The release of a demon

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                                                                                            Lexi  Its hours away from the wedding and plans are going as planned. even though I didn't realized how big the wedding was going to be. Gem wont be happy but I think because she knew I wanted a big wedding that she let our fathers plan it. For that I am truly happy. Knowing that she has wanted to give me anything I wanted on this day. I even got her to were a pink and white dress as I'm wearing a silver and red dress. the though of her in pink and white got me to laugh.  "Lexi?" my mom Zena came in.  "MOM! You made it I didn't think you would with the war going on." I said and hugged her.  "You know I would not miss this for the world." she said as she slipped a flower crown on my head.  With a small smile she opened the door and walked me to meet up with my dad. I looped my hand through his arm. the symphony stated the wedding march. The doves took flight and the owls hooted. The flowers and vines blossomed at once to release the multicolor petals that had white red and black with pink splashes here and there. there are silver banners that healed my fathers crest and banners that is sliver and black that healed my father in-law's crest. The court room became filled with life as the tree of life bloomed the biggest flowers of life in history. The closer we got to the pedestal I realized Gem wasn't waiting like she planned but in another hall waiting on her turn to walk down the isle. with the thought of her in pink had me in a fit of giggles. my father looked at me with a question. I leaned in and told him to wait to see what Gem is wearing.  as if on que when I was at the end of the isle I turned to see  Gem getting ready to open the doors.,                                          Gem  "Dad would you quit laughing I know this princess gown I'm wearing is bad and not my style.." I growled  that just made him laugh harder. "How in the Gods did she talk you into wearing a pink and white princess gown?" he asked between fits of giggles. "Honestly I wanted to do something out of the ordinary for her. I love the sparkle in her eyes when I told her fine ill wear a dress she picked out." I said with a tone that had him stop laughing.  "Gem before your mom went crazy I did love her at one time, but she was asking me to do something I could not do. and that was not going to happen, because of that she wants you dead and everything that could remind her of you. I only wish I could of been there when she delivered you so I just could of takin you home." He said and hugged me I hugged him back. I let go when I heard the wedding march for the fairies began. "Its almost time ." I said nervously. when we heard the demon wedding march beginning . The first thing I noticed when I opened the door was that Lexi was waiting with baited breath for me to walk down the isle. Goddess she is beautiful with every ounce of my life force and power she is mine and I will keep it that way. I didn't care on how big the wedding was or how many people were there just the fact that she was there.      It seemed like it took years to reach the stairs leading to the pedestal where she is standing. Her eyes were shiny with laughter and joy that I am wearing the dress that she picked out. loving that look I took a her hand and kissed it gently.  "We gather here to wed this couple together. Lexi Sunfeather and Gemini Deatheater in forever matrimony.  Now Gemini has made some vows that she would like to read." The preacher said  and let me have the floor. Lexi my love, my life forever and always. You will never doubt me on anything I will always be there. you are my life. My reason for living.. You are my sunlight, you bring me joy in my darkest of thoughts. You are always there. I may be a little possessive or even crazy. But you will always have my heart body and soul." I said and then I grabbed her hand to open it and placed a sapphire stone heart in her palm. she gasped and my father and her father all took a step back in shock.,  "Gem this has your human soul in this." she said in a shocked tone that held tears. "I will accept it and protect it with all of my life force and power. For this is the ultimate thing any lover can give anther." she said then letting tears drop on the sapphire stone she made into a necklace to place around her neck. we exchanged vows in demon speech and fey speech to make it official in both lands.  "Now you may kiss the bride." The preacher said. then we kissed and turned down the isle to walk to our room.      About half way down the isle the door opened to reveal  a witch and demon working together.  the demon that r***d me and tried to kill me when I was about ten and My mom was holding Lexi's mom's head in her hands. I moved in front of Lexi when a shot rang out and I felt like my heart was in pain and I was on fire. I looked down I had no blood on me. I turned to look at Lexi and her fallen body on the white cloth that served our isle. The blood pooled around her like bloodied angle wings. and felt something in me shift. My dad must of felt it as he teleported everyone out of the court room and Lexi to the hospital in Hell and her father. Preparing to fight me as my wings sprang from my body. my human form now lost to the change. my eyes bleed to black with a ring of red around them. When my skin turned to a red white mottling color with streaks of black. My dad backed away from me then and only then did my mother and my attacker realize the danger that they are in. she took out her gun that has sliver and led to shoot me. As she started to aim down her gun I Screamed and then in a deep powerful voice that shook the whole court yard and realms beyond, "You harmed my wife and killed her you and yours will no longer be safe from my wrath. For you want a war with me I will give you a war an you will die painfully and slowly until I'm done having fun. the children of the coven will suffer this fate along with any one that is allied to you." then I lunged at her and gripped her neck and started to squeeze only then she exscaped my by teleporting out of my grasp. I screamed my rage as the sky blead red as it set and only a demon that is wakened to kill any one who gets in my way.                           
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