Fifty two~☆ Unlikely duo.

1683 Words
Delilah It was nearly 5 days since Brandon had gone missing. The fire marshal found the fire to have started in the kitchen. He said since it burned so throughouhly, it was inconclusive if anyone had perished in the fire. They did not find any remains. I was getting stronger. I wanted to go get my husband back, as he had once searched for me. I was no longer taking the heavy narcotics, just Advil. My mind was clearer than ever. I felt remorseful for the way I had been acting. Henry was going out every day investigating what the hell happened to Brandon. One day, I got a phone call. "This is a call from a prisoner at Monroe prison, this call will be recorded. Do you accept this call?" I had to accept it. "It's Powell, I need to talk to Brandon, when he left it was pretty bad, I mean I think he was upset with me. Please, just put him on. I won't take up your time." "My husband never came home after he spoke with you." Powell was quiet. "You don't think he killed himself do you, he was pretty upset." I gasped. " I...I did not think about that...he was upset with me as well. I better go, Powell, we both hurt him." Powell said," Delilah I was wrong, he was a good man, he deserved so much more from me, you both did. I'm sorry." "I lost my leg, did you know that, you shot me you fucker. I can't walk. You left me for dead. Now, I almost wish I had died. Then Brandon would still be here." I hung up on him angrily. Rot in prison you maniac, you never should have been a father, Brandon was more of a father than you ever were. My mind turned to what Powel had said. I cried silently thinking about Brandon killing himself after what I had said to him. Lillianne heard me. She went into my room and sat at my feet. " What do I do? How do I go on without him?" Lillianne asked me, me of all people. I lost it, I jumped up and kicked Lillianne with my good leg, I lunged at her attacking her, pulling her hair and scratching her. "You did this to us, you took him from me, he loved me once. Then you came Lilly Spark!" Lillianne put her hands to her head to protect herself from my crazed wrath. " I'm not Lilly Spark!" She yelled. She didn't even fight back. I started to cry hysterically. Lillianne held me, mainly to stop me from punching her. She held me tightly to her breast. I became jello and dropped the ground, feeling inconsolable. "I did it, I killed him with my words. I pushed him away. I did it." I cried. Adam heard me crying. He ran to my room. He saw Lillianne next to me, her face was scratched up and bloody. She had red marks on her arms where I had viciously attacked her. " Are you okay? Go find Hanna please." Adam told her. Lillianne just sat there in shock. " Go! Do it now!" he yelled. She scooted back and ran off, she had aways been afraid of that big guy. He tenderly picked me up and held me like a baby. He rubbed my hair. "Hey, hey. I got you sweetie." ********** Adam Hanna came running in. "What happened? Did she get any news?" I shrugged, perplexed by her actions. "She attacked Lillianne." Hanna sat on the bed she told me to put Delilah on the bed next to her. I lay her next to my wife, she was a social worker by trade. Hanna told me to check on Lillianne. I didn't want to, I didn't like her. But, I knew to obey my wife. "I'd rather hold Delilah." I grumbled as I put in my two cents. " Go, now hubby, please." She said. Lillianne was crying on the couch. Avery sat next to her. "Hanna, told me to check on Lillianne, you got this?"I asked. She nodded. I went out to find Jesse and saw him playing in the grass with the older kids. The babies were down for their naps. " Jesse, we got a problem." I said. Jesse told the kids to find a four leaf clover in the grass. "The first one to find one gets a popsicle." I sat down on the porch swing. Jesse sat next to me. " Delilah attacked Lillianne. Hanna is talking to her. Lillianne is in with your wife." Jesse frowned. " We need to get Lillianne out of here?" " No, Jesse I want to take Delilah to go look for Brandon like Antonio took Brandon to look for her. Can I count on you to look after my farm. Our farm, I mean." I smiled at the brother in law I once fought with. " Why don't you let Hanna take her Adam, she can handle her better, I mean emotionally. She has the training. She could help her through any horrible news that she will find. Avery and I can handle the kids." I punched him in the arm, "You do realize that I have more training than Hanna, I used to be her boss when we worked together in Portland." Jesse nodded. "But I would not want to see the wrath of Hanna when Delilah transfers her need for a man from her dead husband to you. You know what I mean, you are pretty sexy, one arm and those smokey eyes and all." I smiled at the truth of his words and could not argue with him. Everyone knew Jesse used to be a model, once upon a time. He was really the better looking of us two, yet my wife Hanna had chosen me over Jesse once. Jesse had dated Hanna many years before she had met and fell in love with me. It's such a long story. Jesse thought. There was always a bit of contention between us two. I agreed. "Hanna will take her. I will get the range rover ready for her. Thanks, Jesse. That is why you are my number 2, or maybe 3, depends on if I'm mad at you." Jesse had four kids running up to him wanting popsicles. " Okay, okay but first you have to say your alphabet." They all started singing it. Jesse heard Delilah's baby Sera crying. He said,"Go on and get washed up, I will bring them down in a minute." He ran up and scooped up his little girl. He was falling for little Seraphina. He checked on Sam, he was still out. My daughter Anna, or Annababy as Jesse called her, had been up with Hanna in our room. Hanna, left to lay with Delilah. ********** Hanna I held Delilah until she stopped crying, then she asked her what had happened. "I spoke with Powell, he was looking for Brandon, he said he might have killed himself. He was upset when he left the prison after his visit. I killed him, I was angry at him for Antonio leaving, I told him I made love with Antonio when I was pregnant with Sam and wanted Sam to be Antonio's baby. He was very upset. I killed him." " No, you did not kill him, Delilah. He is just missing, we need to stay positive for now. I will help you my friend." I said. " I want Adam to hold me." Delilah said to me. I frowned "No I am the jealous type Delilah, I can't let him lay with you, no, it's not gonna happen, sorry." Delilah looked at me and laughed."Not even for a few moments?" I smiled, but was not even kidding. "I will scratch your eyes out, sorry I just go crazy." Delilah looked embarrassed, " I just did that to Lillianne. It wasn't even her fault. I need to apologize." I kissed my friends head and said,"Yes, let's go find her together." Lillianne was taking a hot bath. Avery set her up in the claw foot tub. Delilah walked into the bathroom. She saw terrible bruises on Lillianne and a few old scars. " I'm sorry, I took that out on you, I feel so bad. Please forgive me." Delilah said. Lillianne sunk down in the water. "I called me Lilly Spark, that was you, you should beat the s**t out of yourself." Delilah's mouth opened and closed. " That is true!" Lillianne told her." Look if it was my man, I would do worse. I forgive you. I will try to stay away from you. I know seeing me triggers you." Delilah turned to leave. "I want you to be happy Lillianne. You deserve that much. I want to start again. I will try to let everything in the past go." I smiled at them both, it was progress at least. Lillianne had tears in her eyes. " When you were hitting me, I felt like I deserved it, I've been a bad person, done bad things." Delilah sat down on the floor below the tub. She dipped her hand in the water and started washing Lillianne gently. " You are not that person Lilli, you are a new person. The kids love you. I love you. I'm sorry. I freaked out because of Powell, he put the idea in my head that Brandon....that he might have...killed himself. I lost it." " That's horrible. He would never do that to you or the kids. I know that for a fact. We need to find him. Let's go find him Delilah. I want to help somehow." She said standing up. Delilah gave her a plush white towel and dried her off. I just watched these two women become allies. " Okay, let's tell the others. Go get dressed." Delilah said to Lilli. I smiled, my gut told me that Lilli and Delilah would bond over this terrible time. I left them to find Adam.
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