Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Third Person's POV A week passed by quicker than expected. Each day of the week, a new problem aroused for Pharrell and the wife. He now couldn't withdraw money from his accounts and his house was up for sale, a move by his bank. He didn't know what to do. He spent most of the time at home since there was nothing really to do at work. He turned to alcohol and to make matters worst, Carmine has left him because she said she couldn't stand his attitude. "Who is there?" He asked, holding his throbbing head. He had drunk a lot yesternight and the knock on the door was what woke him up. He managed to open the door, to which Mark entered. "Hey man, where have you been?  I have been trying to reach you." Mark asked irritated. He has been to this house twice and to his office once yet he didn't meet him. "I am sorry. I needed some peace from all these problems." "And that peace included alcohol? Man, you need to stop that and focus. You are in a mess. This is not the time to start destroying yourself." "What do you have for me?" "So I have been thinking about that girl and I realized something. Where is Carmine?" "She is at her friend's out. She asked me to stop drinking and she left when I didn't listen to her." "Hmm. We need her in this plan. Call her and plead with her to come back home. Through her, we will bring you back on your feet again." He nodded, waiting for Mark to lay down his plans before him. He was confused and though he tried adding two and two together, he still couldn't get what Mark was trying to do.  "Relax, I will explain why we need her. You said that girl followed you here from Spain right? And she said she was pregnant for you then. Am I right?" He nodded in the positive. His entire attention was on Mark. "Good. So if she didn't die that means the child is alive. If that is the case then we can fight for that child and have custody." "So how does Carmine come in?" "Her father promised to give you the properties if you have a child. Whether it is the child of his daughter or not, you have a child, and that shouldn't matter. When you and Carmine get custody of the child, the child will be yours and you can get Mr. Gonzalez's properties. "Wow, that's brilliant. I never thought of that. But what if they have evidence against me? The truth of me trying to kill her will come out and I might be jailed. You said so yourself." "I did but after thinking it through, they can't do that. The jury won't believe her. She has no evidence against you and if she says you killed her then she will be asked why she is still alive." "Fabulous job you have done. So where do we start from?" "Let's get Carmine home. I will find out about where your ex and Heath stay and will let someone monitor them to see whether she had that child. Then we make our move. She seems tough but if she is a good woman, taking her child from her will make her weak and she will forget about whatever revenge she wants. You will have her under your control and she will be pleading for you not to take her child. But let me warn that it is not to be easy. We must have something against her that will make the judge and jury believe that she is unfit to be a mother." "That shouldn't be hard. I will do whatever it takes to get myself going again. Thank you Mark for the good works." "You are welcome, bro. Can you just go and have a shower? You smell like alcohol. I am gonna go and start working on our plans. But please, stay away from the bottle. We need you sober." "Whatever." Pharrell's POV I leaned on my car, waiting for my wife. She had given me the address to her friend's house and had asked me to wait for her outside. I have been waiting for five minutes and so far, I have not seen any sign of her.  I took out my phone to call her again but I had to put it back inside my pocket when I sighted her walking towards me.  She came to stand right beside me, also leaning on the car. There was an awkward silence between us, and this might have gone on forever if I hadn't spoken up. "How are you doing?" I finally decided to break the silence. "I am better and you?" Been recovering. When you left me, that's when I knew I have messed up. I have messed us up and I regret it. I want you back home and I want us to be the family we used to be." I said, with pleading eyes. I was sincere and spoke softer than I have ever spoken. Third Person's POV She turned to look at him, inwardly smiling at how good he looks. He has trimmed his hair and his beard was neatly shaved. He wore clean clothes and he didn't smell of alcohol. "I have missed you too baby. I am sorry I left. I couldn't stand the way you were ruining your life with alcohol." They locked gazes and he took his wife in his arms, enjoying the soft feel of her body. "Go grab your stuff and let's go home." She nodded, clearing a tear with a pinkie. She walked off and came back later with a suitcase which she placed at the back of the car with her husband's help. The ride to their house was quiet, each engulfed with their own memories. They both wondered how they have become like this. Theirs was a happy home, of course with money. When Pharrell married her, he had just started his mining business and needed the exposure, and the only way to do that was to get close to the rich and famous. Mr. Gonzalez was then a very influential man who easily made people successful. He needed to gain his attention and he knew his daughters were his pride and joy so he targeted them. Carmine was dating at the time but she wanted what every other girl wanted. Pharrell was hotcake, handsome, tall, and hunky with blue eyes that can read into your soul and she wanted him. Just to prove to the other girls that she can have him. She was this kind of daddy's girl who gets whatever she wants. Her dad being rich made her arrogant and mean and she belittled less fortunate people. She was so mean to the extent that she orders her father's domestic workers like she is older than them. This made a lot of them dislike her. Karla on the other hand was respectful, loving, and free-spirited who made friends with people of all statuses. Rich or poor. She was the one Pharrell approached first but when he realized she only wanted him as a friend, he moved on to the older sister. When they got married, they both knew they were not in love but they pretended not to know. Pharrell got his wish to become the son-in-law of a billionaire and that was the start of his success. People who wanted to do business with Mr. Gonzalez went through Pharrell. He convinces his father-in-law for them and in turn, they invest in his business. That was how come he got the shareholders. He started the business with the money he stole from Velma and became successful with his father-in-law's status. As time went by, they both fell in love because they were alike: Arrogant, money-loving, and rude. They complimented each other so well.
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