Thirty three. Lillianne gets help. ☆~☆~☆~☆~☆

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Lillianne I didn't have anywhere else to go, I was petrified. I mean, I knew no one would ever believe me over a powerful man like Powell. I saw no other option. I had to call Brandon. After the way I had cheated on him and refused to help him when he fell, I fully expected him to say no. When I called, I spoke to the very nice mother of Delilah. Georgia promised to send help. I had to find an emergency dentist. I was keeping cotton in my mouth to stop the blood oozing out. The doctor wouldn't believe that I had fallen. I refused to tell the real story. He gave me a shot of Demerol for the pain. ********** Antonio I met my sweet Delilah at the hospital. She was standing by herself wearing a long white wool coat. She was as lovely as ever. She saw me pull up. I drove the Mercedes, it was fast. " Delilah, I made it." I kissed each of her cheeks, the european way, but truthfully I needed to taste her somehow. She smiled brightly at me. " Aren't you going to call me Bella," she asked, tilting her head to the side. I shook my head."Brandon is trusting me with you, I won't let him down. He's been through so much." Delilah nodded. "He made me promise not to fall back in love with you. I told him I never fell out of love with you." She said looking down. I was warmed by her words. Pulling a strand of hair from her face, I said, "I screwed that up, didn't I?" " Listen, we can always care about each other. Even if we can't go back to what we had. Damn you are beautiful Bella."I kissed her hand slowly. She straightened. "You are right. I will always love you Antonio. I can't be with you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hurt him. Brandon needs me. We are going to try to be a family. I'm pregnant again." Antonio looked at my flat belly. "You look as good as ever love." He touched my belly intimately. She put her hand over mine. We both thought about what would have happened if we had stayed together. It would be my baby that she carried. " Okay enough with the chit chat. Let's go find Lillianne," I said, side hugging her. "I have to get back to my lovely wife. She is angry I left without her." " I bet." Delilah smiled and turned red. ********** Delilah I went to the nurses station. "Hello, I'm looking for"..... Lillianne saw me and came forward. "Where's Brandon," she interrupted. I saw how badly she had been hurt. "Powell did this to you, why?" I asked stunned. Antonio knew what to do. He put his arm around Lilli. "Darling let's get you out of here." He said effortlessly. She looked at him now. "Oh, thank you, and you are?" He kissed her hand, turning on the charm, I couldn't love him more. " Antonio Valentino. I work for Delilah. I am her right hand...uh right hand? What's the rest Bella?" I smiled and touched his shoulder. "Man, Antonio. Right hand man." " Ah, yes I am her man." I hit him. "You are a gigolo." Lillianne said," Really?" He nodded. "I may have dabbled." He winked at her. I liked the way he put her at ease. We got into my car, and drove to a hotel. Antonio paid for a room for Lilli. He got a suite for himself and I. I sat with Lillianne and tried to phone a dentist for her. Lillianne was in a lot of pain now. Antonio made one call. He spoke Italian over the phone. " Okay we leave in 20 minutes." He told us, just like that. I put my hands up. "How did you get her in to see a dentist at this late hour?" He smiled. "I might have gotten his daughter a small role on a soap opera a long time ago." Lillianne held a tissue to her face. She leaned on me. "Thank you for coming. I....well I have never been nice to you. I am sorry for that." I spoke softly to this poor girl. "There must be something special in you for my husband to fall in love with you. I mean, other than the obvious good looks." Antonio opened the car door for Lillianne. He buckled her seat belt. She put her head down and cried. She had felt so alone after Powell had hurt her. I texted Brandon. We got her in to see a dentist tonight. Antonio had a connection. She looks pretty bad. She is asking about you. Can you call her? Lillianne's phone rang. She saw it was Brandon. She didn't answer it. I said. "Just answer it, he wants to talk to you." I got out of the car as Antonio had parked in the dentist parking lot. ******** Lillianne I nodded. "Brandon. Your daddy, he went crazy. I was in my room." I said. He asked me," Did he catch you on- line doing your show?" " Yes, he didn't like it." " I'm so sorry. I hope my mother is doing okay. Did he say anything about her?" He worried. I caught my breath in a small gasp, I couldn't tell him what she knew, so I lied to him. "Uh, no. I'm sure she was sleeping." Brandon had tried to call Powell, he didn't answer. I said," I have to go. They are calling for me." I held my hand over my mouth, hiding my broken teeth. " I still love you." I admitted. " We had something very special, didn't we?" Brandon said, "I have changed. I want the best for you, but I am stuck on my wife and children." "Children? Delilah is pregnant again? How did that happen?" He smiled. "The normal way." I said," I am happy for you both. Maybe, I will try to be happy too." Delilah motioned for me to come into the office. I said," Your beautiful wife is calling me. Good night. I love you Brandon." He said," Love you too. " He didn't mean to say that. He just automatically said it. ******** Delilah I heard him tell his ex lover that he loved her, I felt quite stung. I was feeling so conflicted about it. I wanted to call him out, but I would not make a big deal out of it, for now. My phone rang as Lillianne was checking in with the dentist. It was Brandon. "Hey, she sounded bad. I am worried about my mother. I heard she is with my dad"....he trailed off. I was quiet. " I love you my wife. I don't see what I ever saw in Lillianne anymore. Truth be told, I feel sick just thinking about how she manipulated me." He paused. He worried that she was being sucked back in by Antonio's charm. " Please don't sleep with Antonio, my beautiful wife.. Promise me you will lock your door tonight. I will be thinking about this all night." I said, "Brandon, I chose you. I will never lie to you. Antonio and I have agreed to a kinship. He won't let you down." Brandon hung up. He had a horrible feeling about her being alone with Antonio. He met him, and he had actually liked him. ******** Brandon I went to Georia to talk to her about everything, I needed to be there, somehow. ********* Delilah Lillianne had surgery. The dentist was able to remove the roots where the teeth had broken off and gave her some pain mediction. I held her in the back seat of the car. She was very loopy. When we got to the hotel, Antonio helped Lillianne to her room. I gave her more pain medicine. I texted Brandon where we were staying and told him goodnight. "Kiss Sam for me." He said he would. I felt icy towards him, thinking about him telling Lillianne he still loved her. Antonio took me to our suite. He poured me a cold glass of water. We talked into the night. He really wanted to take me to his bed, I could feel his hot eyes on me. ********* Antonio Around 3am there was a loud knock on the door. I got up from the warm bed. Brandon sat there in his wheelchair. He looked frantic. Brandon swung the door open. " I'm sorry. I just....I guess I'm so worried that my wife is in your bed." He slowly wheeled into the bedroom. I smiled and offered Brandon a drink. "Let's talk, since you have woken me from my precious sleep," I said. Brandon nodded. "Where is she?" He asked. "Your very loyal wife is sleeping with Lillianne to watch over her and help her. They are in the room next door, ironic isn't it?" Brandon sighed. "I got a cab, it took me hours to get here. I'm so relieved. Mind if we just go to bed?" "Not at all. Brandon, do you need help?" Brandon nodded. " I'm feeling real bad. I left my medicine at home. If I have a seizure, keep Lilah girl away from me, promise?" I lifted Brandon onto the bed, then lay down beside him. I put my hand on Brandon's arm. "I got you. I won't let you down." I would watch him throughout the night, incase he had a seizure.
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