Eighteen, Brandon doesn't remember.♡¤♡¤♡¤♡

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Delilah When I came back to the hallway I could hear Brandon calling for me. He yelled. "Bring me my wife, Delilah, Delilah come back here!" I entered the room and put my coffee down. Several attendants were holding him down. He calmed as soon as I arrived. "Where were you, don't just walk away from me, I can't get up." I patted his arm. "Brandon, you were in a bad accident, do you remember yet?" The doctor arrived and assessed Brandon's legs and feet. "Can you feel this?" He pinched his legs. Brandon shook his head. He had no movement from the waist down."Your MRI shows severe spinal cord swelling. You took a bad hit to your head as well. Your memory may be fuzzy for a while. Sometimes long term memory surfaces where a patients short term memory will fail them. Hang in there, you seem to have this nice wife here by your side, you'll get through it. I heard congratulations is in order, you just had a baby?" I had asked the nurse for a private space to pump my breast milk. She must have told the doctor about baby Sam. Brandon closed his eyes. "I can't even remember what he looks like." I said," You've never seen him, you didn't even know about him until I just told you today!" The doctor looked shocked and excused himself. "Brandon, we haven't been together in a long time. We are not really married any more." Brandon reached for the envelope, he pulled out the divorce papers and ripped them up. "Yes we are, you are my wife, act like it!" I hoped to hell that Lillianne would come soon. I couldn't deal with this version of Brandon. Brandon asked me to rub his legs. "I can't feel them. Does this mean I won't be able to walk again?" He was getting frustrated. "Help me up Delilah, please." I reminded him of what the doctor said about the swelling to his spine. He begged me to lay with him. " Please, Delilah just do it." I sat on his bed and rubbed his legs. He lay his head back. "I can't feel it. I mean I feel my body moving but not my legs. Delilah, what if I can't make love to you anymore?" I rolled my eyes. "Brandon we haven't been together in over 10 months." " Why? Did I do something, what happened to us." I looked at him. " Brandon, maybe try to rest and heal. I'm sure your memory will soon return." I got up and walked out. He was making me angry now. He couldn't remember wanting to cheat on me, calling me names, treating me like I was worthless, nearly killing me with his bare hands. I decided to go back to the hotel. His family would arrive soon. I got in the car and slowly drove in the falling snow to the Super 8. Within a half an hour the hospital called. "Mrs.Jonas, your husband is asking for you." " Hmm. tell him I went home to care for Sam." He grabbed the phone then."Delilah, please bring Sam to me, I need to see my baby. I need you to come get me please baby!" I told him,"Go to sleep, I will come back tomorrow." He agreed. "I love you Lilah." I was sure he didn't, he just didn't remember. In the morning I had hoped that Lillianne or Powell would arrive to take care of Brandon. I hesitated going back. I called Georgia and told her about Brandon. " Maybe when his fiance comes, it will all come back to him." She said to me. I agreed. Grabbing a water, I went to the gym at the hotel to get in a work out. I was trying to lose the baby weight. My phone rang. It was the hospital. I ignored it. It rang again and again. I finally picked it up. "Delilah, where are you, I've been waiting for hours. The doctor said I can go home with you today." I swallowed my water and choked. "With me?" He told me to hurry up and, "Lilah, I love you." I was quiet. "Say it back, tell me. I need to hear you say it." I couldn't do it. I hung up. He called me back. "Lilah say it. Say you love me. Please." I said, " I used to love you. I tried to. You were my everything once, but it's been a long time. You love Lillianne. When she comes you will remember everything, then you will feel silly for telling me that you love me." He quietly said, "You are wrong, I could never love anyone else." I didn't want to see him today. I drove to the restaurant and ate breakfast. I drank some coffee, then some more. My phone rang it was the doctor. " Your husband can go home. I think physical therapy will be needed. He is medically stable." I tried to tell him that we were separated. "Brandon has a fiance. She should be coming any time now. He can go home with her or his father." "Honestly, Mrs.Jonas, I think you would be the best person to take him, he will be able to focus on his recovery with you around. He is obsessed with you. I don't know what happened between you guys, but it seems like you could use this opportunity to work things out, especially with the baby." I got angry. "This man was so cruel to me. He almost killed me with his bare hands, I could never possibly trust him again. We are very toxic together, I mean I've done things to him as well, I'm afraid when his memory comes back, he will go back to hating me. He doesn't remember hating me, but he will." The doctor said,"True love always hurts the most. I think with his head unjury, there's a chance he will recover fully. You might use this time to fight for your marraige, make him see the real you. Make him fall in love with his son, his family. Give him a second chance." I reluctantly agreed. "On one condition, if he sees his fiancé or his father and let's them take him home, I will leave, alone." The doctor agreed. I drove to the hospital. Brandon was asleep. He pulled his IV out during the night. They were having difficulty caring for him without me there. I put my feet up and took a nap. I woke to a loud screeching voice. Lillianne had come. She was wearing a push up bra. Her cleavage was over the top. She had full make up and lashes on. Her skirt was very short, with shiney legs and heels. She clicked and clacked her way to Brandon's bed side. Brandon's eyes were wide open, he saw her coming his way. My eye brows rose. I crossed my fingers he would remember. Lilli rubbed his chin."Baby, what happened?" She kissed him then fully on the lips, passionately rubbing against him. I felt sick. I stood up to leave, turning away. This was his fiancé, his choice. Brandon yelled. "Delilah stop! Don't go." I had tears in my eyes. I looked at him and backed away bumping into the doctor. I turned and tried to run. The doctor held me in place. He said,"Brandon, do you remember your fiancé, Lillianne?" Brandon nodded. "Yes." Lillianne smiled and patted his arm. The doctor let me go. I ran off down the hall and went out the door and ran into Powell. He saw my tears and thought the worst. I shook my head. "He's okay, just confused." I got into the car and drove to the hotel. ******* Brandon I remembered Lillianne. I didn't remember wanting to marry her. She seemed a little trashy next to Delilah. I pushed her away. "Please go after her, go get Delilah, why did you kiss me like that, she saw you. She must think I'm with you. She must think I cheated on her." Lillianne said, "Well you are still married to her, so I guess you could consider that cheating. But you came here to divorce her. I'm going to be your wife now. Remember baby?" She tried to rub me intimately. I couldn't feel her touch. I just yelled loudly." Delilah! Please someone get my wife! Delilah!" Powell came in then. "Son, quiet down, your going crazy boy. Delilah is not here, she just drove home. Lillianne and I will take care of you son. You and Delilah are getting divorced." I cried, I had tears streaming down my face. " What about Sam, he needs me. Delilah needs me." Powell bellowed now, losing his temper at my crazy behavior. "Who the hell is Sam?" Lillianne looked at me. She was wondering the same thing. I was being so dramatic. She didn't recognize this Brandon.
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