sixteen~°~°~°♡ Maria Bella?

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Brandon I was ready to ask Lillianne to move in with me. She was adamant that I get divorced. So, I was driving the porsche to see Delilah to get the papers signed once and for all. No more excuses. Delilah had no idea I was coming. ********** Delilah Georgia, my mother went to visit her sister who was ailing in Maine where she lived. I was still working in the hen house and now picking up the rest of the chores for mother. I was exhausted. I was going into my second trimester of pregnancy. At least the morning sickness had passed. I drove the tractor into the barn and used it to load a bale of hay for the cows. I couldn't lift anything, per the doctor's advice. I didn't see the car pull up with Brandon. I hopped off the tractor, wearing a pair of overalls with one strap off showing my white sleevless tank top underneath. My long hair was a hot mess. I had my back to Brandon as he approached the barn. I was scooping up some feed for the chickens. He called my name. "Hey there Delilah!" I turned around startled. It was Brandon. He had a young, petite red head with him. She was dressed in a mini skirt and heels. She ran up to the cows. "Oh, Brandon look, cows!" she squealed. Brandon held his hand up to his eyes to block the setting sun. He thought I was getting fat. I had a little belly now. He smiled, thinking that I still looked quite beautiful, so he told me much later. He hadn't seen me in 6 months. I had that radiant glow to my face from the pregnancy. I wiped my hand across my brow, licking my dry pink lips and taking a drink of water. ********* Brandon I never appreciated her natural beauty before. She gestured towards the house. We walked up to the porch, I appreciated the sway of her curvey hips now, damn Delilah was so hot. I shook my head to clear it. Of course I was on my best behavior. My little redheaded girl was still with the cows. "That's my new girlfriend, Lillianne." I smiled proudly. ********** Delilah I was feeling very sick. "Nice." I didn't want to do this right now. Brandon handed me the divorce papers. His hand brushed against mine. I felt something for him still. "Let's get this over with." I nodded and grabbed a pen. I smiled at him. "I have been so busy I forgot I was still married." He nodded, wanting me to hurry up. I didn't read any of the papers, blindly signing each page and then handed the papers back. "I trust you are getting everything then?" I asked looking down. " Well to be fair, I am the bread winner here." He tapped the pen on the table. Things were tight now at the farm, I already used up my 401K money, I was broke. I asked him to show himself out as I went to my room and quickly layed down. I was close to passing out. I put my feet up and took some deep breathes. ********** Brandon I wondered about her, she was so quiet. I felt strange seeing her like this. I wanted to ask her if she was ok, but Lillianne was coming in any minute. I used the excuse that I needed to use the bathroom so I walked back to where Delilah was laying. I wanted to see if she was ok. I could see she was obviously sick now. I frowned seeing her this way, I asked her if I could use her bathroom. Thinking she might open up to me. She pointed to the hallway and closed her eyes. Seems like she just wanted me to leave. ********** Delilah Lilli came bouncing in. She took one look at me in bed and asked me,"When are you due?" I smiled with my arm over my eyes. "3 months from now." Lilli prodded while Brandon was in the bathroom. "Really, where's the father at?" I could sense this girl was sharper than my mother's butcher knife. "Oh, he's around." Lilli didn't care for that response. She sneered at me. " Ever heard of plan B?" She said sarcastically. I covered my head with a pillow. "Just so you know, we are planning on getting married. So, there's no getting him back, he's mine. Honestly, I am quite surprised he was with a woman of your qualities, farmer girl, you know. Brandon is into more sophisticated women." I was not the least bit interested in engaging with this b***h. I rolled over to face the wall. "I hope you are very happy, don't worry about me, he has made it very clear that he hates every little thing about me, so congratulations on your engagement." ********* Brandon I only heard the last part of the conversation. I didn't hate her. I was indifferent to her. I wanted my freedom to play around. Well, I found Lilli now, she wanted to get married, I was dragging my feet on that. Delilah had been a good wife, I was looking for something else, not her. Seeing her here, I felt compelled to lay next to her and rub her back for some reason. I shook my head. No, I am free now to marry Lilli and give her all of the love that she deserves, some day. " Ok, well goodbye then Delilah. I will send you the finalized papers and I guess that's it, we are out of...out of..eachothers lives." I didn't want to say that, seeing her, I felt a longing to make things right. To fix my broken life. Lillianne pulled me away. "Let's go it stinks in this hell hole. Leave the dirty farmer girl be, good riddance." She said