The ball what could go wrong

1456 Words
Charlotte and me wake up at the crack of dawn, ready to be on hand to prepare for the guests. Over 100 member of the highest ranking wolves will be here in the next couple of hours and I’ve been trusted with Charlotte to help Luna Penelope with the arrival and helping the ranked members settle in. My nana screaming like a banshee at us to come down and on the table is a package “Nana who’s is that” Nana reply’s “yours and charlottes outfits” Me and Charlotte look at one another wondering what in the world. We grab the parcel and rip them open inside is the most beautiful black dress I’ve ever seen, it cut beautifully around the neck to show a slight peep of my girls but nothing to much. Angel buts in “best hope those finger marks Alfie left you on our neck are gone” I ignore the comment he’s not bringing this moment down. The dress fits like a glove the beautiful silk hugs all my curves in the right places. I’ve never felt so beautiful and the next box I see .. I open without a single moments notice and it’s beautiful heels. How on earth will I walk in these. Angel sniggers at me “ good luck “ “Bl*ody wolf” I reply. As I try it on, Charlotte squeals at me practically vibrating with excitement, “ you look Fantastic, I hope you find your mate tonight, I can feel it, you in this dress you look like a ranked member “ I’m practically keeled over and doubled up in laughter she’s joking isn’t she! I splutter “your joking “ My wolf pipes up “maybe she’s not” I practically choke “ excuse me Angel do you know something “ My wolf chooses now to ignore me! Absolutely brilliant “ thank you for the information so informative “ No reply! I head down stairs like Bambi on ice, but I pull it together. My nana sees me her eyes mist up and she beckons me over, as I walk over like prom day all over again “my Annabelle you look beautiful “ I cuddle into my nana, this almost feels like good bye, I’ve already written a letter explaining my reasons, this is starting to feel real. Me and Charlotte pack our bag and walk over to the pack house. I walk thought the doors, the alpha and his family are in the dining room, I hear the Luna shout us to come in, as we do I see the looks on their faces. Luna Penelope smiles practically beaming, almost forgetting alpha Alfie is sat at the end of the table. I look up and he’s looking at me like I’m his last meal on this earth I can see him fighting control with his wolf the glow in his eyes let’s me know he’s surfaced. Luna Penelope gushes over us “ boys don’t they look beautiful “ Both the boys muttered a response but I’m too caught up remembering that the little psycho is still here. We hear the door bell, Angel pops into my mind “saved by the bell” and even I let out a little laugh, suddenly realising where I am I straighten out my dress and leave to open the door for the arriving guests. The first in the door is our closest neighbour Alpha Adrian from harvest moon pack. I open the door he looks me up and down and his smile beams at me I quickly look down, Remembering my place. His deep southern voice makes me jump as he says “little wolf you can look at me, I don’t bite “ I look up at him and his eyes are incredibly welcoming, like pools of dark chocolate, his wolf peeps through as I sense even Angels Curiosity. Our glowing eyes letting each other know our wolves have met too. He feels homely, I can’t explain it, he’s not my mate but he feels safe. He break my silence “ little wolf can I come in, this is my beta thomas and his mate molly” I look at both and bow to them they both giggle and tell me not to worry with those sorts of things, as I walk Thomas and Molly in, I can feel alpha Adrian’s gaze on me. I take them to there assigned rooms and bid them good bye. Suddenly “so you are a little wh*re then” Alpha Alfie is behind me, I keep walking as quickly as I can but these goddess damn heels make me slow, He soon catches up to me with a tight clasp of my wrist “ I was talking to you Annie, your first will be me mark my words I’ve earned you “ I rip my hand from his tight grip just as alpha Adrian appears,” everything okay there “ He looks at me and then his deathly gaze end up on Alfie “Alfie grabs me by the hip and tucks me into him “ everything’s just fine isn’t it Annie” I’m practically begging the goddess to help me. Alfie let’s me go and I make a run for it before he can catches me again. I’m running down the stairs, I hear the two still talking I would love to hear it but I’ve got to get out of here! “Knock” “knock” I sense my wolf before she can “ do not use the same joke on me Angel “ Angel replies “ goddess your grumpy today” I go to answer but Charlotte tells me she got this one, I pop into the kitchen to check on nana. 20 mins later a flustered Charlotte comes into the kitchen. Charlotte looks at me and I instantly know it’s gossip “ Charlotte what’s got your knickers in a twist “ She starts telling me “ I just helped Alpha Jack in with his girlfriend Fiona“ I’m so interested I’m sat on the kitchen side much to nana’s distaste “oh my god really what’s he like and her? Are they nice? We’re they as scary as they been made out? Come one give me all the gossip” She begins “ he’s actually really respectful and she was a classic Candice blonde,big b*obs, big ego, big hair and a screechy voice” At this point I’m in fits of giggles and my nana is shooing me with a wooden spoon out the kitchen. We jump off the kitchen side and welcome all the alpha and their ranked members all throughout the morning. The afternoon soon approaches, Luna Penelope brings more gifts, new evening wear and shoes. I feel like a princess. I’m given an A-line floor length dress in black, it’s matching with Charlotte, our hair is matching it glamorous curls and our make up is a Smokey nude and nude lips. Charlotte looks at me and says “ I thought you couldn’t look any more beautiful from this morning but I was wrong this … this is stunning, your be catching men in this dress for sure “ I gush all over her and how beautiful she looks and how incredible her figure looks and we put our final touches and walk to the ball room. Where we will be serving drinks and canapés all evening. I walk into the room I catch glimpses of alpha Alfie but he’s too busy to notice me. Candice is looking at me like dirt on her shoes, she’s glides up to me in her glittery sliver dress b*obs out and long split up her legs, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination and her hair is pulled into sleek ponytail. She pushes me into a corner and starts berating me “ just because your dressed up and got make up on, your still a poor wh*re, you don’t serve to wear things like this you little slave, Alfie told me that I can watch and video him r*ping you if I want too. we are going to make you watch as he f*cks me, honestly can’t wait then maybe after if I have the strength we will beat you till your little face is unrecognisable “ She whips around deliberately hard, In doing so she smashes my tray out my hand all the glasses smash on the floor. Everybody is now looking at me. I looks round the ball and then he arrives through the double doors I look up into his eyes it clicks it’s Him from the waterfall Angel screams “MATE” Alpha Jack is my MATE
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