Hunny I’m home

1329 Words
Amelia POV It’s almost 2 weeks later The night before the ball, alpha Alfie has yet to arrived. The last two weeks has been spent with me in panic every time someone enters the kitchen. It’s not gone unnoticed by Nana and she has asked me every night at dinner if I’m okay. I’ve been doing the best that I can to avoid Candice and her hareem of id**ts. Unfortunately, she notices even when I’m hiding. This week alone she’s hit me, she poured freezing water on me. I caught her with scissors about to cut off my ponytail, just about anything to get to me. I know after this ball I’m going to have to leave and make it on my own. I don’t want to become a rogue but there’s nothing that I can do about this mess. I know that when Alfie finds me I’ll be his little plaything and I can’t do that anymore. I could find a human town somewhere I can just hide, and stay alone. Wolves leaving the wolf community can cause the wolves to turn feral, due to the loneliness but sometimes if your lucky they become dormant, sad and alone. “ANNIE “ my best friend Charlotte calls up to my room, as she makes it too my bedroom door.I look up from my book and smile. Even in the small place of hell, She and my nana are the bright beacons of light that keep me sane. She saunders over, her beautiful blonde straight hair just past her shoulders, her blue eyes that look like oceans And her smile that beams her pearly white teeth, she is absolutely classically stunning, but as I look closer I see no smile. I don’t see her normal bright smile, I see a frown and for my best friend Charlotte, this is a red flag. I look her dead in the eyes “he’s back isn’t he” my body heats up with anxiety. She looks at me and I feel the dread wash over me “hide Annie you got to hide from him, last time he tried to touch you that patrol officer was around to stop him, god knows what would of happened if he hadn’t” she sighs grabbing my hand and pulling me towards her. I look at her with sheer fear as I say “what about the beating I got just because he couldn’t get his end away, you found me in the bushes nearly dead, I was in hospital for a week” my whole body shudders just remembering. I start to feel the hair on the back of my neck go up and i call to Angel she instantly replies “my little human we need to go where he can’t find us he’s an alpha wolf, I could hold him off but I could never win” She’s just as scared as I am. Charlotte can see my glazed eyes she asks “ what does Angel say. “ hiding out she can’t hold off an alpha“ I whisper my eyes tearing up. Omega’s in this pack can’t train and therefore are weaker, we don’t heal as quickly either, as we haven’t become strong enough wolves. Charlotte looks at me with pitty, she cuddles into me as I start to cry “why is it always me, what did I do to deserve this, thank you Lottie for being my best friend” I sigh into her arms as she pats my shoulder. Charlotte still holding on to me “you will always be my bestie you can’t get rid of me that easy, every blonde needs a brunette”she always knows what to say to make me smile. “ANNIE, CHARLOTTE “ my nana screams up the stairs. We roll off the bed with a “Thud” and giggle like old times as we race down the stairs like two bulls in a China shop. “honestly Annabelle” my nana curses. Goddess I hate it when she uses my full name like that it’s just like nails on a chalk board. Only the alpha calls me that and it’s always when I’m in trouble. “What’s up nana” my nana soften her gaze. “It’s time to go to the pack house and finish off. This last 2 weeks has been leading up to this moment and tomorrow all our hard work will be out to see, let’s not end on a bad note” She wipes her hands on her pinafore. I’ve been asked to serve at the ball and I couldn’t say no to my nana and Even charlotte agreed to help and support where we can. Me and Charlotte in unison say “ yes nana” I know Charlotte feel my fear, it’s almost palpable the tension in the room but nana being nana is oblivious to it all. I’m pushed out the front door and on my way to certain death. Angel uses this time to berate me “bloody drama Queen” I can almost feel the eye roll from her “you my little human need to get some balls live a little, actually scrap that kick him in the balls if he even tries anything “ I shut her out my thoughts as that is definitely certain death. We walk up to the front doors and they fling open with a stressed looking Luna. Alpha Ryan is trying to calm his mate unsuccessful at that, she drags my nana off and me and Charlotte are left on the front door step we immediately drop out gaze and bow in respect to our alpha. “girls no need for that here. You have been helping my mate and I hear everything is in order. Thank you for supporting this pack and helping prove our self to all of the elite alpha wolves. I’m so proud of our pack” says a very proud Alpha Ryan Me and Charlotte both say our thanks and walk within the door. It’s here that I feel it, I can feel his gaze on my body,the slimy sickening feeling creeping up my neck. “oh Annie’s how I’ve missed you, I’ve heard so much from Candice since I’ve been gone” Alfie’s voice is deafening throughout the hall. I know there is no escape at this point, I’m in fight or flight and Angels hackles are up. She fears his wolf Poseidon more than I fear Alfie. Forgetting Alpha Ryan was still with us, he practically rushes out the door as his wife mind links him “have fun kids” Alpha Alfie’s sickening smile stretches across his face “we will” Alpha alfie doesn’t stop “Charlotte you may leave NOW” she hesitates for a second but This wasn’t a question, and she knows it, I know it and she looks at me with utter fear. I mind link her “go it’s okay I’m going to be right behind you, we are in the hall way what’s the worst he can do” I smile gently and squeeze her hand. She starts towards the door to the kitchen and hesitates at the door but thinks better than staying and swiftly leaves me and Alfie alone. “what a good little wolf” alfie murmurs but I keep my eyes on the floor in front of me. I feel him come closer, even Angel’s now on full alert, my eyes glow knowing she’s on the surface. “back your wolf down now Annie or I’ll have Poseidon do it “ he snarls at me in warning and Angel wines out and hides in the deepest part of my mind. Alfie crosses the room and closes in on me and as He comes up to me, I feel his breath on my face, he lets out a mechanical laugh. “ hunny I’m home” …
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