Chapter Six

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Third Person POV She pulled her smaller luggage behind her whiles Gladys pulled the bigger one. The day was cloudy, failing to mirror her exact mood. She was excited because they were finally able to locate Pharrell's State and town and now she is going to look for him. She and Gladys decided that it was the best to do for the baby since she need his support and money for her antenatal care. "Don't forget to call me when you get there." "I will. Don't worry. Pharrell will take good care of us." "Hmm I know, but I am worried. There is this startling feeling within me." "Listen, Listen, I am going to get there safely, I am going to find Pharrell and tell him about the baby and I am sure he is going to take care of us."  She assured her, trying to get rid of her friend's anxiety Gladys released a heavy breathe calming her nerves. "Okay if you say so. Just take care of yourself and when ever you need me, just call." "Right, I will definitely do that." She took her into an embrace before pulling her luggage to the checking area of the Madrid international airport. She was expected to spend more than ten hours from Madrid to Texas and that made her nervous since it was her first time to travel and that too with a plane. Checking in went smoothly and before she could change her mind, she was on the plane being told to fasten her seat belt before the plane takes off. Initially she was dreading it but after the plane took off, everything became normal to her. The lady who sat next to her had helped with her fright. She had sensed her discomfort so she held her hand when the plane was taking off. "Flight fright?" I nodded "Actually first time." "Okay  then you are so new to this. I was like you few years ago. But I am used to it now. I travel a lot for business." "Well that's cool. Thank you." "Welcome... I am Velma." "I am Liana but you can call me Lia." "Genial nombre Lia. Entonces, ¿vas a Texas por negocios?(Cool name Lia. So going to Texas for business?)" "Hmmm no. Voy a hacer una visita sorpresa a mi novio (Hmmm no. I am paying a surprise visit to my boyfriend)" "Oh, el amor importa entonces. Frio." (Oh love matter then. Cool.)" "I am going to visit my family, It's been months since I saw my parents." Lia gave out a little smile which looked kind of fake. She looked tired and in as much as Velma seemed nice, she wanted to rest and thankfully, Velma got the signal. "Creo que te dejaré descansar Liana. Un placer conocerte.(I think I will leave you to rest Liana. Nice meeting you.)" There was this hurt in her eyes which didn't go unnoticed to Lia making her feel bad. "Gracias Velma por tu apoyo. Solo necesito un poco de descanso(Thank you Velma for your support. I just need a little rest)" "It's okay dear, I will still be here when you wake up. I can see how tired you look." She pressed a button on Lia's seat then it went backwards to a position she can relax in. Pharrell's POV I brushed my hand over my suit, straightening it up from the long hours of sitting behind my desk. I had an hour more to meet with Ms. Allison, heiress of the JKT manufacturing group. I have heard a lot about her and ugly has never been one of them. From what I have heard and seen, Sarah is a very beautiful woman making her the most eligible bachelorette. Her beauty is so rare that men worship at her feet trying to get a piece of her. Her beauty coupled with her wealth makes it impossible for her to find her suitor. "Maybe you can shoot your shot when you still have the chance." My mind suggested making me smirk. "I am married remember?" "I have never forgotten because I am your mind, you knew you were married but then had an affair with that girl." My brilliant mind reminded taking me way back to Spain, when I was with that awful girl. "I know, She was just a distraction." I defended trying to make myself feel better. "She deserved that you know, she is too naïve. Now enough of her, You have to think about the meeting and how to seduce that hot cake." I said to myself, taking my keys then leaving my office not before telling my assistant to cancel all my appointments for the day. I also dismissed my chauffer deciding to drive myself. Liana's POV The flight was uneventful and I couldn't believe I have sat through a ten hours flight. Velma's presence helped though because she had this aura around her that told me that I have someone to hold me when I am scared and what she did for me was priceless. After checking out, I pulled my luggage behind me and soon after, I was on the street of Texas, joining the huge busy masses of people who where going ' to and fro' minding their business. I became confused as to where to go since I had no idea where to start from. It will soon be evening here and  I had to find a place to lay my head but the money I had on me will not be enough to pay for a night looking at the price list of the hotels I came by. So I decided to look for a cheap motel. Just as I was about searching for one, someone run into me making me lose control of my smaller luggage. "Lia nos volvemos a encontrar (Lia we meet again)" "Si nosotras tenemos(Yes we have)" "No sabes a donde vas, ¿verdad? (You don't know where you going do you?.)" "Why do you say that?"  I asked maybe it was written on my face that I am lost. "Nada. Es solo que parece que no conoces ningún lugar aquí(Nothing. Its just that i seems you don't know anywhere here.)" "Yo no. Busco motel para pasar la noche(I don't. I am looking for a motel to spend the night)" "Excelente, What is your budget?" I took out my purse to count the amount I have on me. Trust me  it was nothing to write home about. I felt ashamed and I knew Velma felt it too. Don't worry Lia, I know of a cheap motel you can stay in, Lets go my Chauffeur is coming for us> She started walking fast, making it hard for me to catch up but I did. After after about two minutes of walking to a more spacious area , A porsche car stopped before us and Velma urged me to sit with her at the back whiles the driver put away my luggage into the boot. The driver then started driving in the direction of the supposed cheap motel but when we finally made it there, I couldn't believe it was a motel.   "Your house?"
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