Thirty two. Powell is dangerous.

1465 Words
Lillianne I was home doing my online thing. Powell came busting in on me. He knocked over my phone and halo light. He was very drunk. I excused myself and told my fans I would be back after my drunk daddy left. I shut off her camera and put on my silky robe. I pressed the audio record button. Powell pointed his finger at me. " Where the hell have you been?" He sneered. I touched his arm. He slapped me across the face. " You sell your body online?" " I knew you were a gold digger, I did not know you were also a whore." I held my face where he had hit me. "Milly get on your nerves tonight. What did you do, leave her outside to find Brandon?" I said sarcastically. He grew quiet. "I put a bullet in her head. She begged me to do it." He was serious. I asked him then, " Where did you bury her Powell?" He closed his eyes. "The garden." I picked up my phone and turned off the audio recording. I had just recorded his comments. I would keep that for insurance. Powell turned and sat down. He was dizzy. " Powell, get out of my house!" He quickly stood in front of me now. "b***h wife, don't talk to me like that you frigid, cold cheating, ugly bitch." I said," I'm not your wife. You're out of your mind you old fool." Powell shot forward and choked me. He used both of his hands and squeezed. I had been through this before, with other men. I fumbled for my purse, reaching in and pulling out a knife. I shoved the knife into his shoulder, as he fought to choke me. He let go and stumbled back. I ran to my room. I pulled out a small handgun. "Leave or I will kill you," I screamed. Powell walked towards me. He saw the gun and shook his head. "You are not shooting me. I hold all the money." I smiled. "Okay, let's just end all this now. You go home and sleep it off and call me tomorrow. I don't have a beef with you." He nodded. I put the gun down. He turned and ran at me. I raised the gun and pulled the trigger. It fired into the wall. Powell punched me in the face. He knocked my two front teeth out. I fell back onto the bed. He ripped my robe off and grabbed me between the legs. "I own you w***e, you do not show yourself to other men. I will kill you." I was scared. I just nodded. "Yes daddy. I will be good." Blood spilled down my chin. He looked at me then. He saw what he had done to my pretty face. He lost control. He stepped back, turning and running out the door. I grabbed a bag and shoved my clothes into it. I took all of the money I had hidden in my drawer. I watched him drive away, then made a run for it. I wouldn't stay. He had lost his mind. Powell drove over the curb. He crashed into the garage door. The security light came on. He stumbled into the house and fell to the floor. He finally passed out. He was blackout drunk. ********* Oregon.... Delilah I welcomed mother home. I made a nice dinner and a chocolate cake. Brandon licked the frosting spoon. I filled Geogia in on Powell's pursuit of conservatorship of Brandon. Georgia tried to call Powell. He didn't answer. "We can we work all of this out Powell, please call me back," she said in a voice mail. Sam spent time with grandma as Brandon and I left to do the nightly chores. I jumped him in the barn. I pulled him out of the wheel chair. He stood up for a moment before crashing down into the soft hay. He laughed. "Did you see that Delilah, I stood up." I lay on top of him and kissed him warmly. He rolled me over beside him as he touched my tummy. " We don't want to squish the baby." He smiled, eyes twinkling. I removed my jeans, then unbuttoned his. He took them off with my help. He was in a rush now. He let me straddle him. I touched his flesh. Brandon sucked in his breath."That feels good." He said. I stared at him. "Really?" He opened his eyes surprised. "Hey uh, there Delilah. I can feel my little Brandon." He giggled. I loved on him a little. He held my head as I kissed him. Brandon arched his back. I licked his belly. He yelled out. "Whoo- hoo.I can feel everything, well not my legs yet." he added. He kissed me with his tongue and made me ready for him. We made sensual love in the barn tonight. After we were finished I left him there to feed the cattle and the hens. I did it all naked. He sat back chewing on some straw. He watched my every move. "This is the life I always dreamed of Lilah girl." I threw his shirt to him. Let's hit it hubby. We gotta go put our boy to bed." He pulled me back down to him. "Just a minute longer." He said. " I love seeing you moving in the nude. You are so lovely my bride. I can't seem to get enough of you. Now tell me you love me." He said. I pulled him up to a sitting position. "I love you my sexy man. I want you, I need you. You are my everything." He put his arms around my neck, I lifted him up enough for him to pull himself into the chair. It was something we had been working on so Brandon could get up and down off of the floor by himself. He was so close. I held the door open for him. He wheeled outside. I brushed the hay off of his back. "After we tuck the baby in, we should take a hot shower." I said. Brandon raised his brows. "Together?" I nodded." I just want to be naked with you all of the time." He wheeled up the ramp Adam had built for him. He was quick to the screen door and held it open for me. "After you mama." I bowed. "Why thank you daddy." Georgia was on the phone. She was looking pale. She said, "Please stay right where you are. Delilah will come get you." She hung up the phone. "That was Lillianne. Your daddy beat her up, Brandon. She is at the hospital in California. He knocked her teeth out. You both have to go get her, please. I will take care of Sam." I went to get a bag for me and Brandon. He shook his head. "I'm not going." I asked," Why?" He said. "It might be another lie to get me home. Then, they will lock me away. I can't trust her. She lied to me too many times before." I agreed. "I'm calling Antonio to meet me there. I can't go alone." Brandon nodded. "I trust you my love. He's a good guy. Just don't break my heart." " Never. Besides he's married now. It will be fine. I trust him, mostly." Brandon took my phone, he called Antonio. " Bella, how are you my love?" He said. Brandon frowned." It's Bella's husband Brandon. Please don't call my wife your love. It makes me feel very jealous." Antonio was shocked." What's wrong, is she hurt? why are you calling me?" Brandon smiled."My ex fiance needs you. Delilah is going to California to pick her up at the hospital. Can you meet her and go with her. I'm trusting you with my wife here." Antonio said quietly,"I think it's pretty clear that I would do anything for your wife." Brandon thanked him. I was ready to go. " Take care, be careful. Don't fall back in love with Antonio please. Promise me Delilah." I kissed him and said goodbye to mother. " I promise. I will be back as soon as I can." Brandon rode his wheel chair outside after me. " If you fall back in love with him again, it will kill me. Please love. I need you. Promise me Delilah." I looked down. "I never stopped loving him. But he chose another woman as his wife. I chose you my love. I fought for you. You are my choice." Brandon hated to hear that part about still loving Antonio. He knew he pushed me into Antonio's arms by being unfaithful. He waved as I took his whole heart with me. I held it in my hands.
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