Chapter Eight

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Lia's POV I walked down the lane to Velma's house which was just five blocks from the club. I had informed Louisa that I was going to meet a friend because Velma was asleep when I was leaving. I had no idea where to find Pharrell but if what Velma told me was the truth and that he comes to the club then it would be easy to track him there and working there will be an advantage. I need the money anyway since i don't know how long i will be living here. "Hey you are back?" "Yeah. Good evening and sorry I didn't wait for you to wake up before leaving." "Oh it is not a problem dear. Louisa told me. So tell me, how did it go with Mr. lover boy?" "Mr. lover boy?" I asked confused about what she meant. "Yeah, your boyfriend. Wasn't he the one you went to meet?" "Oh him? about that I was wondering if I can stay here for a couple of days. Remember I told you I came to pay him a surprise visit?" She nodded not knowing where I  was going with the conversation . "It seems he has travelled out of the country and will be returning in a couple of days." "Oh okay. No problem dear. You can be here as long as you want." I felt bad for lying but I had no choice. "Thank you so much. I also kinda got a job at the club just few blocks away from here." "A job? at La Casablanca? w-why would you work there. You don't even need to work so far as you are here. You are my guest." "No I want to. I don't want to be dependent on you and add my burdens to yours." "I don't have any burdens dear, come on i am wealthy and can afford to take care of both of us. Now go and change then come downstairs for dinner. We will talk about the job later." I went off to freshen up and after about fifteen minutes later I returned for dinner as she instructed. "So when are you expected to start this new job?" "Tomorrow at 5:00."  "That soon, couldn't they give you at least a week before you start." "I decided to. I need the extra money. The boss wanted me to start at the end of the month" "Is there any hospital around?" I asked her before I forget and also as a way of taking the topic away from my job. But I regretted it as soon as I asked "Hospital? are you sick, are you okay, aren't you well?" She asked in one breathe and I had to gesture with my hand for her to calm down. "I am fine Velma, I just need a routine check up."  "Is that so? Then I can make an appointment with my doctor for you. He works at the state hospital." "Is that okay with you?" I asked surprised that she will go that far to help me. I mean she has already done a lot for me and I didn't expect this at all. "Of course, what are friends for. I will ask him and let you know." "Gracias Velma( Thank you Velma)." "No es nada querido( its nothing dear) "Muchas gracias de verdad(really thank you very much)." Third person POV "Ma'am!" Louisa called out to her mistress who was seated at the living area watching the evening news. "Yes any problem? why do you have that look on your face?." "Sorry ma'am but there is something I want to say but I don't want you to think that I was prying." "Go ahead, what is it.? "So I over heard your conversation with Liana this evening about her going for check up. Don't you think she is lying to you?" "No. Why do you say that. She has no reason to lie." "That young lady is pregnant. I saw it the first day she stepped her foot here." " What pregnant? how come I didn't notice it and you did?" "Ma'am I am a mother and grandmother. I know when I see a pregnant woman but you don't. And believe me, I am not wrong about this. She asking to go for a check up confirms it." "Okay thank you for letting me know. I think she has her reasons for not telling me so I will not pry on that. It's personal and I will like to maintain that privacy she wants, so should you." "Sure ma'am. I will leave now. Goodnight." "Goodnight Louisa." ***********************************************************************************************The morning was uneventful  with Velma seeing little or less of Liana, who spent most of her morning in bed. She felt tired and Nauseous and hadn't been able to keep anything she ate in. She didn't want Velma to see how shitty she looked so she avoided going out. The only time she went out was to the pharmacy. Even that, she had to sneak out. Thankfully the pharmacist knew exactly what she needed to stop the nausea and the headache. She didn't know pregnancy could be this stressful and painful. Despite this, she told herself she needs to persevere for her baby and for Pharrell and the thought of reconciling with Pharrell motivated her. Sooner than later, it was time for her shift at the club and true to the pharmacist's words, the headache has stopped and she felt stronger and better in time for the start of her first day at work. She took out the only nicely looking blouse and a pair of faded jeans pairing it with her ten dollar sneakers. She didn't feel great in this look but she found it appropriate for her job.  "Maybe I will look great with a little make up." She told herself, bringing out her makeup bag which was filled with cheap products she and Gladys got from consignment store. Convinced that she looked great, she went in search of Velma to bid her goodbye after which she walked the short distance to the club. At the club, Marcus, the bouncer nearly didn't recognize her due to her make up but when he had confirmed that she is indeed the new girl, he let her in through the back door.  The club was not busy mainly because it was the early hours of the night. More like the start of the night since it was only 4:45 pm. The people in there could be counted with ease and the normally flooded dance floor lay bare. Wait here whiles I let the boss know that you are here." Marcus told her before leaving to Heath's office to inform him. She impatiently looked around, but her thoughts were far from there. She was happy that she has secured a job at a place she knows Pharrell comes but when will she meet him? Those were the thoughts that flooded her mind, making her anxious and unsure about her decision. "You must be the new girl." She turned around to make a face to the voice she heard. "I guess." "Ewww w-wha-what are yo---you we-wea-w....." "Martina, I can see you have already met Liana." Heath's said as he made his way towards them. "Yes I have. I was about introducing myself to her." "Hi Liana, I am Martina, Heath's f**k mate." She said with a firm tone, which only made her sound creepy. "Martina!" "What! isn't that the truth?" She asked daring him to deny it he didn't. "Liana, this is Martina, she is in charge of the bar and you will be joining her there. You will be switching between mixing drinks and waiting on tables. She will teach you everything you need to know." He stated out, ignoring Martina's jealous remarks. Liana was not trilled that she has to work along side Martina. She doesn't like her and and the way she was digging holes through her forehead with her intense gaze made Liana more uncomfortable. "Martina, kindly give her a change of clothes, I will get new ones for her tomorrow." She scoffed but urged Liana to follow her anyway to the changing room where she gave her a very revealing dress which left little to imagination. It was more like a one piece lingerie.  "I am to wear this?" "Yeah it's a club what do you expect b***h?. Hurry up and change, you have five minutes to get ready." She left the room to attend to the few clients that needed her service. Liana mastered all her courage to get out with the dress which was barely covering her cleavage and butts. She used her hands to shield her chest to prevent her breasts from spilling out. "Hey there you are, take this and go to the table over there. Those are your first customers. Ask them what they want." Martina handed a notepad and a pen to her and urged her to go to a booth that was at the far end of the club, where three middle aged men sat chatting. She became nervous with every step that she took hoping that she doesn't make any mistake." "Hi, welcome to club La Casablanca, what may I get you please?" She asked, bringing their attention to her. But instead of them answering, they remained quiet, staring at her with lust.She at that moment wished the ground will open up and swallow her. She felt conscious of her outfit and the way they were undressing her with their eyes made it worse. "Excuse me, what will you li.........." "I don't know about you guys but I want you girl. You are what I want to order." One of the men said and reached out his hand to grab her ass.  Before she could react, the man was pushed to the floor with his hands twisted and a very furious Heath holding him down. "If you f*****g touch her with your filthy hands again i will make sure you don't use that hand ever again." He warned with his teeth gritted and walked away, dragging Liana along with him.
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