Chapter Seventeen

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Third Person POV "You don't need to sneak into the house you live in you know." Her movement halted, looking in the dark living room to find out where the voice was coming from. When she opened the door and before she entered, she surveyed the room, though dark, she was able to know that Velma wasn't sitting at her usual place behind the TV. Making her believe that she might be in her room. That was the reason why she entered. Thinking she can sneak into her room without being noticed. "Velma?" she called out. You scared me. She spotted Velma seated at the dining table. "Where have you been?" Velma asked, her voice was cold being the only evidence that she is angry since her face couldn't be made out due to the darkness. "I-I-i went to see a friend." "Your boyfriend?" "Ermm yes." "So how is he doing? He is back from his trip?" "Yeah, he is."  Her head was bowed whilst remembering the pain Pharrell's rejection has caused her. For the first time, she was thankful that the room was dark in that Velma couldn't see her hurt and bloodshot eyes that was caused by her endless tears. "Y-yes he is. But I guess I never mattered to him." She said sadly then turned to leave. "He came here. Velma's tone has turned from angry to a friendlier one, sensing that Liana isn't in a good mood. She didn't like what she did but she can't stay angry at her forever. At least until she knows the whole truth. "Who Pharrell?" She held her mouth with her hand when she realized what she just did. "Oh, so it's him. Yes, Pharrell. When were you going to tell me that he is the boyfriend you came here for. Or were you planning to tell me after the baby is born in my house? If not that I met you on the plane and that you are nice, I would have believed you teamed up with him to trick and  destroy me." "How di...." "Like I said, he came here and he was furious, and about the pregnancy, I already knew before you went for the checkup. Pregnancy is something you can never hide." Liana was confused because her slight bump was not showing.  "I am sorry Velma, I should have told you. I was lost in my head and believed he loved me. When you told me the story about you two I knew instantly that you are not fond of him that was why I didn't tell you." There was a long pause and an uneasy silence between them. It felt like ages when Velma spoke up. "It's okay, It's not my business anyway. You have the right to privacy. Sorry I got angry. But be careful about Pharrell, that man is a demon."   She mouthed out before getting up and leaving Liana who seemed to be in deep thought. The whole ordeal of the day was breaking her into pieces and for the first time in her life, she didn't know what to do. Even in the past when she found herself hungry and miserable there was always a way and something to do, but this time a baby was involved. She would have to leave Velma's house sooner or later but where would she go?. She sighed heavily, only now realizing that she is alone and that Velma has gone to her room. She trudged up the stairs then absentmindedly walked into her own room. Immediately she hit the bed, she was far gone, leaving behind her problems, anxiety, and anything that has got something to do with Pharrell. Heath's POV I tossed and turned in my bed, unable to sleep, thinking about the girl and whether she is fine. I wondered whether it was the right thing to fire her especially now that she needs the money. But her fragile limb body in my arms when I found her in the rain kept playing in my head assuring me that I did what was best for her. After all, the father of her baby will help out. Or is she carrying a bastard? Does she need help? I kept on asking myself over and over again yet my mind was telling me it's none of my business. I reached out to my phone that was on my bedside table and checked the time to find out how long it will be until the morning. The time read 3:15 am. I said a silent prayer wishing for morning to come fast since I am unable to sleep.  On a normal day, I would be at the club at this time and yet to close. But after my meeting with the Chinese, I decided against going back there so I sent a text to Pharrell that I wouldn't be able to come back. He wasn't happy about that but I promised to see him at his office in the morning and talk to him when he is soberer. I shoved the duvet off me and walked out of my room into the kitchen to brew some coffee. I have had enough of the Liana thoughts and it was almost like I was going crazy. What is happening to me? Why do I care so much about her? I obviously don't love her so why? I passed my hand through my brown locks waiting for my coffee. The thoughts were still coming and I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't stay still and felt like going out there to look for her. At least knowing that she is doing okay would help. "Just let her be. You are just mad and worried because you were not able to f**k her like you wanted before you fired her." My sly subconscious mind said, making me wonder whether that was the reason I'm feeling this uneasy.  No, it can't be the reason. I will not deny that I want to f**k her but what was going on within me was far from my lust for her. It was a bugging feeling that was screaming at me that she needs help but am I the best person to help her? "No no, I am not the President if charity works. I must stay away from her. I must not see her again. Sooner or later this feeling will die off." I whispered those words to myself. For a second I even thought I was bipolar because one moment I want to see her and the next I am telling myself to stay away from her. "That's it Heath, you are going crazy." I was disrupted by a bing from my coffee maker was about checking it when a loud knock sounded on my door. Who is it at this time? I walked to the door and peeked through my camera before opening it. "Hey man, what are you doing here at this time?" Pharrell stumbled into my house, barely keeping his eyes open. "I-i-i wa-an-ted s-someone t-to taaaaalk t-to." "But you are wasted man?" "I-i a-am n-not. Give me a drink. Whiskey maybe." I shook my head and got him a glass of water instead then I poured my coffee. With the glass of water in one hand and my coffee in the other, I walked to the living room where he has made himself comfortable. "Here!" I handed him the water and sat on the couch that was closer to the one he was lying on. He took a sip of the water and spew it out immediately it made contact with his tongue. "Wh-what th-the hell m-man water? I-i- aske f-for a d-drink." "You are too drunk for another shot. Please drink the water if you want to talk to me or I will go back to bed."  That was all he needed to drink the whole glass of water. For some minutes, he kept his eyes closed, and thinking he was asleep, I stood up to go for a blanket to cover him since I won't be able to carry him to one of the bedrooms. "I-i-i got this girl pregnant." He suddenly said making me halt. I quickly turned to look at him thinking I heard wrong.
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