Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Liana's POV "Annie, sorry for keeping you waiting. Heath got me busy for a while." I said to Junior's new nanny who is starting work today. His old nanny had to quit due to some unknown emergency. It is so sad because she was the best we have ever had. Mandy was so good with junior, perhaps because she is a mother too. "It's okay ma'am. I just got here anyway." Annie is a college senior at Baylor University. Since its summer, she decided to work before their next semester starts. I wanted a permanent nanny but she is the daughter of Velma's friend and she recommended her since she has been doing these jobs in-between vacations. I am sure by the time she has to return to school, I would have gotten a professional nanny. "Good. Can we start? I will love to brief you on your duties. First of all, we know that some nannies are required to do some house duties but you wouldn't be doing that. When you are here, you only do stuff that pertains to my son. You will be responsible for taking him to school and picking him up at the close of school. You will do his laundry as well. There are three washing machines in this house. One in our bedroom, one in the general washroom, and one in the basement. You are permitted to use any of them except the one in my room. You will have to help him with his homework and make sure he has his siesta at the right time. You will report to Melinda, at the end of the day and whenever you need something, let her know." I love my son so much and if left to me, I would have loved to solely take care of him. But my work is demanding and I don't want him to feel lonely. I have thought of relieving some of my duties to Heath but his work at the clubs gives him little to no time at all. I have had secret cameras installed in the house so I can keep an eye on him when he is at home. That is the only way I can be rest assured that he is being treated nicely. "Okay, ma'am. I will do just as you have stated." "Good. I will get him ready for school. Daniel is his driver. He will take you to the school and anywhere else you need to go. Melinda will discuss the salary with you and show you where to stay." Melinda is the head of the house helps. She is in charge of all the domestic works of the house. From cleaning to cooking and I must say she is good with it. "Thank you ma'am." I rose up to my feet when I realized the time. I have to go and check some records at the mall and have a meeting with some investors.  It's been a long two weeks and we haven't heard anything from Pharrell and his wife. Neither has he made any move of attack. That shows me how tamed we have made him. "One more thing, and it's the most important. My baby is my life, please keep a keen eye on him and make sure you take good care of him. If you ever hurt him, I won't forgive you."  I said with a friendly tone but it was a dangerous warning. You can have everything I have but not my son. For him, I will die and I will hurt anyone who hurt him. Yes, I have changed so much. Who wouldn't after what I have been through? I was the foolish naive girl a fool took advantage of and you still expect me to be foolish? No! Education and the issues of life have truly opened my eyes to the real world and I now know I was living a fantasy. "Hey babe, ready to go?" Heath said with his eyes fixed on me. He looked at me from head to toe and I know from that look that if it wasn't for Annie, he would have eaten me there. "Sure we can." I smiled. Honey this is Annie, Junior's new nanny." "Oh hi Annie, I have heard a lot about you. Nice to finally meet you." "Thank you, sir." "You are welcome. Babe, before we go I need help with something. I can't find my gold Rolex watch. Can you help me look for it?" I trailed behind him into the bedroom we share, leaving Annie in the hall. "Out with it Heath? What do you really want?" I asked. "You know me too well dear wife. I want you. You look so good in that outfit." "I knew it. By the way, you are wearing your gold Rolex watch." I closed the gap between us until I was standing right in front of him. "Hope that nanny didn't see into my lie. I did well to hide this load in my jeans you know." My hands were laced around his neck making it easy for him to capture my lips.  "Aww, I love you so much. You taste so good. How come I got this lucky?" He moaned through our kiss. ************************** I had barely gotten out of my third meeting when my phone started ringing. It was an unknown number so I ignored it. It came ringing the second time. There I knew if I didn't answer it the person will keep calling. "Hello!" "Ma'am it's me, Annie." I heard the panicked voice of the nanny over the phone. This made me nervous. Why was she calling and why is she snuffling? "Annie are you alright?" "I-I-I am fine ma'am. But Ju-Ju-Junior he-he-he is......." "What is wrong with Junior? Talk to me." "Ma'am, I am at his school to pick him up but he is not in his class." "What!" I jolted to my feet. "What do you mean by he is not in class? Have you asked his teacher?!" "I have and they also have no idea. They are helping me look for him." "Okay wait for me there. I will be right there." Anger ran through me. How can they be so careless? Where would a child who is barely five years go? and that too under their watch. They should pray nothing happens to him. Or else they will regret it. I grabbed my keys and dashed off from my office into the elevator which took me straight to the garage. I had let me assistant cancel all my meeting for the day.  I have never driven this fast in my life. I am sure I will have a lot of tickets to pay soon. Thankfully, I didn't get myself killed because I am not really good at driving. Being one reason my husband doesn't let me drive. I once crashed his car and since then, a chauffeur has been driving me around. In this situation, I needed to regulate the speed I go, more like go at my own speed that's why I didn't let him drive me. Annie was standing helpless at the entrance of the school. She looked like she had cried a lot and her hair was messy, the only reason being that she has been scratching her head. "Annie!" "Thank goodness you are here. We were about to call the cops." I walked with her to the principal office. *************** "What do you mean you can't find him?! Your school is well known for its discipline, academics, and security. How then did my son go missing with all the surveillance cameras here." "Mrs. Miller, we are sorry. The teacher is also shocked because she didn't notice when he left the class." "That is what I am talking about. That teacher is not vigilant enough. That is not an excuse. All I want to know is where my son is? Where did he go?!" "Relax ma'am. I have asked for the playback of the camera footage. It should be here in a few minutes." True to her words, the door opened about two minutes later and a young boy walked in with a laptop in his hands. "Mrs. Taylor, this is the recording you asked for." "Thanks, Martin. Please play it for us." He pressed a button then the video started playing. For a while nothing was showing then I saw my son. He was at the playground when someone approached him. It was someone I didn't recognize. What does he want with me son? I watched on as my son was taken away from the scene. I was eagerly waiting to see where they were taking him but the screen went blank. "What! is that it? Who is that and where did he take my kid?!" "Mrs. Miller, are you sure you don't know that young man?" "No, I don't. Where will I know him from?" "Hmm, then that means Junior is in danger. But who is that man?" Mrs. Taylor said more to herself than to me. "D-d-don't you have footage that overlooks the street? Maybe from there, we can see a car or which direction he took him." Annie who was standing at the corner said. "I think I can get that. But it's not guaranteed since we have a little problem with that camera." What the f**k? Is this school a joke? I thought.  He typed something on the laptop and turned it to us as a new video started playing. Just like the first video, a few minutes passed before we saw the man walking off with my baby.  They approached a car and the man opened it and spoke to someone. The person took Junior into the car and hugged him. "W-W-wait! can you play that back?" I asked, my heart racing at top speed. "Sure." He replayed the video and this time, I figured out who it was. I will kill him even if a strand of my baby's hair is missing. You can mess with me but not my son.
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