Forty three: On the run.•○●•○●•○●

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Powell I put Delilah down on my own bed, placing a towel under her leg and removing my jacket. The wound had dark congealed blood around it. I looked closely at the wound and was relieved to see that she had been shot clean through. Her lower leg was exactly where I had wanted to shoot her. Better chance of her living. Delilah licked her dry lips. "My leg hurts Brandon. Can you get me some Tylenol?" She kept her eyes closed as she moaned. I gave her another strong pill. I wanted her complaint. I rushed to the bathroom and took one of my little blue pills, I would take her tonight. ******** Delilah I was lost in a dream looking for Sam, he ran away from me. I couldn't get him to come to me. " Sam! Please! Mommy said come back!" I called to him. I saw myself at the ocean. It was that day....when I wanted to walk into the water and never come back. I saw Sam there in the water. He was floating face down. " Sam wake up, come on. Swim to mommy." Powell heard me crying for my son. He knew I loved my children very much. He would have to bring them to me, eventually, I wouldn't make it without them. Powell kissed me. He looked at his watch. The blue pill needed a little time to work. He walked out to the rose garden for a few moments. "I better get some more roses for Milly's grave." He went back into the house and took off his sweater and poured some scotch. When he went back to me, I was gone. I was no longer on his bed. He went into his office and got his gun. I spit out the pill that Powell had given me. I was still a little groggy. The dream about Sam drowning made me wake up with a start. I sat up and looked around. "I'm at Powell's house." I took a step and felt my leg burning. "He shot me, that old bastard." I knew that I had to hide. When Brandon and I had first married we came to this home to visit his parents. Brandon had shown me his childhood room. He had a large closet that rose up to the attic. He told me that his closet scared this piss out of him. I hurried up the stairs. Powell was shaking now. He yelled my name. "Delilah get back here! Now!" I went into Brandon's room and tried to get into the closet. It was stuck. I pulled the nob feeling panicked. I heard him climbing the stairs, I clawed at the closet door- trying to open it, breaking my nails. It finally gave. I slipped in and closed the door. Looking for the ladder, I saw it was in the corner. I brushed off some spider webs with my arms as I quietly climbed that ladder...... ********** Brandon I was too anxious to get my wife back to wait for Antonio to fill the gas tank. We had an hour to go. I tried to call Powell. I was surprised when my father answered. " Dad, dad listen Delilah is missing. I need help to find her, daddy please." I tried to make Powell believe that I didn't know that he was the one that had taken her. Powell smiled," Dumb ass. She probably wanted a real man, not a cheating cripple." " Dad, there is something you need to know about her." I tried to appeal to Powell. Powell frowned,"What about her?" he asked curious now. " Dad, Delilah is sick, she has been sick with a horrible contagious disease. You must stay away from her. It will kill an older guy like you. It's called West Nile." I was trying anything now. Powell wondered if this was true. He couldn't take any chances. He needed to be fit for her to start their new family. He told me that he would let me know if she contacted him. I heard the old grandfather clock in my father's house going off. I knew for sure that my father was home. I told Antonio to hurry and called Henry. " She's at dad's house. I heard the old family clock chiming." Henry informed the feds. They would send the SWAT team. Powell poured paint thinner all around the home. He would smoke her out. He would make her come to him. Powell lit a match. The fire licked the floor as the smoke rose up into the rafters where Delilah was hiding. ********** Delilah I coughed and choked. I couldn't breath. "He's burning the house down." I heard him in the attic now. He was wearing a respirator mask. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the stairs. I held my arm over my face as the smoke rose. Powell quickly made his way out of the house and into the garage. "Time to sick girl? Brandon seems to think you are contagious." I nodded as I continued to cough up the smoke that was in my lungs. Powell slowly drove his SUV out of the flames as the house burned down. " Powell, I need a doctor." I told him. He nodded."We are going to Mexico. I know of a doctor there." My head was hurting. I layed down on the seat and dozed off as the car drove away from my whole world. ********* Brandon I arrived at my father's home. The whole thing was up in flames. I saw the fire fighters spraying the home frantically. There would be no way that anyone survived it. I did not shed one tear. I stayed in the car. Antonio was crying fully. "Bella! Oh, Bella...No!" I said. "She's not here. He burned the house to stall for time." I knew my father. I wanted to get out now. I opened the door and stood up and slowly walking over to the neighbor's house. I knocked on the door. " Hi, Mr. Allen. My dad set fire to the house. Can I look at your cameras to see which way he went?"I stayed very calmly. My old neighbor nodded. He let me in. I watched the video. I saw what I needed to see, my dad and wife left in the SUV from the garage. I slowly walked back to the car. " Let's go, they are headed south." " How did you know?" Antonio asked him. " I never felt her death. I feel her alive and scared. I believed she was okay." He said. Antonio nodded."Where too?" " We will stop at the next gas station and then just try to follow them. Dad is a creature of habit. If he goes to the airport, he's going to France. I think he won't chance getting on a flight." They stopped at the next gas station and the clerk confirmed that she saw an older man and a younger woman. The woman stayed in the car. Brandon called Henry. "They are heading south. You better notify the boarder."He said. Henry was doubtful. "How do you know son?" Brandon said,"How do you predict the rain. It's in the air around you. I can predict my dad's actions." Henry called the boarder patrol. They would be ready. Powell needed a new car. He would need to get her hidden really good. He scanned the rest stop for a truck heading south. Brandon called his father. " Son, where are you, did you find your wife?" He held the gun to Delilah's head, keeping her quiet. " I did. She is home now, no problem. You want to meet us at a Mexican restaurant, we can talk things through." His father laughed. "Didn't buy that we burned up in the fire then?" Brandon said,"I am coming for you. I won't stop until you are good and dead.... I love you Delilah. Have no doubts, I am going to get you home my love." Powell ended the call. He looked at her. She was not even crying. She was just looking ahead as he drove. He saw a large truck with chickens in it. He pulled the back door open and pushed Delilah inside. He climbed up and shut the door. They would hide with the poultry. Delilah held her breath. It was a toxic poop smell. Powell put his respirator on. Delilah pulled her slip up over her face. She was going to puke. They rode in that truck for hours. When the truck stopped for gas. The man driving opened the back to see why the chickens were so worked up. He saw her sitting in the back of the truck. He smiled speaking Spanish as he approached her. Powell came out from the shadows and shot the man in the head. He fell down with a thump. Powell took his ID and keys and got in the front of the truck to drive. He left Delilah back there with the dead man. Thinking fast, she searched his pockets finding an old cell phone, flip phone style. She dialed Brandon's number. " Hello, who is this?" He said. " Oh Brandon, we are heading south, he just killed the driver of a large poultry truck. I'm in the back. He's crazy Brandon." " Hey there Delilah, I'm coming for you. If you get the chance, run away. I will come get you. Can you get out of the truck?" She said she would try. " I love you." He said. She said it back. " I love you too."
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