The Hunt Continues

1221 Words
Elodie gripped the stirring wheel, she had just sped through the pack's territory and had made it to a main road. She saw the darkness of the night thinning, and knew the sun would be rising soon. Her headlights locked on to the dark narrow road in front of her, hitting the forest surrounding her. The darkness was retreating as dawn encroached her. This bought some relief, because of how unstoppable and relentless vampires were. They were completely subdued during the day. They needed refuge to hide from all sunlight, or be burnt to ash within seconds. She did love this time of the night though, it bought her calm to see the glimmer of hope for the new day as the rising sun washed away the darkness. It was a time she actually got to be herself, especially during the time she was kept in Lance's order. The work she was tasked with was hard, making sun stones use to exhaust her. It was a complicated enchantment done in multiple stages. Lance was always on her back checking her work and progress. During the day the stone would be left to soak up the sun, then at night Elodie had to concentrate to seal it in. She thought about how she should probably make one again for herself for protection. But the ingredients were very difficult to come across. One item was snow that had fallen in the midnight sun, only found in the artic circles. She would have to come up with something else, or go north herself. There was a gas station coming up. She remembered it from the last time she left the region. Under different but still heart-breaking circumstances. She pulled the car over on the side of the road, and turned it off leaving the keys in the ignition. She didn't want to take the car completely into the human world. It is too easy to track back to the pack, leading to more trouble for them. She lit her lantern, drawing on the runes with her fingers and humming the spell. The lantern instantly lights. She took off her cloak and hung it over the lantern. She usually did this to get through dense crowds of humans, especially during the night. Hiding her scent and her tracks but also not pulling attention with the green light. She rushed through the trees, keeping some distance from the road to avoid any oncoming traffic. The gas station quickly came into view, the neon sign broken and flickering on and off as the dawn rose. Score! Elodie thought as she saw a huge white truck parked out the front. The blinds were down, meaning there was most likely a driver inside. Elodie took a big breath and fixed her hair. She hurried across the road and knocked on the driver's door. It took a minute, but the door slowly pushed open. A bearded older man with no hair and covered in tattoos opened the door. He looked like he was in a daze. "Can you please take me to the Starford train station? My car broke down and it is an emergency. I'll pay you I have cash. I can even drive if you like!" The man wiped his face, appearing to still be waking up. Elodie eagerly waited his response, trying to look as lost and helpless as possible. "Ahh yeah, he said hop in, watch your step dear." He responded. Elodie was filled with some relief. She would be able to make it to the train station, throw off the vampires and get a train back home, to her hidden sanctuary. Where they hadn't located her in 3 years. Emmerson and the Alpha Unit, as well as some other warrior wolves, headed for the southern boarders. The crisp night sky above them as they plunged deeper into the forest. Tree branches were whipping past them, Cypress had taken the front position in the pack despite this being reserved for the Alpha. He didn't care about ranks right now at all, all he and Cypress cared about was killing the filthy blood sucker that was after Elodie. The patrol pack had reported the intruder at the southern border and were currently trying to pin him down but with no luck, he was too fast for them, lunging from tree to tree. Cypress was eager to tear the intruder apart. Emmerson hadn't seen him like this before. He was outrunning the rest of the pack by a good amount now. "Watch yourself Cypress!" Leon and Bane were mind linking him. "We will get the intruder, but you don't need to be rash." The scent of the intruder hit Cypress's nose, and he changed direction to stalk it down. It was a mix of human blood and ash, definitely a scent he despised. The scent of the patrol pack grew closer too, he saw them growling and snapping up the trees as a shadowed human figured was jumping from tree to tree. He was fast, extremely fast. Moving up and down the tree line. He wouldn’t be able to keep this up all night Emmerson thought as he followed the figure through the darkness of the forest. "f*****g mutts!" The shadow figure shouted at them. "You think you can even look at the master's possessions, you are sorely mistaken!" Cypress lunged at the tree the figure was on, it was so strong the tree shock violently. Bane and the others had caught up to them now. "He is outnumbered, spread out so he will use more energy avoiding us, but stay within reach of pack members, we don't know what he is capable of. Try and subdue him if you can, I want answers." Alpha Leon mind linked the pack. Emmerson and Cypress were in two minds of trying to subdue the intruder. On one hand, he just called Elodie a possession and deserved to die. But on the other he said master meaning Lance was alive out there and wanted her, back. The vampire managed to evade them for what it felt like hours, his energy never waning. The dawn was coming, the light of the night shifting. Emmerson knew that the vampire was running out of options, he had to fight, he was in too deep in the wilderness to find any shelter to avoid the sunlight. Cypress was keen to get his teeth into him as soon as possible. The vampire dove to the ground going for one of the younger small wolves of the patrol. Cypress instead, meets him on the ground just in time. Tackling him head first sinking his teeth into his shoulder. "Cypress contain yourself we want him alive!" Alpha Leon ordered down the Mind link. Such an order would have stopped Cypress in his tracks normally. But not this time, not tonight. As soon as the blood hit his tongue, he went into a complete blood rage. The vampire struggled against him. The vampire was able to put up a little bit of a fight, but it didn't last long. If it had been a younger wolf or even two warriors, the vampire might have been successful, but not against Cypress, not now. Cypress pinned the vampire down and gouged out his neck, and that was it. Over within seconds.
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