Alfie Jack is my mate

1118 Words
Alpha Jack POV This cannot be happening this little Mutt, Omega one at that is my mate. I feel my wolf Kurt push forward “ MATE“ as a battle to gain control of myself. He wants her. He can smell her divine scent like home , its smell of our forest on an early morning run. She gives me the feeling .. as I look into her eyes of the warmth of the sun on my skin, the feeling of contentment. This little omega mate is short curvaceous and brunette with eyes, I could stare into forever. She is a pretty little thing. Nothing like Fiona, slim and toned, fake b*obs and straight blonde hair, they couldn’t be more different. I am then suddenly bought back into the moment as I look to my side and see my fiancée. I know that Fiona can feel the sudden change in me, I feel her massaging my tense muscles. I stand next to Fiona, She has a tight grasp on me as I do on her. I look down on this wolf as she is surrounded by smashed glass. I look at her with pity, my wolf howling “MINE” “isn’t she beautiful “ “I want her” I close my eyes for a moment to reply “ you know Kurt we will have to reject her she’s a Omega, we need Fiona to give us strong children” My wolf snarls“ we are not rejecting her” To my reply “ yes Kurt it’s for the best” I force myself to smile grab Fiona and kiss her with such force. I can feel my mates eyes on us, I can feel her pain through the tiny hooks of the mate bond. Kurt is going mad inside my mind clawing to get out, but push him back and continue into the ball. I’m not approached by any one, they’ve all heard the story of how ruthless and evil I can be I don’t take second chances. I’ve learnt the hard way that I will not allow my pack to be hurt again. As the alpha of the largest packs, I have to run a very tight strong and formidable pack. I don’t think twice about ki**ing anyone or hurting anyone that hurts me and my pack. I guess they all know I mean business, and that’s why no one’s ever approached me, not even for a treaty for their pack and mine. I wondered around this great ball and greet the host and hostess, Alpha & luna Willis and their son Alfie. I’ve met Alfie a couple of times at alpha Camps that I’ve had to endure. He is just sick as I am and just as evil. He doesn’t take second chances he’ll make an incredible leader of this pack. I chat to them for a while, other alpha’s start to see me as approachable, and Fiona is swanning about like she owns a place chatting to every Luna on every table. My wolf uses this time to push forward to look for his mate. Fortunately for me, she’s nowhere to be seen, just as I’m looking Alpha Adrian introduces himself to me. His pack boarders mine yet we never spoken more then a few tense words. He surprises me with “ she’s not here she’s gone to get changed” I look up in dismay “excuse me who are you talking about” His reply angers me “ the pretty little brunette” My wolf pushes forward “don’t talk about her” his baritone voice comes out a little bit more hoarsely than mine. Alpha Adrian smirks and says “can I talk to alpha Jack please “ Alpha Jack is pushed forward “ what do you want “ Alpha Adrian says “a treaty we boarder each others pack, I want safety for both the pack with the increasing up rising of a rogue pack “ I give the man his dues, he’s got balls, he’s the first to even approach this subject and for the first time I’m considering it. The rogue problem is getting worst, not that I can’t handle it, but the size of our territory means I’ll have support. To his astonishment I say “ draw it up send it over to my pack I will check it and sign and return” He nods gestures to his beta and his beta disappeared in an instant. At this moment alpha Alfie starts to make conversation with me. Goddess this why I don’t go out often so much chatting smiling and pretending. I smell my maté immediately as she enters the room to offer us all a nightcap. Alpha Alfie is practically eating her with his eyes, I interrupted him “ are you okay alpha Alfie” He looks with longing at my mate. My wolf is getting wound up now hackles up ready to fight this little alpha pup. The next thing that comes out of his mouth starts a series of events that even I wasn’t prepared for. “ that’s my little prize for behaving like a good alpha son “ Angered beyond belief I ask “ what about her mate, isn’t she saving herself for her mate “ His reply was sick even for me “ she will take me like the good little omega she is, she knows her place and what I want I get, with or without her consent “ Without further ado Kurt was out and was raging, his heavy breaths and his snarls were heard across the entire ball and everyone retreated back. My shifted wolf is bigger than most, and I was out for blood. Alpha Alfie’s blood. I attacked him, my teeth on his throat. he screams for his parents “mum, dad HELP” His parents are over in an instant alpha Ryan is asking “ what have you done son” I finally gain control of Kurt and shift back into my human. I’m handed a pair of shorts by joss my beta. I start to recite the whole conversation I just had with their son in front of the whole ball. Every alpha, Luna,beta and gamma is absolutely disgusted in his behaviour. Arrogant little boy, I take it back he will not make a great leader he’s beyond sick. As I leave, I’ll grab my mate and drag her from the confines of the ball, hearing the whisper’s and the screams from the Luna to her son. I walk towards the large double doors. I hear the screeches from Fiona also as I turn and leave, dragging my unsuspecting mate to my room.
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