Chapter Two

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Beryl's Pov He is my mate!!!! Darn, I just kept getting more bad luck upon bad luck. First I lost my family, now I have a killer as my mate and the most interesting part was that all these remarkable activities were taking place on a remarkable day. The night of the full moon, though also held sad memories for me... memories of the night I lost my family, but meeting my mate on this same day was interesting news "Damn, mate!." I heard him mutter and that sent butterflies in my stomach and chills down my spine at the same time. I knew the color had rushed into my cheeks, gosh... I must be as red as a tomato. "The wolf assassin!!." Luna screamed in fright. This is the reason I hate her!! Always acting like a weakling... I'm no different anyway. We were both omega's but her weakness was just way over the top. "What's your name?." He asked in a hoarse and deep voice that made my heart skip a beat. "Berly... My name is Berly Dark-fangs." I started trying my best to keep my cool but deep down my wolf was rejoicing, howling, and dancing around happily at the sight of meeting her mate. "You're coming with me." He ordered not even sparing Luna a glance. That's it!!! I always thought the moment when mates meet for the first time was so memorable but if this was memorable then please spare me that. "I believe you know that the Luna of this pack is standing right here." She finally said, trying to stress her authority. "Shut up." We retorted in jinx. As our words collided, he stared up at me with a dark glower but somehow I wasn't frightened. "If I'm coming with you then you need to come and see my parents first," I explained and he shrugged. "I won't do that!." He affirmed and my words got choked in my throat. What did he mean by he wouldn't do that? Was he expecting me to just follow him like a doll back to his pack without letting my parents know that I was leaving? I'm not a toy!! "You have to!." I said and crossed my hands in a challenging manner. Even if he was called the wolf assassin, he sure wasn't as grim as he was portrayed to be. I mean, this handsome, tall young man standing in front of me couldn't be a cold-blooded murderer or could he? I don't know what prompted me to turn but as I did, I realized that Luna wasn't there any longer. It's because of people like that Omega's were looked down on. "Alpha, Beta, Gamma, or Omega lineage?." He asked with his head held high and his chest out. "Omega," I replied and he scoffed. Okay, now I'm beginning to hate him. Why would he scoff like omega's weren't also an important breed? Yes, it's easy for others to admit that we were less important but each omega was strong in his or her way and that's why I loved my breed. "The sooner I get to my parents, the sooner we leave." I had barely finished that statement when I felt something sting me on my neck and darkness slowly clouded my eyes. I was awoken by the rays of light that hit my eyelids the moment I got back to consciousness. I fluttered my eyelashes for a few seconds till my eyes got accustomed to the light in the room, and then I surveyed my surroundings. The first thing I noticed was that whatever I was lying on was damn too cold for me. I looked down to realize that I had slept on the hard cold floor inside of a....... Dungeon? What did I do to deserve being in a dungeon? The last thing I remembered was arguing with my mate and then blackout. Now speaking of my mate, is he not supposed to be the first person I see when I wake.. I tried reaching out to my wolf to see if she was at least aware of what had transpired all the while my human body fainted but for some weird reason, she shut me out. What was going on? I felt very weak and dejected. Just then a strong savor that smelled strangely familiar hit my nostrils and even if I hadn't perceived it before, I knew he was approaching. I tried standing and then I realized that both my legs and hands were bound in chains. Okay, what is the meaning of this? "I made the rejection pain easier for you by doing it when you were unconscious." I heard him say... Him!! The wolf assassin… Aiden King. Now I understood the reason why I felt so weak and dejected and why I couldn't reach out to my wolf. The rejection!! "Why?." I questioned as my voice cracked immediately, tears brimming in my eyes. "Accepting or rejecting a mate is a thing of choice, I've made mine but unfortunately it wasn't in your favor." Confusion and curiosity flooded in my head as I tried to process what he just said. "If you knew you were going to reject me, why didn't you just abandon me in my pack?." I asked because nothing was making sense to me. Yes, I've heard of the "Wolf's Assassin's" hatred for Omega but that isn't enough reason why they should be treating us like the dogs we are and I hate it. "Listen, just because I am an omega does not mean that you have the right to act hostile towards me, at least I still have a say in what goes on in my life." I protested using the back of my palm to wipe off the tears that clung to my eyes. "Alpha, there's something you need to deal With now." I heard someone's voice call from behind and I peered at the person. "Sorry, I didn't know you were here, Luna." He answered and bowed in respect. "Who's your Luna?." We both asked in Jinx.
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