The elite members ball

1219 Words
Annie’s POV I pick myself up, start work on cleaning the mess on the floor as my Nana comes out of the office with Luna. Nana looks at me “what in the world has happened in here Annie” I know that nothing ever gets done about the ranked members, especially those three witches, so I explain “ I slipped and fell over and hit my head” I know my nana knows I’m lying. The luna eyed me and asks “ you sure your okay dear” I smiled “ i’m absolutely fine thank you Luna Penelope “ Luna Penelope then looks at my Nana and says “can you get back to me by the end of today with everything that I’ve asked for “ She leave the kitchen when nana looks at me and says “come on, tell me the truth what actually happened” I look down “it’s just another day in paradise” Nana looks at me with concerned “we’ve got so much to do Annie please quickly go get changed and wash up and come back. I have some things I need you to help me with” I go home get changed and come back to work. She starts to tell me that the elite members ball is going to have everyone “everyone” I ask with surprise. “Yes Annie every single Luna and alpha” my nana looks at me with knowing “What even the alphas that we don’t have a peace treaty with” shocked at what my nana had said, Even Angel perked up at this. Alpha’s in our wolf community sign peace deals with other alpha’s from other packs. Then all alphas of different lands come to an agreement with each other for common goals such as it could be protecting your home from rogues. It could be allowing members to come to each pack to find mates or it could be that you just get on very well with their families. As you know mates can be from any walks of life, it could be pack members from different packs and then ties will be made between each pack as members mix of each different pack. There is one that is so feared they are the only pack that nobody has ties with. They are the largest pack in the northern part of America they themselves keep to themselves, they don’t allow people to find matches and most of them are chosen matches within their territory. They have somewhere upwards of 1000 Wolves living in that pack and anyone who’s anyone knows that the alpha Jack is the most dominant and aggressive alpha of our time and his pack blood moon wolf pack are all trained warriors and are absolutely deadly. “This was huge “ I exclaimed a deep uncomfortable feeling starts to settle in my stomach but I push it aside. They have never been to one of these elite balls, so for the Willis pack this was incredible news and we all knew that we need to put on a ball of a lifetime. Alpha Jack Keto crossing my mind and instead of thinking about him with fear it was more like curiosity and something within me felt like static electricity, even Angel propped up her head as I started to think of this elusive alpha. We got to work, knowing that in two weeks time, the biggest ball for our pack would be held after a long day of planning and endless meetings with my Nana and the luna. I’ve got into bed close my eyes and fell into a dream, where the aggressive alpha Jack haughty me. DREAM STATE I see him across the waterfall. It’s cold out but the water was warm from the hot springs that fed it, I walk closer to him and through the light steam in the air, I step on a branch “crack “ He spins and turns to face me his eyes glow a beautiful colour like liquid gold. I see him then in all his glory, his chiselled abs, and his incredible stature, me being so short he towers over me.I don’t even make it to his shoulder height he is massive and all I can think about is desperately wanting to have his tattoo muscled arms wrapped round me as I trace every design with my fingers. Golden blonde hair swipe to one side and a light dusting of facial hair outlined his beautiful jaw as deadly as he looked I felt at peace I felt safe.He has me mesmerised as I stare into his eyes, I feel like I cant look away, my heart thunders in my chest everything around us has stopped. I feel that static electricity within my body. He now has his eyes on me, I don’t miss the look of disgust he has as his eyes bore into mine and Then he questions me “who are you” “My name is Annie” I respond quietly. “oh, God you’re an omega” an angry alpha Jack gives me a look, I know that look and it’s the same one the three witches give me looking down on me like I mean nothing like I am nothing. “Beeep” beeep” beeep” My alarm goes off I wake with a start tears in my eyes “Angel Angel what the hell was that” I cry out looking for answers but Angel just sighs and she curls her self up in a ball and turns away from me, I hear her soft sounds like a whining. I don’t even understand why I’m feeling lost or broken, I’ve never met this man in my life and I’m crying, “Get a grip” I tell my self who do I think I am! I get up and shower and keep wondering about why it all felt so real. I get up and I’m dressed and ready at an impressive speed today,considering my mind is else where. I leave my home and as start down the street, my mind drifts back to the dream that felt so real. I’m pushed and slip and hit the curb, my knees and elbows bleeding. I hear her before I turn to see her. ‘Candice’ I go to get up to be kicked back down, She bows down to my level and whispers “Guess who’s coming home from Alpha camp For the elite ball” I start to shake, I know my heart beat is giving away how scared I am. He’s coming back, I thought I’d have more time. She continues “ he says he’s missed you Annie, I’ve told him him a few little lies, you know to get him excited to see you” I look to her and immediately drop my gaze. She laughs and kicks me in the stomach one last time. She walk away singing “alpha Alfie is coming home” I lay there thinking how can I escape how do I get away.. “Angel you need to help me” it’s no use she’s still upset from last nights dream. How will I stop him, last time he almost killed me.
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