A Day Trip

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Elara, flicked her long blonde hair back over her shoulder. She had just finished tidying herself up, for the second time today. She had just put on a fresh clean white blouse, a pair of high waisted green dress trousers and she put on a pair of short heels. She checked herself over in the mirror. I like this she thought checking her make up to make sure it was perfect. I feel like a new women, that I have the role that was meant for. I know I'm only an omega and any other wolf could probably kill me in one swipe. But I can do this. I can assist the pack in other ways. I'm smart and resourceful and I can protect my friend. My only friend who risked so much for my safety and happiness. I feel like such an i***t why did I make her go out, in public?! I didn't know anything about her past, even though I thought I did! But I didn't have any idea what she was risking! She told me it was dangerous but no I just didn't listen. I would of settled for a simple picnic! But no I had to go to the fair didn't I, I had to get her to use her charm. To prove to Leon that she wasn't charming Emmerson against his will and prove to myself as well. Ugh I am such an i***t. I should of just asked her! Now she's on the run for her life and we have vampires at our doorsteps. Not to mention all the mess with the fates. But that could be fixed, it all could be fixed. I am future Luna to the Silver Thorn pack and I can protect my friend and my pack! Right! Elara thought as she turned on heels. She clicked her heels down the marble stair case swinging the car keys. "Emmerson." She mind linked him. "What?" He still sounded pissed or upset it was so hard to tell with him. Never one to wear his feelings on his sleeve. That's why it was so weird he took to Elodie so fast. "I'm going to Fernestshire. Going to Elodie's records from the high school, try and get more information about her, would you like to. "I'm coming" He cut her off and was already coming down the stairs meeting her in the foyer. "I'm driving" She smirked at him. Hoping that this might lift his mood just a little. "You are too much like Leon its annoying." He grumbled at her. "That's Alpha Leon! And get her back well before sun down." Leon shouted from his office. Elara couldn't help but to laugh as they walked off to the car. There was a tension between her and Emmerson as he sat in the passenger seat, starring out the window. Elara squirmed in her seat, the awkward silence was making her uncomfortable. Growing up with 3 old brothers the only time there was silence in the house was when something was very wrong. "I had to let her go Emm. We couldn't keep her here like a prisoner." "I know, he sighed. "but she couldn't even wait to say goodbye, or leave us some information to where she was going?" "She was scared, scared of interrupting out destined fate even more than she has and scared of the vampire who after years has now found her." "She only made it better! Especially for you! You didn't get rejected, you didn't need to leave the pack. The destined fate is bull shit." "I think there was more to it, I think the moon goddess planned it so we would finally be at peace with the Southern Shadow pack, which would lead to peace among the packs within the region." "I would have created strong relationships there with my time in their pack and you have your..." "Don't say it! I refuse to believe it!" He was raising his voice now. I don't know how he could be so angry at the thought of his destined mate, when he had only met Elodie for not even 3 days. "It could very much, could be the case and if it is, she was right about it all." Elara said trying to keep her voice calm. "I'm just going to reject her anyway, so find a better plan to get your peace treaty." Elara almost slammed on the brakes. "Are you serious?! Why? You haven't even met her and your already planning on rejecting her? Because of some girl you have known for less than 3 days! Emmerson, I care for Elodie I do. I watched her life every day for a year. She saved me in more ways than one, but I'm not going to reject my destined fate or mate for her!" "You don't get it!" He roared. "Then make me understand!" She held her own and met his tone and volume. He turned away again and she heard him take a big breath. "She's home." "What do you mean?" Elara said softly, trying to look at him, while also keeping her eyes on the road. "I feel at peace with her, like she has filled a hole inside I have had all my life. I don't care if I have to reject my mate or even leave the pack. It would be worth it to me to see her again." Elara eyes quickly started to tear up. "Ugh don't tell Leon or anyone, not like they would understand." He groaned. "I'll keep a tight lip on it and try and help you as much as I can. But Emmerson. For me Leon and the pack comes first." "I know." He said in a harsh tone. Elara still felt the tension coming from him but not as much as it was before. It was still hard for her to believe that he would give up everything for Elodie, but she got it. If life was on the line, she would leave everything behind too. But they had their mate bond. I suppose it could be possible, for love to form that quickly, right, like love at first sight or something. 'Hey do you know why vampires are after her? Any information about what she is up against would be helpful." "Yeah, she told me last night, she worked in the Undying Blood Order in New York City. Apparently, she helped the leader - Lance Haddington take out a bunch of high-status vampires, and then turned on him once he found out he was just after power and what he was doing was causing a lot of harm to humans. Him and his order got attacked and she took that opportunity to flee. Didn't know if he was still alive, been in hiding ever since. But now we know that he definitely is, and is actively pursuing her." "Whoa, how much chaos did this Lance vampire cause?" she was shocked she was thinking that it was just some lone vampire and he got a bit obsessive. He tried to turn her but didn't get the job done. "You know those deaths in New York City 3 years ago. The media said it was due a power outage." "No! What! Emm that was like thousands of people!" "I know." "Well." Elara started thinking out loud. "If we get her school records, we may be able to track down her mother, maybe she could help." "Worth a shot, but I mean I am sure she would of tried to track her mother down after.." He paused. "When did her mother disappear?" "She said around the time she got pregnant.." "She was in the cabin for most of her pregnancy, I'm sure of it, I saw her at all stages through her memories." Elara responded. "Why was she there in the first place? Do you think it was something to do with baby's father?" She asked. "That never came up." "That never came up!?" Elara rolled her eyes and sighed. Wants to move heaven and earth for her but doesn't even know anything about the most traumatic experiences on her life. She thought, so typical. "Let's just get to Fernestshire" he signed, in a way that made her think he was no longer so mad at her.
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