The Covens Convining

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"Marry what did you do?" the elder named Bob asked her with heavy disbelief in he voice. "I did nothing but kill a hybrid." she said with distain. Then looked down her nose at him. "I'm calling a meeting and you will be thrown out of the coven and never be able to find another one until you seek help or die. No one even new that that girl that hung on to you for four years was your child. Not only that you tried to kill her. then find out she lived with her dad and is alive and happy you show up and kill her wife." he said in low tones just to show how pissed off he was at her daughter. "This war is your doing isn't it. Most of us are fine and have no problems with hybrids. You need help so make your decision leave and not come back or die." he finished with a wave of his hand he summoned his guard. To only find a dagger in his chest. choking on his blood with hatred in his eyes the last thing he said was "I will see you in the seventh ring in hell."  Marry laughing like a hyena she kicked the body of the elder out of the way.  The guard moved to his knee with tears in his eye for killing the elder. "My guard what is your name?" she purred like a cat.  "Devon my lady." he responded with tears in his voice "Devon I have another task for you and that is deliver this piece of trash out so every one can see it." she indicated the body on the floor eyes open and glazed.  "Yes mam." he responded almost robotic like.     So he left dragging out the body that was murdered in cold blood. Hoping he can take the body to the burial ground. As he was dragging the body out to the center of the coven people seen who it was and wept. A bonfire was erected as a pyre. Songs of grief played the lights played in the sky as the sun was setting. the sky turned red as blood like someone took a paint brush and painted a line in the sky.  Only whispers started to form about Marry, about her daughter, and about the wedding that ended in blood and tears. Some of the whispers was wanting to get out and leave. To only find demons and the dead guarding the gates. A kid went to hug his father that was rumored to be dead to only had have the kid stabbed to death. Now screaming in rage and fear the coven realized they were in trouble.      With the mother holding her son with tears streaming down her face. one of the elders and older sons dragged her away from the dead and damned and back to safety.  Others watched  in fear of a fate similar, or even hate but everyone knew things are changing and not for the good.                                                                              Abaddon  "Tranquillizer her now!" I screamed to get demons moving as I swung my sword at her. To get her attention away from others.  "Sir we can't get close enough to hit her with one." one panic stricken demon said he then handed me the syringe.  "Deatheater look at me you spawn of Hell." I said in the most authoritative voice I could do, to demand her attention.  I approached her slowly when I got closer to her I seen that she was sitting in the blood of her wife. Her eyes had a human look to them. "Gemini do you under stand me?" I asked getting even closer  She just looked at the blood just looking at it not doing anything. That's when she screamed. A scream that  the whole room shook and I took my chance to tranquillizer her. as soon as I got the needle down and move to hit the plunger she back handed me. I went flying across the room, only to use some of my powers to menially push the plunger down. She took off into flight with murder in her eyes. with a clawed hand circling my neck the drug worked and she fell over asleep. Breathing a sigh of relief a cheer of victory was cried out.  "Sir we are going to have to cage her." Andy said to me. I growled not liking it but agreeing to it.  with a nod of my head the placed her in a cage.                                                                  Nebula Sunfeather  "What just happened?" I demanded when I just appeared in Hell again.  "My king let me assist you." a young demon said to me.  "You can tell me whats going on right now." I said in a surprising calm tone  "Sir your daughter was shot with a toxic combination of meatal and holy water. It doesn't look good right now we have her stable. This combination has a fifty, fifty chance of survival. Depending on how strong her will is. Also how much a fighter she is." The young demon said in a worried tone.  "Okay what can I do to help." I asked and she winced. I looked alarmed and her eyes went soft  "You cant do anything right now but to wait it out. My name is Tabitha." she gave me a weak smile and I fell hard for her. Thinking to my self damn she has a beautiful face.  "Okay but do you want to grab a cup of coffee with me or tea?" I asked with hope in my voice. mentally slapping my self.  she said yes and showed me to the cafeteria.  There I will wait till I can do something more.                                                                                                                                                             
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