Chapter Thirty

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"Pharrell! Pharrell!" I howled, matching to his office. He had his legs crossed out on his desk and he had a glass of red wine in his hand. "Where is my son!" I seethed with anger. My teeth were gnashed giving him an idea of how angry I am. "Hello baby, I was expecting you. Daddy is doing well and you?" He voiced out sarcastically. This silly utterance increased my rage. "Cut the crap mister and give me my son. Where is he?" I screamed. I could feel my eyes burning and tears were threatening to fall out but I remained strong and pushed them back. I can cry later but not in front of this devil. "Answer me. Where is my son?!" "Shhh, you will wake him up. He is sleeping." "Where is he! What have you done to him? I bet if you have hurt him I will kill you!" By now, a bunch of his employees has gathered at the entrance of his office and were watching the commotion. "I paid you all to work and not to be inquisitive. You are all fired." He seethed and walked to the door to close it. I would have been scared by his countenance but like a said, I am not the helpless girl he knew anymore. If he thinks he can intimidate me then he is wrong. I have got a lot of strength in me to fight and I will fight until the world can't contain both of us. "Follow me." I followed him into an adjoining room that looks like a restroom. Not like the washroom kinda restroom. This room had a bed, a TV and a bathroom. More like a mini apartment without a kitchen. And there he was, lying on the bed, fast asleep. I ran to him and took him in my arms, allowing the tears to flow. My heart was at rest now that I have found him. "That's a pretty boy we have. And he is intelligent too like his father." He praised. I stood up and turned to face him. I had my son in my arms, ready to take him home. "Don't you dare come close to my son ever again! I will let this mistake slip this time, but when you try this s**t again, I will cut your balls and feed them to your wife." "Ohh I am so scared. Sorry beautiful, I can't listen to you. He is my son too and I have equal rights." "He is not your son. He is mine and no one else. He has a father and that isn't us. So listen to me and stay away from him if you value what's between your thighs." "You are funny. There is nothing you can say that will keep me away from him. You have kept him away for five years. The jury wouldn't like to hear that momma." "Are you dumb? He is not your son." Tell that to the court. He voiced out and walked out of the room. I picked Junior's bag with one hand and left too. "Here?" He extended a white envelope to me when I got to his office. With my hands occupied, I couldn't take it so I laid him down on the couch and took the envelope. "Okay, Mr. Smith, I will see you in court." I tore the letter and threw the pieces at him getting the reaction I so longed to see. His mouth came ajar and he held that posture until I left. ********* Our front door opened, and in ran my husband with a puzzled look. I was sitting in the living room with my son sitting on my laps. I was afraid that if I let him go, I will lose him. Heath made his way to us, cupping juniors cheeks when he got to us. He got on his knees so he can be at the same level we are. "Hey baby, I heard what happened. Sorry  I was in the meeting so I had to call it off." He said to me with concern.  "What happened and how did it happen?" "Pharrell, he sent someone to take Junior from school without the school authorities knowing. He claimed he wants his son." "That fool, I have had enough of him." He seethed. One thing I have come to know about my husband is that he is very dangerous when he gets angry. Initially, I saw him as someone adorable and loving but in reality, he is only loving to the people he cares about. At work he is known as the heartless man and when you get in his bad books, he makes sure he deals with you. So right now Pharrell, who used to be his best buddy is his worst enemy. "Are you okay? did he do something to Junior?"  "I am fine, and no he didn't. The doctor left about twenty minutes ago. He said our son is okay." "Seriously babe, give me the orders and I will wipe that man from the face of the earth." "Patient babe, be patient. We will surely have the last laugh. I will really love to see him dead but we are not murderers. We will never be like him and his wife. We are good people. We don't need to be bad for karma to take its course."  "He did something else. He has petitioned to get custody of Junior." If Pharrell k********g Junior made him angry, what I just told him made it worse. There was fire in his eyes. He was tensed up and you could see his veins protruding from his wrist because he had his hand in a fist. He was blushing and his teeth were gnashed. "That son of a b***h! He has no right over my son, and he definitely has no right to sue us. I can't be patient, I am going to kill him before he takes my son from me. I will kill him." He said and stormed off in the direction of our room. Annie and Melinda were in the living room with us. They were frightened by Heath's tone and behavior. I carried my son and took him to his room so he can have his rest: It's been a long day for him. I washed him down and then settled him in his bed. He was grabbing for the pillow immediately he hit the bed. Before long, he was fast asleep. I left his lights on and left for my room. 'Hey, can we talk?"  He was sitting on the bed with his head in his palm. I could tell he was in deep thoughts. "Don't worry about it. He can never take our baby from us." "It's not that I am worried about. I am worried about his safety. If he easily took him without the teachers noticing then they could do anything to him without any of us knowing." "I know, I have been thinking of that too. But I have a solution for that. I have asked Arnold to increase the security in the house and from now on, he will be homeschooled." "That would work but are we going to home school him for the rest of his life? I am tired of that fool messing with my family and the people I love. First, he tried to kill you and now he wants to take Junior. That guy is a devil in human form." "You don't need to tell me that. I know and I am tired too. Let's wait and see, He will dig his own grave."
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