Forty four ☆ A brave move

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Delilah I was looking for a way out of that truck. I tried the door. It was locked, then I saw a small opening at the roof. It was an air vent. Grabbing at it, I jumped in the air. I just couldn't reach it. I looked at the dead man. " I'm so sorry mister." Taking his jacket off, I put it on, then pulled his body near the vent. The truck swerved back and forth. I fell down. Finding my balance, I got up and moved the man under the vent. " I am so sorry." I stepped on his body and reached the vent. I wedged my good leg up on one of the chicken cages, then swung myself up, out through the vent. I could barely fit. I got stuck with my arm up in the air. Taking a deep breath."Do it for Sam, do it for baby Sera." I squeezed through that damn vent scraping my side as I went. I crouched on the top of the truck, then looked for a soft landing. Laying down, I hung on as the truck flew down the highway. I moved backwards to the back of the truck, then got my foot to one of the ladder foot holds...... ********* Brandon I kept coming. I was calling her back. Delilah couldn't answer that phone right now. She made it to the ladder and hung on. The truck slowed down for a curve ahead. "Do it, jump, do it now!" She yelled at herself. I told Antonio to stop ahead. I didn't know if they would go left or right. I needed to ask Delilah. I couldn't get her to answer me. Henry had spoken to the state police, they were working with border patrol. Every vehicle was being searched. He got a call. "This is officer Malley, we found the car. Looks like it was abandoned at a rest stop. There is quite a bit of blood in there. We may be looking at a homicide." Henry started to tear up. He swallowed hard. " Keep me posted." He called me. " No way. I just talked to her a while ago. She is in a chicken truck. I can't get her to answer the phone now. Maybe he took it from her." Henry said,"Give me the number, I will have it traced." I gave him the number. Lillianne tried to call Powell. He didn't answer until the 5th call. "What is it Lillianne? I'm awfully busy." He said. " You took the wrong girl daddy, you were supposed to take me. I want you. Please come back for me. I beg you." She pleaded. Powell thought about it. " When we get settled, I will send for you. Get your passport ready. I will call you soon. Oh, and Lillianne if you are lying to me, I will stab you to death." " Oh, don't be like that, you always treated me like a lady. I know my reputation. You are the only one that gives a damn." She tried to play on his ego. He said,"Meet me in Tijuana at let's say 4pm tomorrow- do not be late." She hung up. "He's going to Mexico. He said to meet in Tijuana tomorrow at 4pm. " Good job Lillianne." said Antonio. I prayed she was okay. I never stopped thinking about her. I wished it was me, not her. She was innocent. ********* Delilah I hung onto the back of the speeding truck. It was still dark out. I almost jumped at the last corner, but wavered. It was a good thing as a big truck went by just a I would have jumped. I surely would have died. Now I thought I saw some water, it was a river. If I could land in the grass, I could find a safe spot to hide. The river might be a way for me to get away faster. I was a strong swimmer. I felt the truck slow, but didn't dwell on it, I simply lept off, rolling down a grassy bank and landing in the brush. I was free. I turned on the phone and looked at the signal, only one bar. I texted Brandon. I'm off the truck. Near a river. I'm going into hiding for the night. My leg was shot clean through. It hurts real bad. Love you. Brandon got the text a few hours later. He was so relieved. He texted back. I will find you. Stay safe. When you can, call me please. I went in deep into the forest and found a huge tree that would be my shelter for tonight. I wrapped my leg up with some moss. " Just sleep and tomorrow, I will find a signal. Keep calm Delilah. Just stay calm." I kept up a mantra. In the long night I heard animal sounds, but was able to nod off several times. When the sun came up, I got up with it. I walked up to the highest point I could find. I heard the phone beep. It was low on batteries now. I had no signal, I walked up to the road. There were no cars at all. It looked like an old highway in the dessert. Walking along the road, I decided to go back the way we came. I was bound to find a town that way. I walked for hours. It was getting so hot. I decided to stop in the shade and look for water. The river was very far below. It would take me a long time to get to it. I tried to rest and lay in the shade as my discomfort grew. About noon, the sun was over head. I was too hot. I removed my jacket and put it over my head. The cell phone was totally dead now. I put the jacket out on the ground I was hoping the dew in the morning would be collected on the jacket for me to drink. Night fell. It was so much cooler. I got up and walked down the road. There was a full moon, so I could see the road. I tried to be brave, though I was scared to death. By the third day, I was very dehydrated. I walked for several hours, then I thought I saw an old house. It was a form of shelter. I came off the highway and into that little wood shelter. There was a hubcap on the ground. Wiping it out, I set it out to catch any moisture. It worked. I drank a small sip of water. It was something. I looked for more containers to catch the morning dew and set them all up. Finding a piece of metal I used it to cut open a cactus. I had seen this on TV, I could drink the inside of the cactus. It tasted like kiwi. I was surviving. ******** Brandon I heard that my father had not shown up at the boarder. He wasn't answering his phone. They were waiting in Tijuana just as he told Lillianne to do. He didn't answer his phone. Powell pulled off the road for the night. He was close to the boarder, when he opened the door at the back of the truck. She was gone. " s**t!" He saw that the hatch was open on the top. She must have fallen off. He was sure she chose to die instead of be with him. Stupid girl. He decided he would drive to Florida and go to France. He had his passport..... Delilah was planning to continue her journey. She would collect as much water as she could and walk at night when it was cooler. It was going on day 4.
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