no discreetly. Charlotte told me that she used to call Gage Honey as a pet name, and would always greet him that way and he would expect it in front of the cameras.. Maybe this was his way of pushing Charlotte's buttons or something and trying to see if she would refuse him in public. I stepped forward, placing my hand on his chest as I lifted on my tiptoes, placing a kiss on his cheek, trying to act like I had done this a thousand times. I won't lie..I did look up a few interviews they had done together in the past and I noticed Charlotte always placed her hand on his chest. "That should hold you over until the interview is over, right honey?" I looked up at him, plastering a smile on my face..which I hoped was sultry or sexy and not awkward like I was feeling. Glancing back towards Alysha I saw a hint of smile pulling at her lips as she gave me a small thumbs up before composing herself once more. He seemed to fall for it considering he just laughed and went to sit down in the chair but not before pulling out my own for me. Wow, he really was a good actor..he actually seemed like he genuinely cared about me..well, I mean Charlotte. "Okay, places everyone! We are rolling in 5...4...3...2.." And then I saw the director give the interview, Mei Young, the go-ahead to start. "It's so wonderful to have you both here today. I know this film has been greatly anticipated by your fans considering it is rumored this is the film where you both fell in love. Are the rumors true? Did you fall in love on the set of Twisted Desire?" She began, and I didn't expect a question like this right off the start. I glanced toward Gage, wondering if he would speak first and I saw the smile on his face, making my heart flutter for some reason. "Is that the rumor going around?" He laughed before glancing over at me. "I would like to think it was before we began filming. What was it, sweetheart? Like a month before when we met at a mutual friend's party?" He asked me, his hand sliding onto my thigh as I flinched involuntarily, kicking myself for that reaction. A party? Shit..was that what Charlotte said? She talked briefly about running into him before filming but I don't remember where she said it was at. If I look at Alysha for answers it would seem suspicious.. "I believe so, but once we found out we would be working together on the same movie that chemistry blossomed even more." I responded smoothly, repeating what Charlotte had told me to say. She knew there would be a lot of questions about their relationship and told me the at least I wasn't fully blindsided on that side of things. Gage just stared at me as I finally met his gaze, his eyes searching my face as I smiled softly at him before the interviewer asked the next question about the movie. Gage placed his hand behind my back, his fingers twirling my hair as I began to calm slightly the more questions the interviewer asked. "Okay and finally, I know this is a personal question, but the fans wanted to know, what is next for you two? Staring in another movie together? Possibly children?" Mei asked, glancing between the two of us as I stiffened. Shit..Charlotte never talked about children..well, she would want some eventually right? She did when we were kids and played house..but that was years ago. "What do you think Darling?" Gage asked me, a smirk now forming on his lips as I let out a nervous laugh. "I'm sure down the road, but right now Gage and I are still in the honeymoon phase, I don't think I would want to share him just yet..but one day.." I replied, seeing Alysha let out a breath of air from the corner of my eye as she was now smiling widely. I met Gage's eyes, seeing them soften slightly as he looked down at me with such intensity it made my body tingle with nerves. "That's a wrap, thank you all very much!" The director suddenly stated, making me blink my eyes before looking away and going to stand. We said our thanks to Mei and the rest of the employees as I was about to walk away when I felt a strong hand grip my arm. "Let's go, we need to talk." Gage suddenly whispered harshly into my ear, making my stomach drop..oh god..did he know?! The look on his face makes it seem that way..this can't be good. Charlotte is going to be pissed...
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