Chapter Seven

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The room looked cozy and beautiful with beautifully drawn art portraits hanging on the white painted wall. The furnishing of the room was that of ancient times but it looked modern and complimented the design of the room perfectly well. She wouldn't say she was awed by the beauty of the room since it's not the first time she has been in a nice house but this felt warm and welcoming: the perfect place to calm her nerves and take her rest. Velma had already ordered her guards to take Lia's luggage to her room so she had no stress with settling down and after an hour, she had food sent into her room.Her hospitality and kindness was beyond what Lia could understand. She thought it over and over yet couldn't understand why a total stranger will be so nice to help her. Are what they say about guardian angels true?. If that's the case does that mean Velma is her guardian angel?" A question she has been pondering over. She was grateful she have a place to lay her head and made a mental note to leave early in the morning so she doesn't become a burden on Velma. After her meal, she took the empty plates to the kitchen and was met with the sight of Velma watching something on the TV whiles talking to herself. "Ahh this man is so full of himself." She heard her say and followed her gaze to the TV "You know him?" She asked startling Velma in the process. "Lia! you scared me. I thought you were already asleep?" "No . I came out to return the plates. Thank you for the food." "You are welcome. Just put them in the dish washer, Louisa will wash them." She did as she was told and returned to the living room to join Velma "Do you know him." She repeated her earlier question hoping that this time, she would get answers. "Who him? ha! Everyone knows him around here.He used to be a close friend but I cut all ties with him when he cheated me out of a business." "Cheated you? how?" she asked curiosity getting the best of her. She didn't believe what Velma was saying, At least she didn't want to believe it but she wanted to know why she was saying that about him "He convinced me to invest my money into a business which was expected to make huge profits but at the said time that I was supposed to receive the profit, he told me the business failed and that we had made losses instead of profits. I believed him but I later found out he kept all my profits and enriched himself with that. When I met the guy he had nothing. He used me and our friendship to get to my associates and stole most of my clients.We had a heated argument which made us part ways. I have not heard from him since then. But I have heard he got married, have established his own businesses with the money he stole from me and enjoys most of his nights in the club that's just five blocks away from here. It's such a wonder that we have not run into each other or maybe he makes sure that we don't." "I don't think all that you said about him is true." "Do you know him?" Velma questioned, taken back by what Lia said "No I don't but he looks too nice and charming to do that." "Well that's what he did. He used his charms to fool me. Don't be deceived. There is nothing good that comes out of Pharrell Smith." "Hmmm, I am going to bed. See you in the morning." "Okay dear. Goodnight and remember to take the Advil Louisa gave you. It's been a long day and you might not want to wake up with a bad headache. You have a boyfriend to see in the morning." Velma teased forcing a grin out of Lia "Have you realized that since we got here you have not spoken to me in Spanish? "Hahaha! there is a change of environment dear. We go with the flow." "Buenas noches querida(goodnight darling)" "buenas noches(goodnight)" Heath's POV "Hey, hey man, make sure those drunk dudes settle their bills before leaving." I shouted over the loud music but louder enough to be heard. "Sir there is some b***h looking for ya." Marcus, the bouncer informed making me confused. I wasn't expecting any slut." "Looking for me?" I asked again as a way of confirming what he said. "Do I know her?" "Haven't seen here around here before. Might be a new whore." "Okay show her to my office. Tell her to wait for me there." "Sure boss." I spared a last glance at the group of underaged kids who were already wasted. "Marcus!" I called out making him stop midway. He walked to where I stood after I gestured him to. "How many times have I warned you not to allow any kids in here?. They gonna give us trouble." "Sorry boss, one of the kids had a pass which covered all of them." "A pass for an underaged?. Who is that." "The governor's son." "What! you f*****g allowed the governors son in here?!" "Make sure he doesn't cause any trouble and that he gets home safely together with his pals. I don't want any media and scandals here. Now go get me the whore." He nodded and walked off to do as I told him. "Hey Martina, heard you made a great sales yesterday, well done." "Thanks boss. Do you need me now? you know we can do it in your office this time." She flirtatiously said crushing her tongue between her teeth. "Nope that's tempting but I got to pass this time. I got a visitor." Her smile died down and her countenance changed to that of a jealous GF. "A w***e?" She managed to ask "Kind of but it's nothing serious. I don't even know who is it." Why am I even explaining myself to her? It's not as if she is my woman. She is just a worker with benefits. If there is something like that. I left her before she could say anything else. When I got to my office, there was sure a woman on my guest seat but I couldn't see her face since her back was turned to me. Curious enough, I walked to my seat where her face was showing clearly and I must say I was not expecting this kind of beauty. She had the facial beauty and the body of a goddess. It took me at least five minutes to recover from the shock I had from seeing her." "I heard you are looking for me." "You are the boss?" She asked sassily and to say I was amused will be an understatement. "Yeah I sure am. Anything I can help you with? "Ermm, I am Lia. Just moved here from Spain and I was wondering if you........
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