Chapter 8-Beauty is Pain

1443 Words
(Bexley) It's official, Charlotte hates me..she MUST hate me to make me suffer through this horrible torture... I learned something new today... apparently every damn inch of your body can be waxed. I'm talking..every...freaking..inch.. Eyebrows, armpits, legs, places I won't name but you know exactly what I'm talking about.. I will be scarred for life from that I let a stranger see my most intimate parts..yeah, not a moment I want to relive, that's for sure. Don't get me wrong..I maintain myself..down there..but nothing this extensive. I was now in the bath, my hair up in a towel as I tried not to get it wet. It was so weird having long hair now..and I can't lie..I look just like Charlotte, just more curvier. I was wearing the contacts that Alysha had given me, trying to get used to them and the hardest part of all of this was trying to act how Charlotte would to people who have met her before. I guess she mostly just stayed on her phone while she was getting her hair or nails done, which is harder than you would think. Suddenly I heard my phone vibrating, making me reach across the tub for it as I saw that Private Number pop up on the screen again. "Hello?" I answered, leaning back into the tub after pressing the phone to my ear. "Alysha sent me the photos, I think a week of you eating clean will make the bloating go down." She stated, not even saying hello. "Do I seriously have to go on a diet Char? I's only for two months." I grumbled, making her sigh as I dragged my free hand through the bubbles floating on top of the bath. "Bexy, this will be good for you. I mean, how often do people get the celebrity treatment and get someone to make all of their it's not like I'm eating a damn celery stick or something, it's high-quality food." She grumbled, making me smile as I felt like my sister was back to herself again. Maybe she was just stressed out before..but I could tell just by her voice alone that she was the Charlotte I knew. "Char..are you doing okay with everything? I know this must be stressful for you too." I asked, remembering my first sighting kf her Ex..he seemed like a very intimidating guy, no wonder Charlotte doesn't want to be around him. I can't explain what I felt the moment I saw him..but I knew it wasn't good and I was trying not to think about it. Maybe I was just star-struck or something. "Yeah, Jeff and I leave in a few days for's weird being back home though..has mom always been this emotional?" She whispered, and I couldn't help but laugh. "It seems like it got worse since you came Dad doing okay though? I'm really worried about him..." I admitted, wondering if Dad had been eating enough. "Bex, he's fine..seriously..he is still mad that you left..but more at me than you." She whispered, making me chew my lip nervously. "Sorry..I didn't want to make things worse between you two." I spoke softly, knowing my dad was pretty upset with Charlotte for not reaching out, especially after the accident. She sent him flowers and a card, and that was it..maybe she didn't realize how bad it was, but Dad could've died during that surgery, he lost a lot of blood. "He never liked me, he always loved you more." She said bluntly, making me sit up straighter in the bath. "That's not true Charlotte, dad really loves you...I just think maybe.." I trailed off, not wanting to say what I was thinking because it might hurt her. "What? Just say it Bexley." She snapped, her anger surfacing as I let out a sigh. "It hurt him Charlotte..that you stopped reaching out..he missed you a lot. I think he felt like you were embarrassed of us." I admitted, wishing the conversation didn't go this way. Charlotte didn't say a word, the line going silent as I tried to think of what to say. "Hey, you just got busy..I understand..all of this stuff is a lot..I'm already overwhelmed and it hasn't been one whole day..and the waxing..what the hell Charlotte?!" I exclaimed, making her chuckle, as I felt the tension lightening now. "Beauty is pain Bex..welcome to the club." She added, making me laugh with her. We sat on the phone for a few seconds, neither of us speaking as I could hear Charlotte shuffling around. "Bexley.." Charlotte breathed my name, making me hum in response. "When you see Gage..just..don't fall for his charm okay? He is just doing it for the cameras...don't forget that. He isn't a good guy Bex." She said in a serious tone, her words making my stomach ache..of course I know she worried I would fall for him or something? How could I fall for my sister's husband? That is just wrong.. "I won't, I promise..I won't forget what you told me..that he is a good actor. The guy is already on my list for how he treated you." I reassured her, making her sigh with relief. We talked a little bit longer and she told me she would give my new number to Kristi because she kept harassing her for it. That will be a huge relief honestly, Kristi is my freaking cheerleader and I need her overdramatic antics to help me through this. After we hung up and said our goodbyes, I got out of the bath and went to get dressed. I walked towards the dresser, looking in the drawer as my hands shuffled through the dozens of thongs...looking for a normal pair of underwear..what the my ass has to have an eternal wedgie?! Great..I don't think I will ever be comfortable least not for the next two damn months. I quickly slipped on a black thong and heard a knock at the door, making my eyes widen as I grabbed a pair of black silk pajama shorts and a matching top and took the towel off of my head. I walked over, my eye lining up with the peephole as I saw a tall man with shoulder-length black hair standing outside. He was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt and was staring at the door. Should I answer it? What do I do? I quickly slid the chain lock onto the door, and then cracked it slightly, peeking at this stranger through the crack. "Hello? Can I help you?" I asked, soon being met with deep blue eyes and a slight smile as the man turned towards me. "Hello Bexley, I am Vince, your head of security. I just wanted to introduce myself officially before you headed to bed." He explained, and I couldn't help but blink in surprise..he used my name..I thought everyone was supposed to address me as Charlotte. I recognized the guy's name from earlier and the fact that he knew my real identity made me convinced enough that he was who he said he was. I slowly unlocked the door and opened it halfway. "It's nice to meet you, but you can call me Charlotte, it's okay." I said softly, watching as the tall man reached his hand out, prompting me to do the same as I shook it. His large hand engulfed my own, making me look down before glancing back up at his smirking face. "I think I prefer Bexley." He added smoothly, making me swallow hard. "I..I see.." I stuttered, feeling my cheeks warm as this guy continued to stare at me. "Is there..something wrong?" I blurted, pulling my hand from his and reaching up to brush a strand of hair from my face. "No, no problem at all. You really do look like her though.." He paused, his eyes boring into mine as I looked away shyly..okay, this guy was gorgeous too..maybe I just have an issue with handsome guys..geez. "I just wanted to introduce myself. We leave tomorrow to head to the hotel for the first event. Get some sleep tonight, and if you need anything at all, my number is in your phone." He explained before taking a step back and turning his head towards me once more. "Goodnight Bexley, sleep well." And then he went into the room right next to mine. I shut the door and just stood there staring at it...well that was the hell am I going to get through these next two months if I can't even handle one single conversation with a good-looking guy..geez, this might be a problem..seriously.
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