19 - Unexpected proposal

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Ava “Ava, wake up,” A gentle voice coaxes. I groan, swimming up from the depths of sleep. “No. Get lost!” I mumble. I don’t want to wake up; I’m tired! After yesterday, all I want to do is sleep for a month! So many things filled my head when I opened that locket. So much pain and anguish wracked my body that I couldn’t keep up with it all. I didn’t know how to handle everything I saw and felt, so my body shut down, knocking me to sleep. My dreams were filled with memories of a time long since forgotten. The lies everyone told me to keep me from remembering Triton aren’t what hurt me. It was the plans they made before Triton did what he did that hurt. My family would have Lucifer alter my mind, not caring what it would do to me in the long run. Yes, I understand my parents were worried about me. Anyone would be afraid for their child, knowing their mate was a God like Triton. They feared what he might do to me when he had such a terrible reputation. But that didn’t mean anyone would need to go to such lengths. If only they had listened to me and allowed me to talk instead of trying to shut me up, maybe things wouldn’t have ended up the way they did. Perhaps if someone, anyone, had tried to understand my feelings, I wouldn’t have felt so alone. I don’t blame my parents for what they wanted to do, but I am disappointed they were willing to go to such lengths to get me away from Triton. They must have known he would have come for me eventually. Triton would have found a way to reverse Lucifer’s actions, and we would be right back to square one. A chuckle penetrates my ears, deep and alluring. I breathe deeply, and the scent of the ocean and the wind on the trees hits my senses. What is that scent? ‘Wake up, you lazy bitc.h!’ Amarni yells inside my head. ‘Charming.’ I mumble back. ‘Amarni is right,’ Amelia sighs. ‘Get up. Can’t you smell that?’ I breathe deeply again, and again, I smell the most alluring scent. My senses awaken, and I crack open an eye and look around the room. It looks the same as it did yesterday: the four-poster bed, the stone walls adorned with ancient tapestries, and the balcony overlooking the forest and the lake. But something is different. The air is charged with an energy that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up—not in a bad way, more anticipation than fear. “Good morning, my love.” Sitting beside me on the bed, Triton kisses the back of my hand, and sparks rush through me like electricity. My heart skips a beat as I feel the bond between us pulse to life. It’s like a wild beast has been set free inside me, demanding to be acknowledged. The scent of my mate, the sea and earth, fills my nose, intoxicating and overwhelming. With a sudden realization, my head shoots up, eyes wide. “Mate!” I, Amarni, and Amelia yell in unison through my mouth. The word resonates through the room, echoing the tumultuous emotions within me. Triton’s grin grows as he nods. “That’s right,” He says, his own eyes sparkling with mischief. “Mate.” A sob of relief slips from my lips as I look into Triton’s eyes. I can barely believe it’s real. He really is my mate! “Hey, now, don’t cry.” I laugh while sitting up. “I’m not sad, I’m happy. You really are my mate.” “You doubted me?” I shake my head as I get to my knees beside Triton. Even sitting, he’s taller than me. “I didn’t doubt you, but it didn’t seem real. Though I felt drawn to you, and I really was, it wasn’t this strong. I feel the bond in every part of me, Triton.” He smiles while cupping my cheek. Goddess, the sparks are ravaging my whole body. Everywhere is tingling. I won’t sit here and pretend that I have never gotten myself off. I’m almost twenty-four, a hybrid Lycan and Dragon, and the very thought is absurd. However, I have never felt this kind of desire before. I can’t stop myself; I throw myself at Triton, my heart racing as I straddle his lap. I press myself against the hard planes of his taut body, smashing my lips against his. I moan into his mouth as he kisses me back with a fever that matches my own. He tastes so good! I want to tear his clothes off and lick every inch of his skin. I want to take his coc.k in my mouth and see if what I learned using that banana is any good. ‘Goddess,’ Amarni groans, and I imagine her facepalming. ‘You taught yourself how to suck dic.k using a banana?’ ‘I was fifteen!’ I snap. ‘I was trying to teach myself things so I could please Triton when he came for me. I’ve only just remembered it. Now, shut up!’ I cut Amarni off and slide my hands into the back of Triton’s hair. I push myself even closer, whimpering when my panties-covered cli.t hits his pant-covered erectio.n. I want him inside me so badly, but Triton suddenly takes my face in his hands and pushes me away. What the hell? “What’s wrong?” I ask, confusion evident in my voice. “I know you want me, Triton. I can feel it.” I press my puss.y against his hard coc.k, causing him to grunt. “I do want you.” His husky voice sends shivers down my spine. “I know you do. So, why are you pushing me away?” Triton brushes a stray hair from my face, his thumb lingering on my cheek. “It isn’t easy, believe me. But I want to do this right.” I furrow my brow. “Excuse me?” Triton chuckles. “It’s a tradition of my people,” He says, his voice low and serious. “That we wait until our wedding day to complete the bond. Not everyone sticks to tradition, but I want to do right by you, Ava.” The words hang in the air, and I feel like I’m dreaming. Marriage? To Triton? I never allowed myself to dream of such a thing. Of course, Dragon’s get married, but not all Lycans do. Most mate and that’s as good as marriage. But this is something else. My heart swells with a mix of excitement and terror. I don’t know what I’m scared of, but marrying the Prince of the Sea isn’t something that happens every day—but it’s happening to me! “You want to marry me?” I whisper. Triton’s eyes search mine, his expression earnest. “More than anything, I want to marry you, Ava.” My smile is so wide, my face feels like it’s splitting! “But I want us to do it the right way. So, will you marry me, Ava?” I nod, my mind racing. The