Chapter 7-Life of Luxury

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(Bexley) "Are you okay Miss?" Leonardo asked, ushering me toward the elevator as the sound of shouting grew quieter the further we walked inside. There were a few people standing around, their heads turning toward our direction as I nodded softly and stepped onto the elevator the moment it opened. "That was just a lot." I admitted, making Leonardo place his hand on my back in a comforting motion as he smiled at me warmly. "Don't worry, after today you will have a security team joining us the next time we go out." He explained, making me let out a long deep sigh as I tried to come to terms with my new reality. How has Charlotte been able to live like this? All of those questions and people getting into your personal freaking stressful. The doors of the elevator opened, prompting Leonardo to step off as he guided me toward the end of a hallway to a large door. He swiftly knocked twice, waiting next to me as the door clicked and was soon pulled open. "Well shit..she really does have a twin." A young woman with beautiful light brown skin and curly black hair laughed before smiling at me widely and stepped to the side, letting us into the room. "I have to admit..once Charlotte told me about this whole plan, I thought she was crazy..but seeing you now..I think this could actually work." She stated as she walked ahead, guiding us into the luxurious hotel room. Looking in front of me, I couldn't help but gasp as my eyes were drawn to the deep blue couches that sat in front of a beautiful glass coffee table that was in the middle of the room. A large black, blue, and white rug laid beneath it, covering up the white marble floor that was in every room. Large abstract paintings hung on the walls and beautiful vases filled with vlwhite rose bouquets were on every table. This place must cost a fortune to stay the night in..I have never seen something so extravagant. "Do you like it? This is usually where Charlotte stays..she is a regular so they know to get all of her favorite things like white roses and Dom Pèrignon champagne." She explained and all I could do was nod my head. "My name is Alysha by the way. I am a part of Charlotte's glam squad." She introduced herself and I dragged my eyes back to her, meeting her deep blue gaze. "It's nice to meet you." I responded politely, noticing her eyes now traveling up are down my body. "Well, let's see what we are working with..take the hat and glasses off please." She instructed me before crossing her arms and looking at me intently. I slowly reached up, doing what she asked as I took off the items and stood there awkwardly. "Leo, that will be all for now. Tell Vince she is here and we will be sending up the hair stylist in twenty." Alysha informed him casually while circling around me slowly. "How comfortable are you with nudity?" She asked, making my eyes widen as I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Not much I'm guessing by that reaction." She laughed, making me smile sheepishly as I shifted on my feet. "I've just never really done this type of stuff before.." I confessed lamely..obviously she knew that..but I felt like I needed to explain myself for some reason. "Well Darling, you better get used to thing Charlotte Miller has is confidence..that girl would wear her birthday suit on the red carpet if they asked her to." She laughed, making my eyes widen in I going to have to be naked for something? I wasn't prepared for this. "Don't worry, the worst will be a low-cut dress. Since we are doing interviews you shouldn't have to wear anything too glamorous until the first premier showing. Mr. Reed has picked out most of the items. " She reassured me as I nodded once again. The mention of Charlotte's soon to be Ex making me feel awkward. When would I meet him exactly? "But do you mind wearing your bra and underwear? I just need to see what we are working with..just think of it like wearing a swimsuit. You seem a little shorter than Charlotte so I just need to take a few measurements." Alysha explained and I just swallowed hard before biting my lip nervously. "Okay, do you want me to change in the bathroom...or?" I asked awkwardly. "Nah, here is fine." She said before walking over to a small table and grabbing a few things. I kicked off my shoes, feeling my stomach fill with nerves before reaching up and gripping the hem of my hoodie. I quickly pulled it off and then shimmied out of the leggings next. "Damn've got some curves on you." Alysha exclaimed, making me blush as it took everything in me not to hide my body with my hands. "I think we can pull off saying you are preparing for a new role and put on a little weight...I won't lie, people will probably spread the rumor that Charlotte Miller got a boob job, but that's not the worst thing to go around." She mumbled, bringing the measuring tape over before wrapping it around my waist. "And your hips..well, we can post a couple of videos on Insta of a few new workouts we can say you have been offense to Charlotte but it wouldn't hurt her skinny little ass to put on some weight