It got Personal

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It was another warm beautiful day as they drove into Fernestshire. Not as many people are around today with the fair being over. Just some stalls and rides still being packed up. Elara eyes widened as they drove near the bar they had been just the night before. There were cops all around it. Elara pulled the car over on the side of the road, not looking if the car was even parked properly. Emmerson seemed to be on the same page as her as well. The building was taped off and some police officers were chatting in front. Elara approached, although not too close to disrupt their conversation. "I know I always talk s**t about it, but I really think I need to book into to see the psychologist after seeing that!" "I know! He's head it was clean off!" Elara almost gasped aloud, what on earth happened! She thought. She looked at Emmerson and saw Cypress's yellow eyes come forward and then go back to his. She touched his shoulder for reassurance and started to look for the Sheriff. She knew him from the media articles, and had been in contact with him early this morning . He assisted with her issuing the subpoenas for the surveillance footage. Which she had kept from Emmerson. She felt guilty about it. But she knew that he would just bolt for the next train and wouldn't even give his mate a chance, it wouldn't hurt to wait a bit. Would it? Elara, turned around facing away from the police and towards Emmerson, she un did her top button and pulled her blouse showing more cleavage, and fixed her hair. "Ahh what are you doing Elara?" Emmerson mind linked her. "Going to get information. Don't tell Leon." "You mean don't tell Leon about your tactics." "Yup!" She mind linked back gleefully. Leon will most likely get annoyed and jealous but this works, she thought. She spotted the Sheriff, behind the yellow tape just in the door of the bar. "Sheriff! Sheriff Jefferson!" Elara called out from behind the tape. He was an elder larger gentleman. His hat made it difficult if he still had any hair, though he wore one in all of his public photos Elara thought probably not. He looked at her questioningly from behind the tape, putting his hand on his belt. "It's Elara, Elara Barsen, we spoke this morning on the phone." Elara felt Emmerson roll his eyes at that little lie. It's true she wasn't married to Leon just yet and didn't have his last name. She would be though, it was just a matter of time, and she had imagined it every day since turning 21. Besides, Barsen had a lot more sway with authority figures then Daughton did. His face lit up, "Ahh Mrs Barsen its good to put a face to the voice! I'm sorry but we are dealing with a very serious offence at the moment.. "Yes, a homicide, I just heard from one of your detectives." Jefferson frowned that was against protocol to talk to civilians about such cases. "Heaven forbid a homicide in Fernestshire, I would of never thought this could happen in our little town." She chose her words carefully, although the pack was really her home, finding a common ground with him was crucial if she wanted any more information. "Was it any one we know?" She said in a trembling voice. "Ah please keep this on the down low Mrs Barsen as we have yet to inform relatives but the gentleman's ID indicates that it was Michael Fells, worked part time at the bottle shop, had a tough life, was already known to us for minor offences. " "O my I'm so sorry for his family, I do not know him though. My apologies I can't help with providing any information, but if anything that comes up I can assist with please do not hesitate to contact me, always happy to help, especially since you did so much for me this morning." She lowered her head battering her long eye lashes at him. "Not a problem Ma'am. If anything comes up I'll reach out." "Thank you for your time and your hard work, I know you and your team will get to the bottom of this tragedy." Elara smiled wave and gave the other detectives a friendly nod. "Did you get that?" She mind linked Emmerson, while quickly walking back to the car. Emmerson was already inside. Annoyingly in the driver's seat. "Yup, Michael Fells, he was the guy from last night, the one Elodie charmed." Elara's stomach turned, she was really hoping it was any other guy, and not be the only human that Elodie had charmed. "I was hoping it wasn't, he would have had Elodie's blood on him." "The guy's head was removed, Elara. I think this is personal. I think Lance is here." I think so to Emm. We need to get to the high school and get back to the pack. How did he find her so fast! That's terrifying! Elara shook when she was finally in the car. "And what happened to me driving?" "I thought it gave off a more prestigious vibe to you Mrs Barsen." Emmerson teased. "You are so full of it!" Elara almost laughed, that was something she could imagine Elodie saying.
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