Surprise attack

1020 Words
The king and Lexi were having a discussion on what to do. As I walked up to them, they both started talking at  once. I held up my hand they silenced at once. "My mother Marry from a dark coven called the Celestials she has been over the years erriaticating many hybrids. she also has been capturing demons and fairies alike to drain them of their power and life force. She also has been very ill. some of the coven has came up to me in the past years how they want me back and for my mom to be cast out. At that time I thought they were lying and wanted to kill me. The fact that my mom has openly declared war on three fractions. I look at my scroll in hand and open it. Demons from Hell, Fey Hill as a whole means dark fey as well, and light witch covens. As you know she attacked at your court on your grounds my king." I said with full respect but my eyes glittered with anger making my eyes go pure black. Lexi came down and kissed me deep and hard to get my eyes back to normal. When she pulled back I gave the fey king my scroll to show him everything.  "She can not get into my realm." My father said as he entered the meeting room.  "I need to be excused my lord I must sharpen my blades" I said in a low voice that shook. He looked up at me in shock I think but Lexi said. " her mother attacked me at my home we both know that if something happens it will not be good. I need to calm her down before she transforms into pure demon." "Very well go your father has a lot to talk about. Between the war and the wedding there is a lot of planning." he said and turned back to the fey king ," Don't you agree my friend?"  "Yes I do both of you go  Abaddon and I have a lot to talk about." Nebula Sunfeather. said in a worried but serious tone.                                                 The kings chat  "What do you think on the status. Of this war will it come to this after 300 years of peace my father passed as we signed a treaty so no other war could devastate our people." Nebula stated with worry in his tone.  "I think so I sent out assassins to keep watch on the clan, and to not to make a move with out me knowing the next step. the other thing is that we have answers on why so many have either gone missing or gotten hurt like your daughter Ava. Some of your kin doesn't know how to fight but can heal." Abaddon said in a concerned tone.  "Yes that is true and a lot of my children are hybrids I don't think I have pure blood kid. non the less you and I are the main ones that have half breeds. So how many has she killed or even captured and If I can let my people come here to Hell as a safe haven. "Yes my old friend, now that the war discussion is out of the way lets talk about this wedding between our daughters." Abaddon said with a twinkle in his eye.  "I was thinking on having it at my court with Lexi riding an unicorn down the Isle. With rose petals the colors of black red and silver. I want a songs of our dyads and every one dark and light courts to attend.  "That's great you handle the decorations and yes we will have it at your court in your kingdom for it is Gem that is marrying your daughter. By  all rights you will be hosting. Humans will be attending and so will witches and all of the demons as well. We will have close to a thousand of  guests. anything you need let me know. If I can provide I will." Abaddon said with an excited light in his eyes he and Nebula not just created a treaty in peace and an alliance with the war, but also fathers excited to see their daughters wedding.                                                                          Lexi  "Gem you need to calm down." I growled at her "No I will not calm down that b***h tried to kill you!" She yelled back  "I know but you know that I am trained in the combat arts of the fey and demons. You made sure I know how to defend my self." I replied in a soft tone to try to keep her from exploding every one around her.  "Lexi, if anything happens to you I wont be human I will go full demon and I will not return till your soul returns me." She said as she was backing me up into the wall then with glittering black and red eyes she leaned down to my ear and whispered " I will not stop killing until I find the one responsible for taking you away from me. I will not rest till the life he took has been paid back ten fold."  Damn this would be scary to others but for me knowing she cares that much for me and loves me that much. with this air of danger and death on the line its a huge turn on. so I moved and kissed her hard with full of passion and strength. Preying that nothing will ever separate us. And if something does god rest their soul if she is on the hunt.     Moving from the kiss "Gem can we get out of the hall way and go somewhere privet?" I asked and just like a snap of her fingers we were in her aprartment. and undressed. Breathy I purred "sometimes your powers are scary and thilling at once."  that's was the only thing I go out as her mouth enclosed my n****e and sucked it hard. grabbing her hair and pulling hard with moans leaving my mouth. Nothing in my life will ever come close to this pure bliss. 
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