if she ended up looking like this.." She whispered, making me laugh nervously as she continued taking my measurements. Charlotte has always watched her diet since we were kids..well maybe it was more of my mom doing it. Maybe she got it from her..but she hates anything fried or processed and works out religiously, she did in high school at least. I was always the "bigger" twin, my mom would say..which I felt like I was pretty normal..but compared to how thin Charlotte was I guess it was true. "Charlotte has planned out your meals for the next few weeks..and her personal trainer Brett will be coming with us on tour." Alysha informed me and I couldn't help but frown. "I have to go on a diet too?" I asked, already feeling like I would hate this more than anything. Yeah..I don't eat the healthiest..but I make sure to work out..occasionally..I'm healthy enough okay? "Tell me about it..your not the only one." She muttered while circling around me and taking the length of my arms now. "How tall are you?" She asked. "I'm 5'3." I tried to stand up a little taller..knowing Charlotte was at least 5'5. "Well, in heels no one should notice." She muttered while typing a few things down on her phone. "Okay, so I know you just got here..but we have a lot planned for today. Tori is going to put your hair extensions in while Renee will be doing your nails. We would usually go to the salon but considering everything I think it's best we do it here. I also set up a waxing appointment and they will be here this evening. Have you ever worn contacts before?" She asked me, my brain trying to process everything she just said. "Once for a Halloween costume." I informed her, watching as she went back towards the table and picked up something. "These are kind of like those. But you will need to wear them for every event and interview." She walked over, opening a small case with two green colored contacts in it, matching my sister's eye color almost perfectly. Wow, they seriously thought about everything..I guess I didn't even think about that part of things. "You should start getting used to them now just in case if your eyes are sensitive." She handed the box over to me and then went towards the door, opening it up and pulling out a silk robe from a small closet. "Here, you can put this on. Also, I will only be addressing you as Charlotte, we all will..just so there are no mix-ups and everything." She informed me and suddenly a knock on the door sounded, causing me to slip on the robe hastily as Alysha glanced towards the door quickly. "It must be Tori, wow, she is early for once." Alysha walked towards the door, pulling it open as I just stood awkwardly in the room, unsure of what to do. That's when I heard a deep male voice, causing me to freeze as a shiver suddenly trembled through me. "I came to see my wife." The man stated, and that's when curiosity got the best of me..I began to tiptoe toward the door, trying to see who this voice belonged to as it piqued my interest. That's when my eyes landed on the most gorgeous man I had ever seen in my life. He had chestnut brown hair, his eyes a deep green as they stared at Alysha intently. His cheeks were chiseled and his jaw sharp..he was tall and lean, his white dress shirt clung to his muscular arms and he had his hands tucked into his pockets, making him look effortlessly cool.. "Mr. Reed, Charlotte is not ready to see you yet, she just got here and is very tired..she needs her rest." Alysha lied, her voice firm and professional as she blocked the doorway with her body, hiding me from his view. Mr. this was Gage can he look even more handsome in person? "Cut the s**t Alysha..I want to make sure she isn't going to run away again and break our agreement." He hissed, his voice turning cold as my eyes widened slightly. This must be the real side of Gage that Charlotte was talking about. "She will be there and you will see her in two if you will excuse me, I have to get back to work." And with that, she shut the door in his face. I felt my back hit the wall, my heart beating rapidly as something inside of me felt strange..why were my cheeks warm and my body suddenly flush? What was wrong with me? I felt like my world had been flipped on its axis, unsure of what was happening to me as I bit my lip anxiously and tried to calm my racing heart. "Don't worry about him..he is just a conceited prick who only cares about himself..other than that, he is harmless." Alysha smiled broadly before stepping in front of me, causing me to jump. "Come on, let's get you in the chair." She motioned over toward a makeup chair in front of a large mirror and I followed behind her, feeling like my head was jumbled with confusion. So that was Gage sister's husband..well, soon-to-be ex-husband..I can see why they were together though..they looked perfect for one another. Charlotte being who she is, and this Gage guy being so handsome..too bad Charlotte says he is a real asshole..I just have to keep my guard time I see him will be in front of dozens of people so I have to act cool..I can't screw this up.
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