Forty six ••~•• Delilah is distraught

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Antonio Adam looked at areas on the map for any sign of technology. He saw several high tension power lines. He thought she might try to travel along the lines, but they veered deep into the rocky hills. He pointed out something that looked like an airplane propeller. He asked me, "What are these things, do they represent airplane landing strips?" I pulled them up closer. "Ah, wind turbines." They are big and noisy. They might attract someone to investigate the noise." Adam called the search and rescue on the ground. "Wind Turrbines, due east. Let's get some feet on the ground there. Maybe the blood hounds." I looked up the number and called the turbine company. "Yes, I need to know, are there security cameras or alarms at your turbines?" "Yes, it is an emergency, we have a missing mother of two." I explained, trying not to scream, She is the love of my life, I can't even tell anyone. I got a call back. "Sir, tower 16, there was a strange sighting on the bird camera tonight. I will send it to you now." I pulled up the incoming picture. It was the close up of a human head. It was Delilah. I saw her earring. I had given them to her as a wedding gift. "We got her. Send the searchers to these coordinates." I sent them to Adam. I didn't know if she was still alive, but prayed she was, I went to get Brandon up from bed. *********** Delilah I think I was hallucinating. I swear that I heard a dog barking. I laid my head on the hard cement floor. The door to the wind turbine suddenly opened. I was being licked by a large hound dog. It barked loudly as it pulled on it's leash. There was a nice man holding the dog back. He blew his whistle. I passed out, it was so unbearably hot. ********* Brandon I heard the incredible news. They found her. She was alive. I got up from bed and forgot I couldn't walk very well yet. I fell over onto the floor and hit my head on the table. " s**t!" Antonio was struggling as well. He tried to put his shoes on and fell next to me as he hopped on one foot. We both started to cry. Antonio reached out and hugged me, he was my best friend now. "They are taking her to the hospital. She's severely dehydrated. She had a very bad leg wound, but she is alive."He said through his tears. I said," Let's go. Help me up friend." Antonio pulled me up and put my pants on me. He buckled my belt for me. I handed Antonio his wallet and phone.. "Ready friend?" We went to the car. Antonio drove fast. He needed to see her. He loved her so much, I knew this. I accepted it as long as she lived. I broke down in the car, losing it and cried like a baby. I was sobbing. Antonio patted my back. "Get it all out now so she won't see you upset at the hospital." Adam was there. He met the us at the entrance. "They rushed her into surgery, she is going to lose her lower left leg. Between the bullet wound and the break, it is very bad." I fell back. Adam caught me with his one arm. "I called her mother. We will phone her after the surgery." ********* Antonio I called my wife. "I'm okay, yeah she's in surgery. Yes, I miss you too love." I seemed to be starting to love her. We both knew, I would never love her like I loved Delilah. Brandon called his father. He was in jail. "Dad, she is alive, she is losing her leg. I just want to tell you....If you ever come for my family again, I will kill you." He hung up before Powell could talk. Powell was very distraught. He lost everything, all of it. He would stop eating or drinking as of today. He was planning his own slow death. *********** Delilah I woke up with an oxygen mask over my face. I had an IV in my left arm, but it was my leg that was very sore. I felt like my toes were on fire. "I need something for pain." I told the nurse, wincing. The nurse gave me some narcotics. Brandon was finally allowed in to see me. He sat next to me and held my hand. When I opened my eyes, he greeted me with his normal phrase for me. "Hey there Delilah. I'm here." I liked it when he greeted me like that. It reminded me of a song. I grabbed his hand and squeezed. "My toes are on fire." He said,"Oh, I'm sorry." "They took your leg. It's phantom pain honey."said the nurse, as she walked into the room. I looked down. "Brandon is that true,? I'm a little foggy still." He glared at the nurse. "We got you dear. The doctor had to do surgery. He took the infection out. It will hurt for a while." I accepted that as I fell asleep. He stayed with me. Antonio and Adam came in. They saw my stump. ********* Brandon Adam warned me. "When I lost my arm, I got pretty dependent on the pain pills. You need to watch her closely." I nodded. "I think we will need your expertise on this one Adam." Adam remembered that horrible bear attack that took his best friend Daniel's life and left him maimed. He suffered for many years from panic and trauma. He needed intense therapy. His wife, Hanna had helped him through it all. Georgia called now. "How is my girl?"She asked. I told her about the surgery."She is going to be okay." She assured me that the children were okay. I missed them terribly. I felt so grateful for my mother in law. "I love you mom. Thank you for everything." I had never called her mom before. She was tearful now. Georgia knew I was going to bring her girl home. Delilah woke up again. She yelled. "Brandon, Brandon I need you. Where are you Brandon?" She was hallucinating. I told her I was not leaving. "I'm here. I'm with you." Delilah cried out again."Antonio, please love, don't marry Louisa. I will be your Bella." Antonio went to her then. I felt horrified at her words. Antonio reminded her,"You love Brandon, you are married to Brandon." I nodded and took her hand. She yelled,"No! He hates me, he hurt me, my neck. He almost killed me...Antonio. I just need someone to love me, so lonely. I'm so very...alone." I was holding back tears. She was reliving her past trauma. The pain I had caused her so long ago, I turned away. I just couldn't watch her relive it all, it filled me with shame. Antonio whispered to her. "Brandon loves you, he doesn't hate you. You are fine now." She squeezed his hand, her eyes were closed. "Antonio, you can't go to Italy. I need you here, I need a father for my baby.You promised me you would come home. Oh, it hurts so much. You married her. Not me. I'm all... alone." We both felt horrible now. We had both let her down. Adam came to her, seeing her distress and confusion. He didn't know how she had suffered at the hands of both of us. "Delilah, you are taking some powerful medicine. You are okay. You are not alone. I am here." She blinked her eyes. "Oh, Adam I was so alone. Thank you." Antonio and I both looked at eachother. We had hurt her badly, so we stayed quiet as Adam comforted her.
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