Chapter 10-The Talk

1369 Words
(Bexley) I froze in place, my eyes meeting Gage's cold hard stare as he glared down at me. What do I do? "Charlotte, the car is waiting." Alysha suddenly stated as Vince stepped forward, staring Gage down intently as I swallowed hard and looked at my sister's husband one more time. "It will only take a second darling. We don't want to hold up everyone's time." He spoke much more calmly now as I realized we were being watched by some of the staff. "Okay." I nodded, glancing toward Alysha who looked like she was about to freak out. I walked past her, Gage still holding my arm as I looked at Alysha with pleading eyes. "Relax, be confident." She mouthed, making me nod slightly as Vince followed close behind us, his eyes burning into the spot where Gage was holding my arm. "Is it really necessary for your goon to be following us around?" Gage grumbled and I just couldn't respond..I was frozen in thought and unable to function correctly..he still seemed to think I was Charlotte by the way he was talking to me but what would Charlotte say in this situation? Then it hit me..she would do the exact opposite I am right now. "Is it necessary to drag me through the building like a Neanderthal? I can walk on my own." I snapped before pulling my arm away, surprising myself that I actually did that. I glanced back at Vince, seeing a hint of a smile pulling at his lips as he nodded slightly, making me feel like that was totally something Charlotte would do. "Well, I can't trust you anymore since you ran the last time. I was surprised you even showed up today." He growled before turning towards a dressing room and walked inside. "You, stay." He stated, talking to Vince before shutting the door in his face. I stood there awkwardly, wrapping my arms around my body as I looked away from Gage. I could feel his eyes burning into me, the air growing thick with tension more and more each second as I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could utter a word, Gage spoke first. "What the hell was that back there?" He asked, stepping closer to me as I took a tentative step back. "What do you mean?" I wondered..crap..this isn't going well..confidence confident. "You are acting strange.." He stated, taking another step closer and making me retreat just the same. "Strange how?" Ignorance is bliss, right? If Gage finds out..that ruins everything..then Charlotte's career will be ruined and Mom and Dad will be upset and then I will just return back to the library and spend every day of my life sorting books and dreaming of what life could be like if I just truly pressure. "This, that look on your face right now..and the way your cheeks are red." He was pointing at me and somehow was a lot closer to me than I realized. "I..I am just feeling off because of jet lag." I lied, thinking that was a pretty broad excuse. Jet lag affects a lot of things, right? "Jet lag hmm? You didn't even remember how we met..or is that just part of your game? Was that just to hurt me..or did you really not remember Charlotte?" He whispered, his voice surprising me as it seemed to be filled with emotion as I made the mistake of meeting his gaze. "I have never seen you like this, so shy and nervous...Is this how you are with Jeff? Is he pulling out a side of you that you never even showed me?" He reached out, his palm sliding against my cheek as his brow suddenly furrowed the moment he touched me.. I felt my heart racing, the fact that I had never been touched by a man like this making the impact even greater than it should've been. I can't react like this..not with my sister's husband..I am just nervous, that's all this is. "Who the hell are you? You just seem like a completely different person.." He suddenly stated, making my stomach drop as I opened my mouth to speak. Bang Bang Bang The sound of someone pounding on the door caused me to jump back as my hand flew over my heart, gripping my chest. I felt like I was about to have a freaking heart attack. "Talks the door." Vince hollered into the room, making me dodge around Gage as I made my way towards the door. Trying to get the hell out of here as fast as possible. But before I could reach it, I felt that strong hand from earlier gripping my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. "Remember Charlotte, you have to do this whole tour with much as we both might not like it..we have to make them believe we are still in love. Then after that you can start your new life with Jeff or whatever asshole you are screwing currently..but right now you need to keep pretending that you you pretended to before." He said in a cold tone, his eyes glaring down at me. "The one thing I can honestly say about you, Charlotte Miller, is that you are one hell of a good actress..that I do know..remember..until those divorce papers are are still my wife..don't forget that." He spat before moving in front of me and opening the door, stepping out of the room as he bumped his shoulder into Vince and walked away. Vince just scoffed before glancing towards me and coming to my side. "Are you okay Bexley?" He asked me worriedly and I nodded my head before glancing back towards where Gage had just left, making sure the door was shut so no one heard Vince call me by my real name. "You can't call me that here Vince, I'm serious." I whisper yelled, making him smirk as I let out a sigh. "Relax, no one can hear us." He stated before putting his hand on my shoulder and making my stomach flip. I feel like I could pass out any second with how stressful that just was..I am not made for this type of drama. "I think he didn't pick up on it, for a moment there I thought he knew...that was probably the scariest moment of my life." I admitted with a nervous laugh. "You did good, but a little advice..try not to smile so much..Charlotte rarely does unless a camera is pointed straight at her." Vince said before the door suddenly opened making me jump uet again. Dang, I am completely on edge.. "There you everything okay? I got stuck talking to one of the producers just as Gage dragged you off. Did everything go okay?" Alysha asked worriedly as she opened the door and came in before shutting it again. "He was suspicious but didn't seem to realize what was going on." I whispered, making Alysha nod as she came over and gave me a hug. "You did great..see, that wasn't so bad right?" She asked and I shook my head no. It should get easier after this and hopefully the next two months will fly by..I will be honest..the things Gage said were surprising..he seemed really emotional talking about Charlotte..well talking to me thinking I was Charlotte..but maybe that was just him acting and trying to pin everything on, Charlotte I mean..gosh..even I'm confused now. "Come on, Leonardo is waiting in the car. Let's get you changed and ready to go. We need to celebrate!" Alysha explained and we turned to walk out the door and head back to my dressing room, that's when I saw someone leaning up against the wall outside the door, making my eyes widen. Gage..he wasn't there this whole time, was he? He couldn't have heard us..the door was Alysha would've seen him standing there right? "I just left my phone in the room, didn't want to interrupt." He explained, making me relax slightly as I nodded my head. "Oh, and Bexley..I think we need to have another talk.." He whispered only loud enough for us to hear. Yep..I'm screwed.
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