Fifty one. Tragic accident.

1783 Words
Delilah When the morning came, the kids were all having breakfast and playing, when mother arrived with my children. I squealed in delight, having my little girl with me once again was magical. Sam was too excited to play with the other kids, he just hugged me quickly and ran off. I laughed, he was so happy. "Hi my baby, I missed you so much, want some applesauce, open your mouth, ummm." I fed her a bite, opening my mouth with each bite. I felt at peace now. My kids spent the night with me in my room. It was hard for me to sleep, I was thinking about Brandon all night. I felt anxious about how our last call had ended, I was sure he would try to call the kids to say goodnight, even though I wasn't planning to answer his call. He did love our kids. Little Ashley came in my room, she climbed up next to me. "She is so pretty. I love her." Baby Sera screamed she was so excited by seeing little Ashley. We all went down to start the day, still...Brandon's silence was nagging at me. Sam was running around the floor with the boys. Joey was touching Sam's head and yelling, "duck, duck, Sam you're it!" Sam ran straight to me, he was a bit shy. ********** Georgia I slowly walked outside looking down at my phone and tried Brandon again. I was very worried now. He had never not returned my call, he would have been worried about the kids at least, let alone Delilah. I sat on the porch and rubbed my forhead. Things were so hectic. Avery saw me sitting there. " What's wrong Georgia?" " It's Brandon, he hasn't called me all night. He always checks on the kids. I'm worried. I think I am going home to feed the animals this morning. I will see if he made it home yet. Can you help Delilah with the kids?" She agreed. "Jesse can go with you if you want?" I shook my head. " I should be fine. I will call if I need him. Thank you." I slowly drove the short drive back home. I was pulling into the farm when I smelled smoke. It was gone. The house was burned down. There was nothing left. A large pile of ashes and soot. I stared in shock, then started to cry. I didn't see my truck. I hoped to God that Brandon did not come home last night. He might have had a problem driving and took a cab home. That's why he couldn't call me back. Oh my good Lord, noooo Brandon. I quickly called Jesse. "I house is gone. All gone, it burned down. I'm afraid Brandon might be ....he never returned any of my calls. Jesse, I think he was home last night." Jesse was shocked. "Brandon is dead?" He ran to Avery and whispered to her. She turned white. She took all of the kids with her upstairs. Jesse went to Adam and Hanna and told them the horrible news. Lillianne over heard them. She started to cry now." No not him. Not Brandon. No Please." She was inconsolable. ******** Delilah I wheeled in from the kitchen hearing Lillianne crying. I went to her. "Are you okay Lillianne, what happened?" I thought maybe she had heard that Powell had died. I frowned. They were all crying. "What is it, tell me please." Adam took me in his embrace. "There was a fire last night. Georgia said the house is all gone." I felt my gut drop,"Oh, no... How? We were all here, oh thank God no one was home. The kids were with me, oh, thank God." Everyone looked away. I was really glad the kids were with me here. " The house was empty wasn't it?" I asked. Adam looked at me, his eyes were red, full of tears. " Have you heard from your husband?" He asked me quietly. " I talked to him yesterday, we had a fight. I told him about Antonio. I told him about...uh...what did we talk about?"I rubbed my temples. I was blank. "He...uh hung up on me...I haven't heard from him."I looked at Adam. "Adam, what did he say, is he coming here?" I asked. " Delilah, you were the last person that he spoke with yesterday." He said. I looked away. "What does that mean Adam? Is he at the farm with mom?" He couldn't speak. Jesse said softly,"Georgia thinks he was home last night, Delilah." I wheeled my chair backwards, and left the room. I returned shorty. " Adam go look for him please. He's not dead, I would feel it. You told me that Brandon was the only one that knew I was still alive when Powell set fire to his home. Now I am telling you the same thing. He is not dead. Someone go find him. He was not in the fire. He wasn't there." I said as I cried. Adam nodded. He made a few calls. " Henry will start to investigate. Georgia will let us know what the fire marshal says. Let's all have some hope." I could hear Sera crying. I went to the elevator and rode upstairs. I picked up my baby from the