Chapter Thirty-One

1181 Words
Pharrell's POV I was angry yet I didn't know why I was. Perhaps, the thoughts of the incident that happened between me and that b***h yesterday were what was bringing this reaction from me. Since yesterday, I have been pondering over what to do to make her lose guard. Clearly, she was not a bit fazed about me taking her to court to fight for our son's custody.  So I need a solid plan to paint her black so that the jury will rule in my favour.  "Babe!" my wife called. She was turning in bed when suddenly her eyes open due to the lights being on. I was standing by the window, staring into the dark night. "Yes!" I answered, not turning to look at her. "Are you okay? Why are you awake at this time?" "I can't sleep. This Liana issue is making me sleepless. I won't be able to rest until I take the kid away from her." She was quiet for a while and then spoke up. "Don't let it bother you. That girl is an illiterate and she can never measure to us. We will think of a plan tomorrow. Please come back to bed." I hesitated yet I walked back and laid on my side of the bed, causing the bed to dip in the process. We were awoken the next morning by the ringing of a phone which happens to be mine. I answered without checking the ID.  "Hello!" "Mark, what do you want this early? It's barely 6:00." "When you mean business you don't take into account time. Have they delivered the court papers to the girl?" I sat on my bed, resting my bed on the head of the bed. "I gave them to her myself but guess what? She tore them right in front of me."  "Wow, that's extreme. But don't worry so far as she is aware of it. Whether she likes it or not, we are going to fight for custody and we won't give up until we win. I have been able to ask the bank for some time to pay the loan your wife took so for now, you are free." "Thank you Mark." "Always welcome bro." Liana's POV "Each one of you will be held responsible if anything goes wrong in your departments. I will not take into account who caused that problem all I will care about is who the head of that department is." I said to my workers, sending a word of caution to them. I am well aware that a business fails if everyone does what he or she likes and I won't tolerate such behaviours here. "I chose you as heads because I trust your capabilities to do the job and maintain order."  "Mr. O'riley, you are the heads of the accounts department, make sure every figure I am given at the end of the week is accurate. I do not want to find any amount missing. And I don't like estimations." "Mrs. Sanchez, you are to make sure that expiring dates on products are checked and those expired are removed from the shelves and restocked. Those that are expired should be accounted for to Mr. O'riley so he can make a statement on that." "Rita and her team will make sure every niche of his mall is clean. Rita, there are sixty people in your department. I won't blame any of them when I find somewhere dirty, I will blame you because like I said earlier, you are the head and I will hold you accountable for their mistakes." "Mrs. Sanchez like always, you will work hand in hand with Andreas. Whenever they deliver any product insist on checking the expiring dates before Mr. O'riley will sign the invoice.  "Is there anything you don't understand?" They have been working for me for a couple of months but I realised some level of unprofessionalism which prompted me to have this meeting with them. I have already fired those misbehaving, using them as scapegoats. "No ma'am, everything is clear." They answered in harmony. "Good, you may now get back to work." I watched as they exited my office one after the other. They did that so quietly. I know they respect me because I maintain a good working attitude with them. I am sometimes strict on them but that's only when it's needed. I laugh with them and even give them bonuses so they can enjoy Sundays with their families since we work on Saturdays too. It was 10:00 am. Heath will be busy in his office by now. I decided against calling him as I will meet him for lunch at 2:00 pm. So I dialled the contact of Junior's new school to be sure that he is safe in class. I have already briefed his nanny about his closing time. I have added extra security for him. The security stays at the entrance of the school to make sure no one takes my son out again. "Hello Mrs. Miller, how may we help you?" "Sorry Mr. Morales, I wanted to check up on Junior. Is he okay?" "Yes, we are keeping a keen eye on him." "That is good. That should be all. Thank you very much." I said and hanged up, releasing the breath I was holding in. For some unknown reason, I thought they will tell me, he is missing. A knock came almost immediately and in walked my assistant, Freda. "Ma'am please there is someone here to see you." "Who?"  I whispered and I don't even know why I whispered. "He said his name is Mr. Owen, attorney of Mr. Pharrell Smith." When I heard this, I rolled my eyes out of frustration. "Not again. Let him in." She left and later led the man in. He looks familiar probably because he is that fool's lawyer. "Good morning Mrs. Miller" "Goodmorning," I replied rather sternly. I knew him being here is a waste of time. He is not wasting his time but mine. Anything that has got something to do with Pharrell is not important to me. Including this man.  "I am Mark Owen, Mr. Smith's Attorney. He brought to my notice that about six years ago he had an affair with you and that resulted in you conceiving. But since you put to bed, he has not seen his child. It turns out you had a baby boy which is of much interest to him. He made this known to you but you have refused to let him have access to the child. He is frustrated and now the only way he can think of is to fight for custody. That is why I am here."  I kept quiet listening to him. At some point, I felt him tensed because he was intimidated by the way I was looking at him. "Are you done?" I asked bluntly, with no sense of friendliness. He nodded. "Good, I want you to gently get up from the chair, turn around, and leave my office the same way you came." 
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