Seventeen: The accident ~•~•~•~•~•

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Delilah Everyone has a time in their life when they savor a moment. They put a snap shot of events into their memory bank. Today was that glorious day for me. After 19 hours of labor I gave birth to a little boy. Samuel Allan Jonas. He was 8 pounds 4 ounces. Georgia was there at the hospital and proudly held her grandson in her arms. I was in awe of this baby. His perfectly shaped head. His little fingers and toes. After 3 days in the maternity ward, I was preparing to take little Sam home. Georgia had put the car seat in the car and had a little surprise for her daughter at home. She drove very carefully as Sam and I rode in the back seat. "Careful mom, his little head might bobble." I was very protective. I couldn't believe that they just let me leave the hospital. Shouldn't a professional tell me what to do now. Georgia laughed at that one. Once we arrived home, I placed Sam on the couch and sat down taking a deep breath. I was happy to be done with all that labor. Georgia brought out an old homemade craddle for baby Sam. It had been mine as a baby. My grandpa Allen had made it for me. Mom looked at me as tears formed in her eyes. "Surprise!" I stood up and hugged mother. " Where did you find that?" Georgia smiled. "The neighbor refinished it for me, it was in the barn. We were working on it for months." I placed the baby in the cradle and rocked him with my foot. "I freaking love this thing, thanks mom!" A month later... I was thinking about Sam's name, I had wanted to give my son my maiden name of Carter, but Brandon hadn't sent me the finalized divorce papers. I had gone to the court house to change my name back, but was told the divorce decree wasn't on file. I had no choice but to give little Sam his father's last name. I decided to call Brandon and ask him about it. "Hey, it's Delilah. Umm.. did you ever file those divorce papers I kind of need that to change my name back. Let me know please." Brandon had been shocked to hear that he wasn't officially divorced. He was sure it was a mistake. ******** Brandon I had given the papers to my secretary over 3 months ago. My secretary had been out on leave since then for her own pregnancy. I went into her office. "Sheila, before Barb left on maternity leave do you happen to know if she filed my personal stuff that I gave to her 3 months ago?" Sheila shrugged and looked around, she didn't see anything. "Damn it!" I called her at home. "Barb, do you remember filing those uh, personal papers I had given you about 3 months ago?" I whispered, "You know, my divorce stuff." Barb started to cry. "I'm so sorry, they were in my car. Jerry found them in there when he was setting up the baby's car seat." I was fuming. My wedding to Lillianne was only a month away. "Well, can Jerry bring them by?" She cried louder. "He accidently threw them out!" I told her,"Calm down. I will make out some new documents, no problem. Congratulations on the baby." I called Delilah. "Hey there Delilah, looks like my...uh secretary failed to file the divorce papers and they were misplaced. Anyway you could come by and sign them again?" I agreed. I wanted to see Sera and Jason Blaze and show off my son. "I will come by in a few weeks, if that works?" I shook my head. "I need them sooner. I'm getting remarried. Lillianne and I are getting hitched next month." Delilah didn't want to travel so far away with Sam just yet. She asked me if I would meet her half way. I agreed. "I will see you Saturday then." We agreed to meet at a restaurant at 1pm on Saturday. ******** Delilah When Sarurday came around, I started to pack little Sam's things to put him in the car. Mother asked me if she could watch him instead, she feared he would get sick with the cold wind blowing, it was winter time. I pumped my milk and gave mother a few bottles. "I should be back by dinner time." It was a 3 hour drive. I got to the restaurant first and sat in mother's trusty Subaru, keeping the heater going. It was cold. The snow began to fall. I waited there and looked around the parking lot. I decided to go inside and eat some late lunch. I ordered a salad and soup. I finished my food and no Brandon. I checked my phone. He didn't even call me to say that he would be late. I tried his number, it went to voice mail. I jumped up and paid the tab then got back into the car and drove off. The snow was really bad now. I didn't think I would make it home. I called Georgia and told her the issues. Mother told me to just get a hotel for the night. I pulled into the super 8 and got a twin queen, non smoking room and settled in. On the way to the vending machine my phone rang. " Hello, this is Delilah." It was the state police. "Ma'am I am sorry to inform you there has been an accident. Your husband, Brandon Jonas was involved. We need you to come to the hospital right away." The woman gave me instructions and hung up. I put my coat on and put my mother's car in four wheel drive. Slowly I made my way to the hospital. I was anxious about the drive and Brandon's condition. I called Georgia and gave her the news. She assured me that the baby was fine and I had plenty of breast milk stored in the freezer for baby Sam. I arrived at the ER where I was taken to a small room with trauma equipment all