idea of being Triton’s wife, bonded to him in every way, is both thrilling and terrifying. I don’t yet know what will be expected of me, but Triton will guide me; I know he will. I entwine my fingers around Triton’s neck, and his arms encircle my waist. “Yes, I’ll marry you.” Triton kisses me, making me giggle. “You’ve made me a very happy man.” I stroke his face with my fingertips. “What is a Royal wedding like in Atlantis?” “Grand affairs,” Triton laughs. “In Atlantis, Royal weddings are not just celebrations of love. They are political alliances, grand spectacles. A declaration to the seven seas that a new bond has been forged.” His hand reaches back to take one of mine from around his neck. The warmth of his touch and the kiss he leaves on the back of my hand are reassuring. “I want our wedding to be perfect, a testament to the strength of our union.” My heart skips a beat at Triton’s words. There’s a lot to take in, but this is a good thing. It’s helping me keep my mind off the memories I recovered last night. There is much for me to talk about with my family and Triton. But for now, I don’t want to think about anything other than my wedding! There is one thing I’m worried about, though. “What if I mess up being a Princess of the Sea?” Triton chuckles, the sound echoing off the walls of the chamber. “You are already more than I could ever ask for, Ava. You’re a Princess of Lycans and Dragons, so you have nothing to fear. Besides, you’ll have all of Atlantis to help you. Your beauty and kindness will shine through, and everyone will love you.” He leans in, his gaze intense. “Our wedding will be a celebration like no other, a moment that brings together the land and the sea.” “Will my family be able to attend?” I don’t know if I could get married without my parents there. I would want my daddy to walk me down the aisle. If they even have that tradition in Atlantis. If they don’t, it will become one because I am not doing this without my family! “My love, of course, your family will be in attendance. It won’t be just my wedding, Ava, it’s our wedding.” “Yay!” Triton laughs at my excitement. “Okay,” I take a deep breath. “But tell me everything. I want to know what to expect.” “I’ll tell you everything once you answer my question.” “What’s that?” “How are you feeling after yesterday? It was a lot for you, and then you were sleepwalking.” I furrow my brow. “I don’t remember sleepwalking. But you’re right, yesterday was a lot. I remembered everything, and the feelings that returned almost made me lose my mind. But I am okay, Triton. I know we need to talk about what happened during our time apart. But for right now, I just need to be with you. Is that okay?” Triton smiles, his teeth gleaming in the soft light. “Of course, it’s okay, Ava. Just remember, don’t keep things bottled up. I am here for you always. I love you, Ava.” I smile again and kiss him just because I can. “Now,” I peck his gorgeous lips one more time. “Tell me what our wedding entails.” “Very well, let me explain the traditions and ceremonies that await us.” And with that, Triton begins to recount the intricate details of a Royal Atlantean wedding, painting a picture of a world I have only ever dreamed of—a world where merfolk dance in the deep and kelp forests sway to the rhythm of ancient songs. A world where love is not just felt but seen in the vibrant colors that illuminate the ocean floor—a world where I would soon be living and will call my own. “There are also three ceremonies,” Triton says. “The first ceremony is the Bonding of the Tides. It takes place in the Great Hall, where the walls are made of crystal, and the floor is a living mosaic of coral and fish.” I can almost feel the coolness of the crystal against my skin and see the shimmering scales of the fish as they dart about. I cannot wait for that to become a reality. “During this ceremony, we will be bound by the very waters that give us life. It is a symbol of our eternal union and our commitment to protect and cherish each other.” My eyes widen as Triton describes the procession that would lead us through the bustling streets of Atlantis, where citizens from every corner of the kingdom would come to bear witness to our love. It all sounds so elaborate! “The second ceremony,” Triton continues, “Is the Feast of Poseidon. It is a grand banquet that lasts for days, where we will share food from the depths of the ocean and the heights of the land. It is a time for our people to come together and feast in our honor.” Triton’s thumb brushes gently against my cheek. “And finally,” He says, his voice dropping to a whisper. “The most intimate part of our union. The Consummation of the Waves. It’s a private ceremony, just for us, where we will seal our bond with a kiss that resonates throughout the sea before we make love and mark one another for the world to see.” My heart races at the thought of our first kiss as husband and wife. “But what if something goes wrong?” I ask because something in the back of my mind is nagging that something will go wrong. Triton’s grip on my hand tightens, his expression earnest. “Our love will not falter, Ava.” He assures me. “The sea itself will guide us, as it has guided our ancestors for millennia. Together, we will face any storm.” “And my family will be there from the beginning?” Triton nods. “Of course. There are enough Gods mated to your relatives to give your family safe passage to Atlantis.” “And we can have a Lycan and Dragon blessing on land?” I feel it is only fitting that Amarni and Amelia have a wedding, too. My Lycan and Dragon have been my best friends since the day they came to me, always there to comfort me when I needed them. I want them to have something special, too. ‘Thank you, Ava.’ ‘You don’t need to thank me, Amelia.” I tell my Dragon, who hums and retreats to the far reaches of my mind. “You can have the world if that’s what you want, my love. But when do I get to meet Amarni and Amelia?” I smile, showing all of my teeth and making Triton laugh. “Right now! Let’s go outside, and I’ll introduce you!” “Lead the way, my love.” So, I do. Time to introduce my mate to my Lycan and Dragon!
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