20 - Her other sides

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Triton “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Ava teases, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Ready for what?” I reply, feigning ignorance, though I know exactly what she’s talking about. Ava led me to the training ground, where the sun cast dappled shadows through the canopy of leaves above. The air was warm and thick with the scent of the forest, starkly contrasting the cool waters of Atlantis that I call home. Here, Ava will show me her Lycan and Dragon forms. I want to meet Amarni and Amelia. They are another part of my beautiful mate, making them mine as much as Ava is. “Oh, you know,” She says, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. “The other parts of me.” Gods, she’s beautiful. That smile hits me right in the heart whenever it’s aimed at me. I honestly thought there would be some hostility from Ava after everything I did to her family in the past. I don’t doubt there will be questions eventually. But she looks at me with so much love in her eyes that I forget everything else. I love Ava more than I have ever loved anyone else. Actually, I have never loved another woman, not of my own free will, anyway. Melusine, my betrothed, tricked me with magic, and I was too obsessed with her body to fight it. I was blind to her trickery, and I lost too many friends because of her lies. She wanted to kill my father and take over Atlantis as Queen. There was no love between us, just lust. But with Ava, the love is potent. It is all-consuming, and I am lost to her for all eternity. There will never be another for me, only Ava. She can do no wrong in my eyes, but it’s not as it was with Melusine. Ava has not tricked me into being with her; all she has done is love me. Gods, knowing Ava loves me is everything I have ever dreamed of and more. I hope Ava knows she is my universe. If she doesn’t, I’ll make sure to tell her the day of our wedding. Knowing Ava wants to marry me and become not only my mate but my wife... there are no words to describe the feeling inside of me. “Ready as I’ll ever be,” I smile, my voice steady, though a thrill of anticipation courses through my veins. With a dramatic flourish, Ava steps behind a sturdy oak tree, its trunk as wide as a dozen men standing shoulder to shoulder. I can see her silhouette through the leaves, the outline of her slender form as she sheds her clothing. Shi.t, watching Ava undress is not a good idea. Just the shape of her back has my coc.k harder than nails! The things I want to do to my mate! No, I must wait until our wedding night. It is tradition, and I will not break it. But the Gods know it’s not easy when I have a mate as gorgeous as Ava. I am the luckiest God there is, and that’s a fact. I avert my gaze, respecting Ava’s modesty despite the burning desire to watch her every move. It’s a strange feeling for a God to be so utterly enthralled by a creature who has the power to bring him to his knees. Zeus knows Ava could bring me to mine with just a look. Just one smile, and I would bow down like a loyal subject. Ava doesn’t realize the power she has over me yet, but she will in time. As I wait, the sounds of the forest surrounding the training grounds grow louder: the rustle of leaves, the distant howls of pack members, and the beating of my own heart in my chest. Then, there is silence. Strange, I think to myself. But then, I only have eyes for my mate right now. Ava steps out from behind the tree, and my breath catches in my throat. Ava is no longer the graceful woman I know but a small, sleek gray Lycan. Her fur ruffles with excitement. Amarni looks at me with the same playful gaze Ava throws my way, but her eyes are now a piercing steel gray. ‘Well?’ I hear Amarni inside my head, making me smile. ‘What do you think, mate?’ I can’t find the words. The creature before me is a marvel, a blend of beauty and power that has left me speechless. As Amarni comes closer, I tentatively reach out my hand, touching the side of her face, and the Lycan leans into my touch, purring like a contented kitten. Amarni is much smaller than any Lycan I have ever seen. Though Ava warned me both her Lycan and Dragon are small in stature like she is, I couldn’t imagine she would be this short. Amarni is as short as Ava when in human form, making me wonder if Amelia will be the same. I imagine most Lycans, and especially Dragons, would deem Ava and her counterparts weak for being so small. I see no weakness in Amarni; she’s stunning, is what she is! I stroke her fur, feeling the warmth of her body beneath my fingertips. It’s soft, yet dense. “You are... magnificent,” I finally manage to say. The Lycan’s eyes light up, and she bumps her snout against my neck, sending a jolt of pleasure through me. I laugh; the sound is strange in the quiet surroundings. ‘Now, close your eyes,’ Amarni instructs, her voice still tinged with a growl. I obey, my heart racing. I hear the rustle of scales on leaves and the gentle thump of a tail against the ground. When I open my eyes again, Amelia is standing before me. Her scales are the color of a stormy sea, shimmering with different shades of blue and gray. As I predicted, she’s smaller than the Dragons I have seen in the tales of the ancients but no less terrifyingly beautiful. “Wow,” I breathe, unable to tear my gaze away from her. The Dragons eyes search mine, seeking my reaction. She lowers her head, which is just slightly higher than mine, and I reach out to touch the smooth scales, feeling the heat of her body beneath them. ‘It’s nice to finally meet you, mate.’ Amelia tells me, speaking out loud because Dragons can do that. “It’s nice to finally meet you, too, Amelia. You’re so beautiful.” ‘You really think so? You don’t think I’m… too small?’ I chuckle while stroking my hands down her neck, causing her to purr. “I think you’re the most beautiful Dragon I have ever seen, and no, I don’t think you’re too small. I think you’re perfect, Amelia.’ The Dragon leans into my touch, a contented sigh escaping her. ‘It’s only fair,’ She says. ‘You’ve seen me and Amarni. Now, we want to see you as a Merman.’ “Not yet,” I say gently. “When we’re in Atlantis, I will show you anything you want to see.” Amelia nods, her gaze lingering on me. ‘We understand. But we can’t wait to see you in your true form. Now, Ava is itching to take over, so I will bid you farewell for now. See you soon, mate.’ “See you soon, beautiful.” The Dragon steps back, and with a grace that defies her size, she leaps into the air, her wings unfurling with a snap. She hovers above me for a moment, her scales catching the light like a thousand shimmering jewels. Then, with a flick of her tail, she disappears behind the tree once more. I wait patiently for Ava to dress in the clothes she removed before transforming. When she emerges, dressed in her simple tunic and black leggings, her hair a wild tangle from her recent transformation, she looks at me expectantly. I smirk and hold my arms open. Ava’s smile widens, and she runs to me. I bend my knees enough to catch her. Her arms come around my neck as her short legs wrap around my waist. “Thank you.” She mumbles around a kiss on my lips. “Thank you for being so good to Amarni and Amelia.” “They’re beautiful, just like you.” “Well?” “Well, what?” I ask. Playfully, Ava rolls her eyes. “When do we leave for Atlantis?” My heart swells with love for this fierce, curious creature. I never believed one so amazing could be mine. Selene drives me insane, as she does most people, but I have never been more grateful to her than I am for giving Ava to me. “Today. I think we should return to Atlantis and organize our wedding.” “Yes!” I chuckle at Ava’s enthusiasm. “I was hoping you’d say that. Our wedding needs to be sooner rather than later because my heat will hit soon. If that happens, we won’t be making it to our wedding day. I’ll have you locked in a room for days on end while I ride your coc.k until you can’t see straight.” Damn! “We’re leaving now!” Ava’s laughter can be heard all around. But I am not waiting any longer!
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