No stars before the dawn

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"Cypress!" Alpha Bane and Leon shouted at him down mind link. He was in big trouble. "He wouldn't have lasted in the sunlight anyway." He huffed back down the mind-link. "We don't know what he would do because we have never encountered a vampire before! And there could be others! But now we won't know! Because you couldn't control yourself!" Panic and fear hit Emmerson.Others! Cypress took off. Running back to the pack house. Leon was right. They had never encountered a vampire before, they didn't know their tactics or their abilities. What they were capable of. Emmerson mind linked Elara but was cut off almost instantly. Not good not good. He tried multiple times to reach her but nothing, each time she cut him off. What the f**k was going on!? His heart was racing, he wished he could reach Elodie. But that was impossible, it would always be impossible. He reached the inner region of the pack territory coming in on the pack house and horror swept over him. He couldn't smell her, her scent the strawberry champagne scent that tickled his nose with bubbles, was nowhere to be found. He could smell Elara though. She was okay. But where was Elodie!? Cypress smashed through the pack house doors. "What the f**k! Cypress!" She screamed, she had jumped to her feet as she was sitting on the stairwell, like she was waiting for them. He shifted back, which was hard to do as Cypress was becoming unhinged not knowing where Elodie was. "Where is she?!" He roared at her Cypress right at the surface barely being contained. Elara backed herself up, and put her hands up in front of her. "She's gone, Emmerson, She wanted to." Her words were more painful than he could have ever expected. "Where did she go?!" He shouted. Elara shook as if she had received a direct order from her Alpha. "I don't know, she took the car that was out front". She cried. That was enough, Emmerson shifted again into Cypress. His large paws hitting the marble floor and turning around and sprinting out of the pack house following the car's scent and tracks that were heading towards the Western side of the territory. Why would she leave! Why! She must have done it because she thought she was putting everyone in danger. That’s what she was like, who she was. She was the most selfless person I have ever met, I have only known her for barely 3 days. It feels like a life time though. But goddess I would fight a horde of vampires every day if it meant I could just be near her. Emmerson thought leaving Cypress to use all his instincts to track the car and her down as fast as possible. The sun light was pouring into the forest now, that was good. Hopefully, no more vampires will be able to get to her now. He made it to the main human road outside the territory and worked out the car was headed towards Starford. He kept within the tree line to make sure he wasn't spotted by anyone. Although to be honest, he really didn't care. So what if there was another wolf siting in this region. There were always wolf sightings, he would create a bit more attention due to his size. Cypress's ear pricked up Scent is getting stronger. Emmerson was filled with hope, maybe they caught up to her. He was quickly filled with dread as he realized she had dumped the car. Leaving the keys in the ignition. He could smell her scent in the car, the bubbles hitting his nose again. He loved that scent. But just a foot from the car the scent stopped dead. That f*****g lantern! He thought. There was no way he could follow her by using her scent now. He shifted and jumped into the car and sped down the road. Looking for any sign of a green light. That green light, he saw only but 2 nights ago. He had been out that night looking for a she-wolf. He felt her pain, although he couldn't smell her or even track her. But he felt her pain and it was horrendous coming from deep within the southern region of the pack's territory. He saw the green light and carefully and silently stalked it, her face illuminated by the green light in the darkness, had been the most enchanting sight he had ever seen. That beautiful long brown hair with loose curls falling around her face, with those stunning light blue eyes. He was taken back not sure how to proceed. Then she fell to the ground in pain, at the same time the she-wolf's pain started up again. But she was no she-wolf and Cypress was overly cautious he couldn't sense her, only see her and he didn't like it. Thought she may have done something to the she-wolf. As soon as she spoke to him though all that anxiety disappeared. Emmerson was just in shock he had never seen Cypress behave like that, he was often extremely distrusting and disciplined. For him to throw caution to the wind because she just simply asked was insanity. Emmerson was somewhat relieved though, he would have fought for control if Cypress ever thought about hurting her. Every moment they spent with her it was like magic. Her voice that night when she hummed and sang that lullaby, had lulled both him and his wolf into complete submission. And seeing the images of her was so surreal he couldn't make any sense of it at first, and then he saw a younger her. Happy and pregnant standing at a garden gate. He saw the real her start to cry. He was able to put it together, this use to be her home and these were her memories. He wanted to hold her close to relieve her of her pain, for her to know that she wasn't alone and she was going to be okay. He could tell that she was scared to ending the spell. He knew the full reason when he saw the ghost of her burying her baby. It broke him. How could this happen to her? Why was she alone, where was the father, where was her family or friends? He knew he was going to protect her at all cost. He didn't care if he had to take on every member of the pack, both Cypress and Emmerson were in agreement of that. He remembered how he roared at Bane to take the wolf and leave the girl, when he tracked down Eira that night after the spell was lifted. He was ready to fight him if he didn't comply. But Bane just wanted Eira and saw that the 'threat' was unconscious. Alpha Leon ordered that the girl be locked up and questioned when she came to. Emmerson admitted that he did take a much more relaxed approach to that order than what Alpha Leon intended. Luckily for him, Leon was very distracted with his new-found mate. And Emmerson just wanted her to be safe and to never shed a tear again. He also didn't trust anyone else in the pack to even talk to her. Very unlike him, he was always very trusting with his pack. But not this time, not with her. She was too... Important and his responsibility, he found her. She was his.. responsibility.. Sitting in the car recalling those memories with strawberry champagne bubbles tickling his nose and lips. Made him long for her. Him being with her had put a fire in his soul. Their night of passion they had shared had blown his mind. He was already craving her taste again. There was a gas station not far away, perhaps he could get in and view their security cameras. Give him an idea on where she had gone to from there. She would have had to stop somewhere. A mind link came through from Elara. "Emmerson, come back. She left you a letter." Emmerson thought about it for a moment, perhaps the letter explained where she had gone, how to contact her. "Listen Emmerson, come back, we need you here. Once all this is sorted, I promise we will use pack resources to track her down." Alpha Leon came through the line. "You can't promise that she will be safe out there! Not with those monsters after her!" "She assured Elara that she had been avoiding them for years. Emm, if she can hide from an order of vampires for years, how are you meant to find her by yourself?" Emmerson huffed, Leon was right. He was going after her completely blind, going into human civilization. Not even wearing any clothes. He needed to regroup, he needed their help, annoyingly. He just hoped that Elodie's letter gave him some idea where she was.
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