Play the part

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Emmerson and Elara stepped out of the car at the high school. They could see signs to the administration building up a head. "Okay," Elara said as she turned to Emmerson and rolled up his sleeves to his shirt, and then buttoned up her own shirt and tied up her hair. "What are you doing now?" He sighed. "They aren't going to just let us stroll in there and get the records. Your name is now Aaron, and I'm your younger sister of course. I'm the new substitute teacher, Ms Julie Straught who will be starting next week, and you have an interest in the receptionist." "Where do you come up with this stuff?" "They put it in their monthly newsletter, which you can download from their website, child's play." "I'm going to say that my classes files got corrupted and I just need to scan new copies, while you use those flirting skills I know you have, to make the receptionist forget about the time." "Elara I don't know" He complained. "C'mon what have you got to loose lose? Once we get this we can head back and we will have information that might help us find Elodie. The only other option is that we wait till it's dark to break in, giving the vampires basically a head start and Leon heart palpitations." Elara quickly glanced through the window, as she suspected a middle-aged woman was manning the desk. No wedding ring, not that she thought that would be a problem for Emmerson anyway. Not many women could resist the charms from someone who looked like he did. "Now wait here, I'll introduce you to the lucky lady in a minute." She grinned and sauntered inside The office was small with a front desk with an open door to the left, it looked like it leads to a corridor. The woman looked up as soon as she entered. "May I help you?" "O yes thank you! My name is Julie I'm the substitute teacher that," "O yes that will be starting next week! What can I do for you?" "Well a few things if that's okay, it's terribly embarrassing but for some reason every time I try and open the documents on my students files they get corrupted. Is there any possibility that I could go back and take some copies for myself? " "O sure not a problem, let me do it for you." She responded happily, believing Elara's lie. I need to play this right or all this could be for nothing. "Actually sorry what's your name?" Elara questioned. "It's Annie" she smiled. "lovely to meet you Annie, o my, this is so embarrassing." The smile across Annie's face disappeared, I'm on thin ice here Elara thought. "My older brother Aaron, is outside and see he saw you through the window and well. He would like an introduction". "O ahh I don't know." "Just really quick. If you want him to go I'll usher him out no problem!" Elara quickly rushed to the front door and pulled Emmerson inside. Annie's eyes lit up. "Aaron this is Annie, Annie this is my older, very single brother Aaron." "O hi, nice to meet you!" Annie said with a dreamy look on her face. "It's very nice to meet you Annie, how has your day been going?" Emmerson said putting on a smile. Good boy! Elara thought, very happy that he was playing the part. "Annie, I'll just quickly get the documents, I'll scan them through my phone. Unless you would like to come with me? Aaron you might need to wait in the car though." "O No No its fine!" Annie laughed nervously, obviously now very happy for the introduction. "We keep the original documentation for the students in the 3rd door down". "Thanks so much!" Elara exclaimed as she rushed out of the room. Once inside she shut the door to the room behind her and started to go through the many filing cabinets. They might not have kept her class records anymore it was many years ago. Let's see 6 years ago so the graduating class of… Gotcha! She started to flicked through the files, it hit her quickly that she didn't even know Elodie's last name. She just had her first name and graduating years that’s it. Flicking through name after name until finally she spotted it, block letters under student details, ELODIE AUTUMN SWINTON. That’s her that’s got to be. She grabbed the file. I need to take you with me, so no one else will come looking for you. But where to put you to get you past our lovely Annie? Damm these tight pants and shirt! She thought, she was about to poke her head out of the door when she noticed a row of year books lining the shelf on the wall. You're coming with me too, she thought as she grabbed Elodie's graduating year. Now how to get these out the front without Annie suspecting. She poked her head of the door to the corridor and spotted a trash bin. Bingo! She dropped the book and file into the trash bag in the bin, tied it up and walked out. "Thanks so much for that Annie I owe you one!" Elara came back in the reception area interrupting what appear to be Annie's rant on cars. "I noticed the bin in the corridor was getting full so I thought I would take it out. Are the bins around the side?" "Just out the front by the parking lot actually, and thanks for that." Annie looked at Elara, seeming annoyed that her time with 'Aaron' was now coming to an end. "Let me grab your number Annie, I would love to hear you talk about your cars more." Emmerson purred. Elara was surprised he was definitely giving this his all. It was impressive. Annie turned pink and grabbed a business card and wrote her mobile number on the back. "Thank you, Annie" He said smoothly. "See you next week!" Elara waved and walked out with Emmerson. "Please tell me you got the records." Emmerson mind linked her on the way to the car park. "Of course I did. Who do you think you are talking to!" She grinned "Now chuck the bag in the bin, she said as she tossed the file and book in the front seat. "And you can drive." "I'll chuck the trash but you are driving." He grumbled.
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