21 - Leaving home

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Ava Saying Goodbye is more challenging than I thought it would be. In fact, it’s downright terrible. My parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins have gathered to bid me farewell. I’m sad because they are all I know. Living on land is all I know, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to adjust to living under the ocean. But I have the world’s most fantastic mate. I do not keep anything from Triton because I’m not the kind of woman who thinks keeping important details to myself is a good thing. I also know that nothing can be solved by hiding my feelings. So, I don’t. How is anybody supposed to know what I want if I don’t tell them? Triton took my face between my hands and smiled. He told me that I never have to worry. If I wish to see my family, all I have to do is tell him, and he’ll bring me home. I laughed and said, ‘When we complete the mate bond, I’ll have your powers. Surely, I can bring myself home?’ He chuckled and replied, ‘Of course. If, for any reason, you need to or just want to return to the surface to see your family alone, then there would be nothing to stop you. I will never stop you from seeing your family, Ava. You are my life, and your happiness is all that matters to me.’ I had to bite my lip to push back my emotions. No one could ever tell me that Triton doesn’t love me. His words are not an act to have me fall in love with him. Triton’s words are nothing but truthful, and I couldn’t love him more if I tried. The way my mate was with Amarni and Amelia was everything I ever dreamed of. Triton was kind and loving, and he made them feel important and loved. My Lycan and Dragon have been overly happy ever since. It’s not always easy for one’s mate to accept both sides of a hybrid, especially when they, themselves, are neither species. But Triton took it all in his stride and accepted the three of us like it was the most natural thing in the world. He made me fall even deeper in love with him. All day, I have been going through my memories to try and find something to tell me that Triton is no good for me. The day I met him, I saw nothing but confusion and admiration in his eyes. Though Triton was on his knees, he looked at me like I was a mirage, like he couldn’t believe I was his. The confusion came from realizing his mate was so young. I couldn’t blame Triton for that; anybody would have been confused. But even though I was thirteen at the time, Triton had no intention of rejecting me. I flited through my memories of when I tried to end my life and ended up with Triton in his family’s golden palace. I searched for anything that would tell me I was mistreated. But I wasn’t. No one, not even the staff, treated me as anything but a princess. Triton was never inappropriate with me because I was sixteen, still too young for anything more than a quick, soft kiss on my lips. Every moment with Triton was special. He has never treated me disrespectfully because, as he told me when I was sixteen, I was his everything. It doesn’t matter what Triton may have done in the past because, with me, he’s perfect. I won’t pretend that some of the things I heard about Triton, the things my older brothers told me in the past, didn’t bother me some. But back then, I believed everyone was saying those things just to hurt me or turn me against my mate. It did nothing but make me want to prove they were all wrong. Yes, I was naïve, but I was young. I’m not naïve any longer, and I won’t pretend I’m not bothered by the stuff Triton did. But also, I can’t hold the past against him. That would neither be fair nor right. When I was fifteen, my father told me that Triton would kill my whole family to take me away with him. I argued back that Triton would have no reason to kill anyone because I would go with him willingly. Dad then yelled that Triton would never allow me to see my family again if I went with him. Of course, I screamed that he was wrong and, one day, he would see that. Nothing anyone said to me would have me thinking badly of Triton. Since he saved me from Ares, Triton has proven that I was right to have faith in him. Not once has he disrespected my family, even when they were vile to him. Triton has stood by my side as my mate and my strength when I needed him the most. My family will never love Triton, and that’s okay. I’m not asking them to love him. They may only speak to him with respect because of me. But I hope they understand that treating him any other way will only push me away from them. I don’t want that, and I know Triton wouldn’t want that for me, either. I love my family; they have always been there for me. Even if their ideas of protecting me are a little out there. I’m a grown woman now, and I can make my own decisions. Triton is my future, and it’s time they all realized nothing they say or do will change that. I want them in my life because I don’t know who I would be without them, but I won’t put up with anyone bad-mouthing him for any reason. As I look at my mother, I see that she’s happy for me. My mom loves me, and the Goddess knows she is my world. This woman has been through hell trying to keep me alive since the Moon Goddess told me Triton was my mate. I put my parents through hell when I took my own life. Nothing I ever do could take away that pain. But the way they’re looking at me right now, I know Mom and Dad are proud of me for standing up for my mate. They’re proud of me for taking control of my life, and I love them for that. “Take care, baby girl.” My mother murmurs, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. Tears because letting go of any of her children so they can start their own lives has never been easy for Rain Knight. “I will, Mom,” I reply, my voice steady despite the tremor in my heart. “I’ll miss you, my little peach drop.” I laugh while hugging my mom. She’s always called me Peach Drop. Of course, it had to do with my height. I didn’t take offense because Dad called Mom his Lemon Drop because of her height. It made me feel special. “I’ll