Needing Answers

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He sped back to the pack house, not even putting the car into park before he sprinted inside. Elara and Leon were both in the Alpha's office. They gave him the letter and he dam almost destroyed the room. I don't care about my mate, I don't want her. I need Elodie here and safe and with me. "Emmerson breath! This is what she wanted. I would have never forced her away. None of us would have. She said the Moon Goddess came to her, showed her what we were missing due to her involvement in our lives. I read up on it, found a mention of it in the History of the Moon Goddess book. She was right the Moon Goddess doesn't have influence, control and most time sight of witches. Witches were created by the Earth Goddess to protect the human race from other being like us." "I don't f*****g care what f*****g goddesses do or do not want." He snarled back at her. "I know, I can understand that, but Elodie felt responsible for it." Elara said calmly, now more confident with Leon by her side. "What did she write to you?" Elara handed Emmerson the letter, which was swiftly snatched from her hand. Leon frowned and stepped towards him, but Elara put her hand on Leon's chest. Elara's letter infuriated him even more, it was so much more personal than his, he almost crushed the letter completely when he saw "With Love". "Emm! Look!" Elara said holding out his letter. Yours is ripped at the bottom. It's possible that she wrote more but couldn't bring herself to leave it." Emmerson stepped back, to lean on the wall putting his hands on his head. He tried to reason with himself, Elara was right it was torn, there was more that she wanted to say but didn't. And if she saw his future, of him with his mate, he could see why. He needed to make this right though he had to. He would reject this Dorothy and go find Elodie. He will ask for forgiveness from Leon and Elara later. "Emm, I know you won't want to do this, but you need to meet this Dorothy and see if the mate bond is there. You owe it to your wolf. Not to mention that, ugh I hate telling you this because I don't want to manipulate your decisions. But based on the name and the description. Dorothy is the one living child of Alpha Dolan Thistle of the Southern Shadow Pack. Emm, I know right now, you don't want anything to do with her. But this could be our chance to finally be at peace with a pack we have been hostile with for years. It would bring about peace to the region." Leon said. Speaking alot slower and calmer than his normal tone. "I'm not some pawn in your alpha games Leon! I just ahh!" Emmerson couldn't even finish his sentence. He was furious he stormed out of the office. Elodie collapsed on her bed when she finally made it back to her loft. It had taken her a good 6 hours. She had crossed state lines, and made it back to city of Davison, a decent-sized city found very northwest of where she had been the last few days. This had been her home for the last 3 years. Here she wasn't Elodie Swinton, but Elise Wester. A woman who volunteers at the soup kitchen and community garden, while keeping mostly to herself. She also worked for the garden nursery down the road from time to time. Since money was no object to vampires, Elodie was able to earn herself enough to never have to work again from her two years in Lance's coven. When she escaped, she made sure to move the money around so much that it could never be tracked back to her. Although to be fair she would give all the money up if it meant that she wasn't constantly looking over her shoulder and dealing with horrific nightmares. She lived on the top floor of an abandoned church, she enchanted it with numerous charms and enchants to keep it safe. Not the same as the one for the cabin, the church was still visible. But it gave off alot of negative energy, so that humans and other creatures didn't pay it any mind. It sufficiently hid her scent. She had fitted it out over the years, making the upper story a studio type loft. She adored the architecture and the large window next to her bed. She loved gazing at the night sky and seeing the Mountain range. Although from now on she knew that view was going to be filled with the memories of her time with Emmerson, so it might not bring her much joy now. Elodie opened her bedroom window to get some fresh air on her face. She knew it was going to be a rough night. The grief of everything that she had relived and went through the last couple of days would catch up to her now that she is no longer in survival mode. Her fingers suddenly pulsed as the cold winter air hit her hands. This is strange Elodie thought, she could feel power surging through her. She thought about the night before with Emmerson how the surge came through her then. She tried to find those feelings again. Then it hit her. The wind swept through her apartment. Elodie tried to control it and managed to push it through the room before releasing it back out the window. What was this?! She thought and ran back over to her bag to grab her Grimore. She laid it out on her small desk by her bed and sat down, flicking through the pages trying to find something to do with air, wind anything referencing to what she was experiencing. But nothing was coming up and she found herself completely drained and exhausted. She passed out of exhaustion on her bed. Sitting in his office alone, Alpha Leon read over Elodie's letter to Elara about a hundred times. At first it perplexed him. How could he ever in a million years reject Elara. He really pondered over it for a while. Would he have been able to accept a Omega mate and future Luna a year ago? When his father was alpha. There was no way. His father would have given him an ultimatum. Reject her or she would die. Leon could even picture his father saying it. He was a ruthless, cruel and strict father and alpha. Led the pack with an iron fist. Leon too, it was daily that he would tell Leon what a disappointment he was, that he was weak and wouldn't take over as alpha until he was dead and gone. Leon had, for the most part, accepted this. The pack had grown so much under Alpha Leonard's leadership, but life was also very hard and stressful for everyone. It was around 5 years ago or so when he really became aggressive, expanding the territory significantly, wiping out a few packs in the process. Taking the land that Elodie's cabin was on, after she left. He pulled out the floral notepad from his top desk draw that Elodie had used to write her letter on. It was his mother's. Leon managed to hide it shortly after her passing. He was 25 at the time, and his father pretty much cleared the pack house of everything that had been hers. Leon was able to grab this from her things before it was all taken away. Just a simple floral note pad, but it still had her scent even to this day. Soft notes of tulips and grass still lingered around the notepad. Then suddenly it clicked, the reason he had confronted his father 6 months ago, why he was now alpha now. Elodie was telling the truth. And the reason he was alpha was because of her, because of her cabin her spell, her lullaby. Elara had told him about it. He heard it one night out on patrol. Bane went nuts trying to find out where it was coming from. He and Leon knew that song, his mother sang it to him when he was a pup. It wasn't her voice he heard though, but they frantically searched until it stopped. It brought all the memories of his mother back to him. He was her only son, and she loved him, although she couldn't completely defend him against his father. She would always give him a hug when his father's back was turned. He decided that night that he was going to look into his mother's death. What happened to her exactly? The Wildfang Wind Runners pack that were said to be responsible were completely wiped out in a horrific war led by Alpha Leonard and the pack. The pack expanded again, conquering the southern western region. But Leon wanted to know all the details he owed to himself and to his mother.
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