crib and held her closely. I did not believe the words that I told Adam. I refused to face the fact that I killed him. I was very cruel to him, telling him about sleeping with Antonio when I was pregnant with Sam. I lied that I had wished it was Antonio's baby, wanting to hurt him. Sam climbed onto my lap. " Mommy, I want my daddy. I miss daddy." He cried. I cried too. " I do too." ************ Brandon I was waking up again, and blinked my eyes. I could see that I was pinned next to that tree. Fumbling around, I felt for my seatbelt release. I pushed the release button and undid the belt. The old truck didn't have an airbag. My upper body fell down to the roof and I tried to scoot my shoulders towards the passenger side door. I had to climb up and out of the truck. I fell back as I reached up and pulled myself up. My left leg was pinned, keeping me from climbing out. I looked for my phone. I heard it ping. It was somewhere in the rubble. If I could just reach it, I could call 911. I was breathing very hard. "Okay, relax you can do this. You will get out, you will survive." I thought about how I could get that leg loose. I needed to get it wet. If it was wet, it just might slide out. I thought of my son peeing in the hotel bathtub. Unzipping my pants, I tried to tear them off. There was a shard of glass below me. I grabbed the glass and pushed it into the leg of my slacks. It worked, I was able to rip them. I decided to pee on my leg. I had to get those pants off first. It took me hours to get my pants cut. My fingers were numb and I kept dropping the glass shard. Laying back, I tried not to panic. The truck began to slide forward. All of my movement must have jarred it free. I held very still. If that truck slid free of the tree, I would perish. I aimed myself at my lower leg and peed. Since I was upside-down still, it mostly flowed back on me. I did not care. I pushed my bladder muscles, trying to get it to stream toward my leg. It worked. The truck jerked forward as I yanked on my stuck leg. The gravity of being upside-down worked to my advantage. I was free. Slowly, carefully...I moved to the passenger door. Just jump! I told myself. I didn't know if my legs would cooperate. The truck groaned as it broke free of the big fir tree. It slid forward and started to pick up momentum. I frantically pulled the door handle and took a deep breath. ******** Adam Georgia was numb, she had lost her son in law. The house with all of it's precious memories could be replaced by her insurance. I was working with the fire marshal on finding Brandon's remains. I asked Henry if there were any updates on where Georgia's truck might be. We needed to know if Brandon had parked it somewhere as Georgia had suggested, not being able to drive the whole trip due to his legs. Henry reported that he had called all of the ride services, uber, lyft, taxi. No one had a customer that went to Georgia's farm. I had a friend living on my property, Ryan. He had connections in the police force. I had all of the departments looking for Brandon. Delilah tried to call her husband. She messaged him. "I'm sorry I hurt you. I was trying to hurt you. I didn't want Antonio to be Sam's father. I am so stupid. Brandon, please come back. The kids need you. I need you." She texted him several times. "Please Brandon, I know you didn't die when my mother's house burned down. Text me, call me. Please." "Brandon, I won't try to find Antonio in Italy. I am done with him breaking my heart. Please this is killing me. I am so sorry, so, so sorry." She had kept working every day with her physical therapist Johnathan. She was being fitted for a prosthetic leg. The kids were acting out. Sam was hitting her, yelling "No, I want my daddy." She cried as she tried to console him. He was sucking his thumb now. Sera didn't seem to know Brandon was gone, but she was hanging onto Jesse. He had adopted her into his clan with his girls who loved her. Avery knew her husband, Jesse was a perfect substitute daddy for her while Delilah tried to keep it all together. He loved the little baby girls. He had that special love and understanding a daddy of only daughters had. I went up to my bedroom and crawled into bed with my wife, Hanna. " Any news?" She asked as she snuggled next to my worn out body. I kissed her lips. " No, no word. I love you Hanna. If anything like this ever happened to you, I wouldn't make it." She ran her fingers through my thick brown hair. "You would make it, you are Adam f*****g Parker and I love you, you can do anything."
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