Chapter Eighteen

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"You did what?" I resumed my seat looking at him directly while he spoke with his eyes still closed. "I didn't k-know s-she was too dumb to get pregnant. I just wanted s*x with her and nothing more." I kept quiet because I didn't want to make him stop talking. He might not tell me when he is sober. "We met when I went to Spain you know? She was beautiful and naive and I wanted a taste of her. I didn't know she will be smart to trap me in this manner. Now she has come here. Before my wife and I with a stupid pregnancy. I am so angry. All I want to do is to strangle her. Because you know what? If this news goes viral, my reputation will be destroyed. Girls wouldn't want to come around me anymore. They see me as a perfect man in a perfect marriage. Nobody will make a role model anymore." "Please Heath, help me kill her!"He opened his eyes and looked at me with pleading tired eyes. Is he out of his mind? He will kill some innocent girl just for his reputation? I will pretend I didn't hear that. "Please Heath. Please help me. I don't want the world to know what this shameless girl wants to do to me." "That's enough!" I shot to my feet, the last drop of respect I have for him long gone. I was filled with fury and wanted to drag him out of my house but I didn't. "Who is this girl?" I asked in a calm tone in a way to milk the information out of him. "H-her name is-is Li-Li" "Liana!"  I exclaimed only then remembering that she is pregnant. He didn't confirm it. The next thing I knew, he was snoring. I pulled the blanket over him and absentmindedly took my cup of coffee and returned to my room. Liana? Could it be her? Could she be the one he wants me to help eliminate?. No, it can't be. I'm sure it was my mind that formed her name when he said Lili. I am sure it's someone else. Liana wouldn't get pregnant for a married man. Would she? "Anyone can do anything Heath."  A voice inside my head said confusing me the more. I know but the girl seems so innocent and decent. She will not stoop that low as to get pregnant for a married man. Velma's POV. "Louisa, someone is at the door, can you kindly get it please?"  I called out from my room. I placed the novel I was reading down on my bedside table and left my room to see who came to visit. "Please have a seat. I will go and call ma'am". I heard Louisa tell the man whose back was turned to me. "Oh, here she comes." She mouthed out and the nicely built man turned to look at me. I was taken aback by how handsome he was but he looked familiar. It was until I got to him that realized who he was.  "Heath Miller?" I called out, hoping I got the name correct. "Yes beautiful." He said making me blush and shy. My cheeks were hurting because I couldn't get rid of the huge smile on my face.  "Wow, you are actually in my house? I know I live just five blocks from your club but I have never seen you before." "You know that's bad. Such a beautiful Spanish lady shouldn't be hiding herself from me." He said with a rich American accent that I found sexy. "How may I be of help to you?" I had a fair idea of why he was here but I asked anyway.  "Actually, I came to see a young girl who I learned lives here."  He confirmed what I was thinking. "You mean Liana?"  "Yes Liana, is she home?" He asked his demeanor changing. It was almost like he feared she wouldn't be home. "Yes, she is. She is actually not well. I will let Louisa call her." Just when I was about to call Louisa, Liana got out of her room in nothing but a lingerie. She had no idea there was a visitor and she froze when she locked eyes with him. If I hadn't known better, I would have said that they have something going on between them. The look Heath was giving her was like she was his lunch he couldn't wait to dig in. It felt like she was all he could see and the silence in the room was so deafening to the extent that, if a pin drops you would clearly hear it. "Bos-H-Heath? w-what are you doing here?" Her face was tanned by her blush. What I wasn't sure of was whether the blush was from the embarrassment that her boss has seen her half-naked or she is intimated by him. "I-i will leave you two to talk." I said, sensing that my present wasn't needed but I was ignored, none of them was even looking at me. I am sure they  forgot I was in the room with them "I came to give you this."  I heard his voice fading the further I walked away from them. I returned to my room and to the book I was reading. I got so involved in the first book of the AFTER series by Anna Todd that I lost track of time. When I got out, it was already dark and the dining table already set for dinner. Surprisingly, Liana was already seated waiting for me. "So how did it go with Mr. Handsome?" "Hmm, was it supposed to go well?" She asked with a confused countenance like she cared less about what happened between her and her boss. "He just brought my paycheck and some things I left at his sister's house." "You never told me that your boss is sexier than what we see in the magazines." "He is in magazines? Why is he?"  She asked, completely lost about who Heath really is. "Baby girl, your boss is a billionaire. He owns almost all the clubs in the united states. Why shouldn't he be in magazines? Plus he is also a model." She widens her eyes at the discovery. I couldn't believe she was working for him all this time and didn't know who he truly is. "So how did it feel for a man as hot as he is to see you half-naked?" I teased laughing heartily at her. "It is so embarrassing. You should have at least given me a headshot. I didn't know what to do when I got out and the first person to see was him. You know I literally sneaked out of his sister's house and wouldn't want to see him because of that." She frowned, pouting her mouth.  "I was about to let Louisa inform you but then you came out." "Yeah yeah, it's not your fault. Let's just eat before I starve to death. Here, this is for you." Coming up In next Update. "Okay, since you have alleged that the child you are carrying is my husband's, we have decided to believe you. As it is, he is already married and cannot marry you but what we can do is to let you move in with us. You will be well taken care of until you deliver the baby. We will have a DNA test to prove your claims and if you are lying, you will be sued and made to pay for all the treatment given you during your stay and you will leave with your bastard and never worry us again." She said slyly, grinning like she has said the wisest thing ever. "And what if it proves he is the father?" I asked looking at Pharrell who looked like he has been forced to compromise. His head was bowed but my question made him lift it and if looks could kill, I would have been dead. "When we get to that bridge my dear, we will cross it." She answered. There was something strange about her smile and her politeness. But I didn't make that ring a bell. So far as I will be closer to Pharrell and win my love back, I am okay with their arrangement. "Okay, I accept."
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