
1093 Words
  Floating in nothingness allowing my mined to free its self. As I move my heavy limbs I feel like serpents are encircling me and as I try to move more they just get tighter. Fire is moving through my body with so much pain. I scream and scream but only nothingness answers back to me.  "What am I to do? Where am I now? Why is my back on fire? Why don't I die? Where is Lexi?" is all I can ask aloud. I struggle more and more to get out of the darkness that is suffocating me. I move my limbs thrashing to get the serpents off. The more I struggle the less I want to wake up. Knowing I need to go need to leave, need to get somewhere. I cant remember what needed to be done.  Did I hear a voice out side or was it my imagination.  "Don't fight it. It will be okay just relax into this." voice one said, but it was muffled like it was a long ways away. I have to fight this thing. The dark nothingness is here and I can not speak or yell or scream. I need out. "Damn it she's fighting it. Where is the tranquillizer she needs another does." the second voice said. the voices are coming closer.  Why do I need the tranquillizer. What is going on. I keep yelling this as my body slams down with more weight on me. Flinging my arm out and thrashing to get this weight off of me trying to break free. I cant let this happen I am trapped. And with that thought all hell breaks loose                                                          Doctor Holly "Some one get in here she is going nuts!" I yelled into the hall way  "Got the tranquillizer loaded and ready." Nurse Maddy said as she approached the subject  "Steady Maddy, steady." I said as Maddy got closer and the straps on me started to fail she put the needle into the subjects skin only to have the subject f*****g levitate off the gurney. The straps snapped off. As I grabbed Maddy and we both slowly left the room. the subject started to glow a dark evil glow. something that I have never seen in my career. Shaking I called my supervisor to tell him what the subject is doing and that we can not continue to care for her.  "Holly don't worry on that just stay safe I will contact her father just do what you can do." He said even with his tired tone.  We shut and locked the door from the outside. Hoping that the subject stays in there. Even with this bad feeling I have I try to move anyone that can to get off of this floor to do so.  A few minutes go by and im the only one on this floor now and seeing the subjects father running down the hall.  I just pointed to the door and ran for my life to get out of there.                                                                          Abaddon  Answering the phone, "Yes this is Abaddon. What is it?"  "Sir your daughter is about to go crazy my staff can not care for her when she is like this. come and get her to calm down or get her out of here." the director of the hospital said then hung up.  several minutes later I knowticed a young doctor sitting in the hall scared out of her mind and with a worried look just pointed at the door. when I turnd around she ran out.  I sighed and turned the door and seen that Gem was levitating off of the gurney and glowing. "Well that's not good." I said and looked at my bodygaurd,  "do you wanna help me with moving her out side if we have time?"   He just grimace and replied "Do I have to? I mean her mother killed her wife when everyone knows that Gem can destroy things with just her mind. I mean who would want the death eater side to come out of her. Honestly I think that we should just let her destroy her mom and anyone that is allied with her and justice will be served." Shaking my head knowing he has a point. " Go open the window and lets pusher out side then I will awake her." I said as he moved to the window.  Just as they were pushing Gem out side the window Nebula came around the corner. What on earth is going on here?" he asked  "What does it look like. king of the fairies trying to get the damn hell beast out of the room so she doesn't blow this hospital to shreds." My bodyguard said in a dry tone. Laughing I look at Nebula and nodded and finished pushing her out of the hospital room. as soon as I did that saying a few words She snapped her eyes open. Then she blinked out of sight.  "Nebula how is your day going and how is Lexi doing?" I asked as his face looked like it was going to fall off. "You realize she is going to go on a killing rampage, right?" he said being dumb founded.  "If everything goes right the b***h that was stupid enough to unleash her death eater form will die from her stupidity." After saying that he walked out of the room with out a care in the world.  "What is up with your bodyguard he seems in a good mood" commented Nebula looking at me with wonder. "Yep I lost a bet and now I have to set  Gem free to seek revenge for what has happened. Lets just hope she kills all of the traitors that helped. In her mind it wont matter who did what. If that person was under a spell or what not. Her mother wont see the end of the week."  I said  and walked away wondering if I did the best thing.                                                                                  Nebula  "How is my daughter doing today?" I asked the nurse. she looked up at me and shook her head  "She has declined today like she is loosing her battle with the poison," she said and went back to her paperwork.  Placing fresh flowers in her vase near the window and seeing new growth of vines and roses with the smell of lavender.  I also noticed that her bed transformed into the softest grass I have ever seen. By the "goddess she is your chosen vessel!" I exclaimed in a whisper. then sat down in the seat abruptly. 
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