miss you, too, Mommy. But we’ll be seeing each other for my wedding in a few days.” Mom holds me at arm’s length and smiles wide, flashing her perfectly white teeth. “I can’t wait! I love you, Ava.” I laugh again before hugging her once more. “I love you, too, Mommy.” I glance around at the familiar stones of Knight Castle, the stronghold of my family’s lineage for generations. The setting sun cast long shadows across the courtyard, and I feel the warmth of my mother’s embrace one last time before letting go. My father steps forward, his large hand resting on her shoulder. “Be strong,” He says, his voice gruff but his eyes soft. I nod, swiping at a stray tear that had dared to escape. I laugh as Dad pulls me into his strong arms. “I love you, baby girl. Remember, if you should ever need me, all you need to do is call my name, and I’ll be there.” I nod. “I love you, too, Daddy.” Pulling away from Dad, I hug my siblings, each telling me they will miss me. I hug my sibling’s mates and their children. Alice and Alivia grab me again, making me laugh as we hug each other hard. They may be mated and have children now, but we’ve always been together. There hasn’t been a day I haven’t seen them since we were born. Well, aside from when I jumped from that cliff and ended up in Atlantis for a while. Not seeing them will be strange, but this is the way of things when one mates with the person they’re destined for. I narrow my eyes when Michael and Mark take my arms and pull me into theirs. They hold me between them, and I feel so much love coming from them. Michael kisses my head. “Remember, I am always here for you, Ava.” “I know. I’ll always be there for you, too. I love you, Michael.” “I love you more.” Michael lets me go, and Mark wraps his arms around me. “Love you, Midge.” I laugh against Mark’s chest. I can’t believe he still calls me that! “Love you, too, Marky Mark.” He growls playfully and lets me go. My grandparents, Dad’s Mom and Dad, smile at me. “Remember who you are, child,” My grandmother whispers, pressing something small and cold into my palm. I look down to see a silver broach with an intricate engraving of two figures, a Lycan and a Dragon, entwined. A symbol of my family’s bond with the Dragon Royalty. I smile because my grandmother was given this broach by her aunt many years ago after her mate had it made due to her mating with a Dragon. My grandmother’s aunt never had children of her own because it just never happened for her. But she loved my grandmother as her own and passed the broach on to her. Now, she’s giving it to me. “Thank you, Grandma. I’ll treasure it always.” She smiles while cupping my cheek. “I am so proud of you, Ava. You’re such a wonderfully kind, strong, and no-nonsense girl. Never change, little one.” I close my hand around the broach, feeling the comfort of the metal against my skin. “I won’t,” I promise, my voice stronger now. “We’ll see you soon.” I nod at my grandfather as he kisses my cheek. I move around the rest of my family, hugging them and saying Goodbye for now. Not every member of my family is here, but I didn’t expect them to be. But those who live in and around the castle came to say farewell. I wish I had time to go to Dragon Country and say Goodbye to my family there, but I don’t. Triton has been away from Atlantis for days, and I promised we would only be here a couple of days. I know Triton would take me to Dragon Country if I asked, but I’ll see them all soon because they’re invited to my wedding. I step toward Triton and take his hand in mine. He smiles at me, and I can’t help smiling back. I look at my family once more, seeing them smiling, some with tears in their eyes, and I nod. “I’ll see you all soon.” “Wait!” Mom yells, cutting me off from what I wanted to say. I narrow my eyes. “There’s someone who wants to say Goodbye.” “Who?” Mom smiles and points to the sky. I look up and gasp. Tears instantly fill my eyes. He came! Ricon’s mighty Dragon, flapping his wings and causing wind to rush through everyone here, drops to the ground. Ricon transforms, clad in black, and a smile spreads across his face. “Grandad!” I yell and take off running. Ricon bends at the knee in time to catch me in his arms. I wrap mine around his neck. “Grandad.” “My little princess.” He walks me toward my family and sets me on my feet. “You didn’t think you could leave without saying Goodbye, did you?” I shake my head with a laugh. “I hoped you would come.” I love my grandfather so much. I have always had a close relationship with Ricon. Since the day I was born, Ricon was like a second father to me. Being born small and sickly meant everyone was worried I would die. Ricon held me, and something extraordinary happened. He blew Dragon magic into my tiny mouth, giving me life. He saved me, and I have loved him so much ever since. “Triton.” Ricon tips his head. “Ricon,” Triton replies. “Thank you for coming. I know how much this means to my mate.” “I’m not going to give you a lecture, Triton.” I wrap my arms around my grandad’s waist and rest my head on his stomach. He’s so tall I don’t even reach his chest! “I think you’ve had enough of that. All I am going to say is… Take care of my Ava. She’s special and deserves to be treated like a Queen.” I sense the smile in Triton’s voice when he speaks. “I will.” I pull away from Ricon, and with a final nod to my family, I take a deep breath and step toward Triton. I can feel the anticipation of my new life, the weight of my decision, and the fear of the unknown pressing down on me. But I also feel the excitement, the thrill of adventure that lies ahead. Triton reaches for my hand, his grip firm and reassuring. “Are you ready?” He asks, his voice a gentle rumble that seems to resonate with the very earth beneath us. I look into his eyes, and with a nervous but thrilled smile, I say, “Yes. I love you all!” I yell to my family. To which they reply in unison, “We love you, too!” And with that, the two of us disappear, leaving only a shimmer in the air where we had been standing.
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