Alpha Alfie

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Annie’s POV Alpha Alfie grabs my chin and repeats.“back down now Angel or I’ll let Poseidon out to put you down” I cry out from the grip he has on me, I feel his claws descend moments away from drawing blood, he lets me go and laughs. “oh little Annie we will be having so much fun you and I” His disgusting sly smile stretches across his face. I struggle to breath, my breaths come out in shortbspits and I’m struggling to control the tears in my eyes. Angel is scared and that’s what has me on edge more as she’s my confidence, she is my voice of reason and right now she’s hiding in my mind. Im broken from my thoughts suddenly as he continues to spit venom at me “What’s wrong Annie wolf got your tongue” He tries to goad me into tears, but I won’t give him satisfaction. My hearts racing and I know I need to get out of here but he steps closer and I step back out of reflex but he steps further still and I’m pressed against the wall cages like an animal. He pulls my chin again to make me look at him and as I look into his eyes it’s only then that I feel fear and I mean real fear the look in his eyes is as if he’s having me as dinner. He licks his lips and presses his head to my forehead and whispers into my ear “you better still be a virg*in when I break you in, I can’t wait to see that bl**d all over me you little cunt” his words send chills across my body and Im scared. Im in panic and he sees it. he’s smiling down at me but it’s not a happy one … it’s one of pure evil. “Bang” The door flys open and I look up and Alpha Alfie is already gone. I see nana “what’s taking so long Annabelle get in here” she shouts at me tapping her foot. I’ve never been so happy to hear her use my full name Annabelle. I hurry along side her into the kitchen and I see Charlotte drops the knife and is running over to me in seconds, bless her she’s checking all over me and luckily for once my hair is down and covering my neck, where I can imagine the blue and purple bruises are starting to appear. I hear her sigh and reach out to me “are you okay babe” her soothing voice calms my beating heart down to a slower pace. “I’ll tell her all about it later” I whisper gently and I know she’s looking at me with worry “okay” she sighs, she knows I don’t want to talk right now and she goes back to chopping her carrots. I just get straight into work honestly anything to get my mind off of that psycho Alfie. I realise my wolf hasn’t said a word and with all the panic I realising I haven’t checked in on Angel. Having an alpha force your wolf back with his aura isn’t great and it can take its toll on a wolf and having your self forced to submit like that is abuse of power. “Angel are you there” I reach out into my mind to find her and slowly she makes her self known “ that was horrible, I never ever want to feel like that again we need to leave this sick place Annie, you should of heard the sick things Poseidon was promising to do to me” she wines lowly and I can only imagine. Poseidon is Alfie’s Alpha wolf and he is worst that Alfie ever had been. He believes all she wolfs are for him and they should allow what ever sick thing he wants as he is the Alpha. I know in my heart after this ball I’m leaving and I need a couple weeks to prepare but I’m out I’m done, I’d rather be a rogue that be r*ped by that sicko. That’s the moment Candice barges into the kitchen “Annie I heard you and Alfie got to see each other” the little b***h gets off on this I’m sure if it. Her vile little squeaky voice gets to me immediately but I don’t rise and I continue what I’m doing, I know she’s next to me. I could recognise that sweet sickly perfume anywhere it’s like being in a rose bush rolled in sugar and is wolves have a very intense scene of smell. “he said he has some great plans for you, taking a little something, I’ve told him your the pack wh*re there’s no way your still a vi*gin” she giggles and Flounces out of the kitchen! I look up at Charlotte as she mouthes” what did she want?” I mouth back “ I’ll tell you later” The rest of the night is uneventful, we leave the kitchen into the dark of the night. I look up to the stars and silently pray to the moon goddess for support and help in me leaving this pack. Charlotte appears and before I can open my mouth “I’m staying at yours tonight I’ve already texted mum” I look at her speechless thinking I might get out of this but Angel is in my mind “she’s a good friend but nosey as hell” I open my mouth and Charlotte jumps in “you didn’t think you could get out of this did you” she leans into me. We Link arms as we stroll home and I turn back and look into the window of the pack house I see a shadow of a man, I see his eyes, I know instantly who it is and hairs are up on the back of neck as I hurry away with Charlotte jabbering on about some man she met at the shop. We arrive home and we get up the stairs and into bed and she rolls towards me “spill” I look at her “okay I’ll tell you everything” She looks at me wide eyed, once I’ve finished I can see that she’s absolutely horrified she opens her mouth like a fish repeatedly closing and opening. I look away tears welling up in my eyes “I’ll be leaving after the ball please look after my nana for me, I can’t just abandon her but I also can’t stay and get r*ped and beaten I need to go” I sob silently into the darkness. She nodds her head at me and get closer “besties for life” I repeat “besties for life” holding Charlotte close relaxes my mind and soul. It’s childish but we made this pact years ago and I still stand by it now, we cuddle up like it’s our last chance both knowing the unspoken thought. I’ll be leaving and never coming back.
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