around. I didn't even recognize Brandon. He had tubes and IVs, his eyes were closed. I touched his hand. "Brandon it's Delilah." The nurse came in. "Mrs.Jonas, your husband sustained severe trauma to his back and head. The doctor will be in to talk to you shortly." She handed me an envelope. It had Brandon's wallet, phone, and keys. It also had my unsigned divorce papers. I opened Brandon's phone and tried the key pad lock that I had set up for him so long ago. It still worked. I called Powell Jonas. "This is Delilah, Brandon has been in a accident, please call me back." I then found Lillianne in his contacts. I dialed her number. "Hey sweet boy, are you on your way home yet?" I coughed. "Lillianne? This is Delilah." Lillianne cussed." What the hell, Where's Brandon? Why do you have his phone?" I listened to her rant for a moment then decided to hang up. I couldn't take it. The phone immediately rang. Lillianne was fuming. "Put Brandon on now!" I asked her " Are you ready to listen yet?" Lillianne cussed me out. I hung up once again. The phone rang back. I answered."Last chance,"I warned her. Lillianne was quiet. " Brandon was in an accident he's at the hospital. His car flipped several times. He has severe injuries." I told Lillianne where to go. "Please hurry." Lillianne apologized. I hung up on her. I was so done with toxic people. Speaking of toxic, Powell Jonas called me back. "Delilah, why are you calling me, are you two back together. He's marying Lilli in a few weeks." I explained about the divorce papers and the accident. "Of course he would screw that up too. Listen, I'm in Milan, Italy right now. I will try to catch a flight out, how does he look?" I pursed my lips and was very quiet. Powell cried out, "My son!" He started choking up. I told him I would stay until family came. "Thank you, I will call his mother Milly." I sat with Brandon all night. I stayed and talked to him about our son Sam. I told him everything. I knew he couldn't hear me anyway. "Oh Brandon he so cute. He can hold his little head up. Mom thinks he looks like you when you were a baby. She has that wedding photo of us in her room. The one with our baby pictures next to each other. I threw out all of our other wedding pictures. I just couldn't stand to see how happy I was and now I know, you looked happy, but you must have been miserable." I kept up the useless chatter. I got a lot of stuff off of my chest. I told him about Antonio dumping me and breaking my heart. I held up pictures of Sam off of my phone to his closed, swollen eyes. I tried to stay awake by rambling and finally I stopped talking. I started to cry. "I am sorry. Everything was my fault. If only I hadn't let myself go. I know you like trim woman. I wasn't sexy enough for your sophisticated tastes. I thought if I could become Lilly Spark, I could get you to love me, somehow. Now look at us. I'm an unwed mother and you're here half dead without any knowledge that you created this perfect little boy." I took a breath,"Brandon, I know you never wanted children. I'm sorry I tricked you that last time we were together.I just wanted someone to love. You have Lillianne, I have no one. Brandon are you even listening to me?" Brandon's eyes fluttered. He looked at me and frowned. He couldn't talk with the tube down his throat. He was awake. I ran and got the nurse. I stayed back as they removed the breathing tube. He was hoarse. I peeked in, seeing me he smiled and whispered," Shut up." My talking incessantly had woken him up. It brought him back. I nodded and shut my mouth. He held his hand out to me. "How did I get here Delilah?" I told him that there was a bad accident and his car rolled over several times. "Was I driving or you?" I raised my brow. "You were meeting me at the restaurant, do you remember?" He said -no. I held up the divorce papers. " We were re signing our divorce papers, you lost the first ones." He frowned. " We just got married, why the hell would we get divorced?" I could see that he had lost his memory. I patted his hand. " It will come back to you, don't worry. Then you will hate me again," I added under my breath. He pulled me close. "Come lay with me, please." I shook my head. "Please, Lilah!" He hadn't called me that in years. I shook my head. "You are engaged to Lillianne now. You two are amazingly happy." He shook his head. "I wouldn't do that to you my love. Come sit on my bed at least." He wanted me near him. I sat close to him. He held my hand, intertwining our fingers. "Where is your ring, why aren't you wearing it?" I frowned looking at my hand. "I gave it back to you, that last night that we were....together." He shook his head. "I don't think so. Tell me about my son Sam then, you said he held his head up. How old is he? I wish I could remember him." I was shocked that he had heard me. "You've never met him. He is a month old." He smiled at me. "Delilah you look so good, you just had our son?" I couldn't do it anymore I excused myself and went to get some coffee. He would remember soon. I was a little afraid that he would go back to his old self. This Brandon, this was him. My beloved husband. He had been gone for so long. I sniffled. I wanted to hold him and love him. I couldn't get past the hurt and the sorrow. Too late, way too late.
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