loud enough for Delilah to hear her. I thought that was incredibly mean, I kept my mouth shut. We walked out and got into the Porsche. I'm a fast car, fast women type of guy, just like daddy was, I told myself. Lillianne moved closer to me and rubbed me intimately. She was worried now. She wondered about Delilah's baby daddy. She asked me. "Who is Delilah seeing, I mean I wonder who the baby daddy is?" I looked at her. "What baby?" She kicked her self, I hadn't even guessed that Delilah was pregnant. I frowned and asked her, " How do you know, maybe she's getting fat?" Lillianne said,"She told me, she's due in 3 months." My heart sank. I felt sick now. I was with Delilah six months ago. She was so determined to have s*x with me that one last time. My baby?... I shut my eyes and told Lilli what she needed to hear. "No matter, Delilah and I are finished. Out of each other's lives, I'm a free agent." Lillianne was satisfied. I certainly didn't want a baby. I would proceed with my plans. A baby, it started to make sense to me, she wanted me one last time, she tied me up. She never asked me for one thing in the divorce. She was having my baby, she was probably going to go on welfare. My baby. *********** Delilah I called Antonio. He had been in Italy for a long time. His mother was still hanging in there. I wanted him home. Antonio didn't answer the phone. ******* Antonio I was at a party. My family gathered together to celebrate my uncle Paul's birthday. I avoided all of the wine everyone, everywhere was pushing on me. I loosened my tie and walked out to the Vinyard. I saw a younger brown haired woman there, her back was to me. She was picking grapes and tasting them. Spitting out the sour ones. I smiled. I came up behind her and said," If you pick all the grapes now, we will have no wine later." She turned to me and blushed. It was her, my Maria Bella. I held my hand to my heart and sucked in my breath. She turned her head. "Ah, Antonio, I didn't know you were here?" I saw then that this wasn't my wife. She looked just like her though. She put out her hand, " Louisa Mary. I remember you from my cousin Maria's wedding. How is my cousin?" she looked around. I frowned and looked away. "Ah, my dear, sorry to tell you that my beloved wife passed away a few years ago. It was the cancer." She gasped. "Oh Antonio, I have been over seas, I just returned home, I did not know." I nodded, staring at her mouth, her face, her body. She looked just like my dead wife. I couldn't stop staring. She blushed. "Antonio, people always said we were like twins." I grinned. "It is uncanny. May I?" I kissed her hand. She raised her brows and laughed. "You even need to taste me?" I nodded and moved foreward and kissed her on the lips. She didn't taste anything like my Maria Bella. Louisa didn't stop me. She always found me to be extremely attractive. I took her arm."Let's dance." We took the dance floor and everyone smiled at the couple. Many recalled Antonio and Maria's big wedding. My mama cried. She wanted nothing more than to see me happy again before her death. She invited Louisa there for that very reason. She knew her daughter in laws cousin bore a remarkable likeness to Maria Bella and... she was newly single. ******** Oregon.... Delilah I was feeling anxious. I hadn't heard from Tony in over a month. I texted him. "Tony, at least tell me you are alive." He finally sent me a text. "I am alive. Sorry Delilah. I need to talk to you." He called me then. He sounded younger, excited. He asked me how I was doing. I said,"Fine." He told me then. "Delilah, I promised I would always be honest with you. I need to tell you something amazing that has happened to me. I found someone else. I couldn't call you. I just didn't want to hurt you. I".... I couldn't stop the tears from raining down my face. He didn't even call me his Bella. I was completely devastated. I had never felt so alone. It was just as I had feared. All alone... Tony told her me was very sorry. "I am getting married. Louisa Mary, she is Maria Bella's cousin. Delilah, she is exactly like my Bella, its like my Bella is back, alive. I couldn't stop from falling in love with her. Please, understand. It is meant to be. It is magical." I congratulated him on his up coming wedding and said goodbye to my Tony. I numbly removed his number from my contact list. I deleted his messages. I removed my best friend from my entire life, swiped him away. I was glad mother was away. I wouldn't like her to see the way I mourned the loss of my one true lover. I was so very sad. I only had my baby now. I vowed I was done with men. I would only love my child. My baby would be my one true love. I pushed all of my sorrow down, every drop. I got up and started to clean out my old things. My wedding photos, my old clothing, I threw it all away. Putting on a pair of boots and trudging out in the rain and the muck to clean the chicken coop. I spent every hour busy on the farm. I now understood why my mother had come here, caring for animals was a worthy life. I planned for my baby to come and a few months later I got my wish......
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