Thirty four. Brandon confronts his father. •~•~•~

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Delilah I sure didn't get much sleep. Lillianne was trying to get up. She was having night terrors. I saw the horror on her face. "Don't let him get me Delilah, please." I held her close and kept her safe. When the drugs finally wore off, Lillianne settled down to sleep. Antonio knocked gently on my door. "Hey, let's get some coffee in my room." He whispered. I snuck out, leaving Lillianne to sleep. Antonio opened the door to his room. " Oh, could you run into the bedroom and grab my phone. I'll start the coffee." He grinned. I saw my husband sleeping there in Antonio's bed. I fell into bed and snuggled up to him. He pulled me close. " Mmm, morning. How did you sleep?" He said, yawning. " Horribly, Lillianne kept having night terrors. She was a mess, how did you get here?" " I was freaking out, your mom told me to come. She took Sam and told me to call a cab." Brandon grinned. " I slept here, Antonio was a perfect gentleman, he didn't even snore." I grabbed his chin. "I heard you tell Lillianne that you loved her on the phone yesterday. I was going crazy. All this time you had eyes on my ex- boy"... He kissed me, shutting me up. "I didn't mean to say that to her. It just came out. I surely didn't mean for you to hear me say that." I straddled him."You didn't mean for me to hear that! You take it back!" I pinched his n****e. Brandon started to laugh. His leg lifted up, I felt it. I pinched him again. "Owe!" His leg lifted up, I smiled. Brandon said. "Pinch me again and you will regret it." I pinched him again. He swung me around and lay on top of me, kissing me. I grabbed his leg. He froze."I felt that. I felt you." He smiled, tearful. I held his face and wiped his eyes. He closed them and swallowed hard. I was a little worried. " Brandon, if you start walking again, I'm feeling scared. What if you decide you want to walk away from us." Brandon laughed. "Look at us. We are both so afraid of losing eachother. I'd rather never gain my legs back if it would please you." I shook my head." Never say that. I want you whole. I am just a pregnant fool. Brandon, I'm so glad you came." Antonio knocked on the door. " Uh, are you too decent?" We said, " No, go away." and laughed. Antonio said. "I'm sorry but Lillianne is here. She needs you Delilah." I jumped up and got Brandon's wheel chair for him. We came out of the bedroom, united. Lillianne was sitting there. Brandon saw the damage his father had done to her. He wheeled to her. "We need to call the frigging cops." He took her onto his lap and held her. She cried. "I cant." I said,"You need to. He's dangerous." Brandon had a fleeting thought of hurting me once. He handed Lillianne to Antonio. He put his hand out to his me. "You never called the police on me, you should have." I shook my head. "I started that fight. I hurt you too." Lillianne was quiet. Then she said. "I stabbed him in the shoulder. I pulled my illegal gun on him." Antonio whistled. "So much violence." Antonio took my hand. "I wanted to kill you Brandon when I found out about what you did. But, I had just recovered from my heart attack." I looked at Brandon. "I didn't mean to tell him, it just came out. I'm sorry." Lillianne said,"Well, Brandon told me, so you are even." She covered her mouth. She had four teeth missing from the front. " I didn't know that you had a heart attack, I wouldn't have let you pick me up off of the floor when Lillianne walked out on me." Brandon said. Antonio looked at me. " Thanks to your wife, I am fine. She did CPR on me. I owe her my whole life." He kissed my fingers. Brandon removed Antonio's hand. " That's enough Italian Romeo. I was just starting to like you too." Lillianne wanted to tell Brandon about his mother. She just couldn't do it. She didn't want to hurt him any more. We all cleaned up and went out to eat. Lillianne wore a face mask over her face to hide her missing teeth. Brandon got a phone call. It was Powell. "Son, I need you to come to the house, it's your mother. She needs you." He hung up before Brandon could say anything else. I asked him what was wrong. ******* Brandon I didn't want to take my wife to my father's house, I would ask Antonio to go with me, privately. I shrugged, lying." He wants me to call him later, about my mother." After Antonio paid for breakfast, I pulled him aside. "I need you to drive me home, to my father's home that is. It's about my mother. He said she needed me. I don't want Delilah to be around him." Antonio agreed. "Delilah, can you get Lillianne to the dentist this afternoon. I need to meet up with my wife. I was hoping you would come with me. If she sees this handsome guy, she can't be too mad at me for leaving yesterday." He grinned. I nodded. " Sure I'll go, but I'm driving!" I joked. Delilah felt odd, something was up with these two. She kissed me hard. "Be careful please." I nodded. " I will protect Antonio from his angry wife." Us men drove off to Powell's home. Antonio opened my door and pulled my wheel chair out for me. I slid over into the seat. I could push myself with my working foot now. Antonio let me wheel himself, impressed. Powell opened the door. He was surprised to see my friend. " Son, your mother. She decided to go back to France. She couldn't handle seeing Lillianne the other day." He smiled. I saw that he had a bulky bandage on his right shoulder. He also had scratches on his hands and face. I said,"You could have told me all that on the phone dad." I was mad. Antonio said he would wait in the hallway by the door. I nodded. I wanted to confront my father about Lillianne. " Dad, Lillianne called me. I saw her. She looks horrible. Her teeth are missing in the front, what the hell did you do to her?" " What did she say son?" He asked. " She said you beat the s**t out of her. You were drunk. You caught her doing her show and got angry." I yelled. Powell nodded. "Did she tell you she stabbed me in the shoulder? She pulled a gun on me. Damn whore." I was so angry now. I yelled. "No wonder mom left, you are out of control. I'm so frickin screwed up by you. I now know where I get it from. All my life, cheating on the women I love, just like you. Dad you are trying to have me placed under a conservativeship. I'm your son damn it!" Powell grabbed my shoulder. "Shut up. You invalid. That wife of yours doesn't deserve a cripple like you. She just feels sorry for you. How could she ever love a no good cheater like you. You couldn't even pass the bar, I had your career all lined up for you!" I heard enough. I turned to leave. As I wheel away from my father, the stress of the fight sent me into a seizure. I called for Antonio. " Anto...nio..!" I fell to the floor. Powell called the medics. "Son, please, son!" He was upset seeing me flop out of my chair. Antonio ran to me. I was trying to talk, my eyes were wide. "" I gritted my teeth, then my head hit the floor as I began to convulse. The medics came to take me to the hospital. Powell knew it was time to act. He had the papers he needed to take control of me. He just needed to show the medics that I was a danger to myself, or others. Powell leaned into my ear. "Your mother, she wanted to abort you. She said she didn't want my spawn. I saved you. I did that for you son." I began to fight. I punched the medic in the face and screamed. It was unintelligible. They had to tie me down. Powell shook his head. "He choked his wife. He is very dangerous. He needs to be committed. He lost the use of his legs when he tried to kill himself. He drove off the road on purpose." he said softly. "Son, we will get you the help that you need." He went back into the house where Antonio had been calling Delilah. She didn't pick up. " I will ensure that he doesn't hurt Delilah or the baby." Powell said, acting concerned. Antonio nodded. He left the house and drove back towards the dentist to get Delilah. Powell went to the court house. He set a court date to have Brandon's rights signed over to him officially. Next he would collect Delilah and her son. His plans were coming together. He rubbed his hands together briskly, then felt a pull in his shoulder wound. He winced.
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