22 - Trouble ahead

1728 Words
Triton The cool sea breeze gently ruffles the dark strands of Ava’s hair as I guide the pod of Dolphins through the azure waters. Ava nestles comfortably in the crook of my arm, taking in the breathtaking view of the shimmering waves. The horizon stretches out before us, a canvas of blues and whites that seem to hold the secrets of the vast ocean. A sudden splash of water startles my mate, and she looks over to see a playful dolphin leaping alongside us. Ava laughs happily, and it warms my heart. After leaving Lykos, I should have taken Ava straight to Atlantis. However, I couldn’t resist showing my mate something special. Ava had told me how much she loved Dolphins, and as they serve the Royal Court, I asked them here for this. The smile on my mate’s face was worth the detour. Her eyes search mine. “This is so amazing, Triton! Thank you much for this.” “You look so beautiful riding the waves.” Ava giggles. “And you are the most handsome God to have ever lived.” Playfully, I roll my eyes. I wave my hand, magically allowing Ava to breathe underwater. I ask if she’s ready, and she nods, not an ounce of fear in her eyes. Most would be terrified of being sucked underwater, but not my beautiful girl. Ava clings to me as the city of Atlantis grows closer, its gleaming spires piercing the surface like the trident of Poseidon himself. The vibrant coral structures that make up the city are bustling with life, a stark contrast to the world Ava has known all her life. The Dolphins grow more eager as they approach the grand entrance of my family’s golden palace, their sleek bodies darting through the water with excitement. As we fly through the city, the sea life grows denser, a riot of colors and shapes that dazzle Ava’s eyes. I can’t help smiling at my mate, a breathing bubble over her head, as she marvels at the city surrounding her. Fish of all sizes and hues dance around us while sea turtles lazily paddle along the seabed. The light from the crystal dome above casts a warm glow on the inhabitants of the underwater realm. ‘Ready?’ I ask telepathically. ‘Ready for what?’ Ava asks while looking at me. I smirk, jump out of the carriage, and transform into my Merman form. Ava’s eyes widen in delight as I swim around her. Her joyous laughter can be heard all around, and my heart swells with pride. My mate is pleased with what she sees. I have nothing to fear; she will not reject me. I don’t know why I thought she might. But being mated to a man with a tail isn’t for everyone. However, I was a fool to ever think this beautiful woman would turn away from me. ‘My Merman! It is you!’ Ava stands from her seat, her arms stretched out, and I lift her into my arms, twirling her around. ‘I knew it was you; I just knew it!’ ‘Yes,’ I smile. ‘I am your Merman.’ My parents, the King and Queen, stand at the entrance to the Royal Palace, their expressions a mix of joy and relief upon seeing the two of us. My mother claps her hands in excitement as I swim toward the doors. I transform, fully clothed, and step inside my home with Ava in my arms. The breathing bubble disappears, and I set my mate on her feet. She runs straight into my mother’s arms. “Amphitrite!” “My sweet Ava,” Mother cups Ava’s cheek with a smile. “It is so good to see you again. You have your memories?” “Yes,” Ava nods. “We found the locket, and I remember everything. I’m so happy to see you.” Ava and my mother formed a friendship when Ava was here last. My mate may have only been sixteen at the time, but in many ways, she was incredibly mature for her age. “I’m happy to see you, too.” “Ava.” My father smiles as Ava hugs him. Not many would hug Poseidon, but my mate will. “It’s good to see you, Poseidon.” “You, too, child.” We make our way to a more comfortable room, and Ava sits beside me. The smile hasn’t left her face yet, and it is perfect and wonderful to see. I want to see that smile on Ava’s face for the rest of my life. I fill my parents in on Ava’s and my desire to marry. My mother is filled with excitement and cannot wait to organize our big day. “Mother, do you think we can do it within the next couple of days?” She looks at me and smirks. But it’s father who replies. “Your mother could organize a wedding with all its traditions in an hour.” He chuckles. I open my mouth to speak when Rhodos emerges from the shadows, her eyes widening in surprise and delight. She rushes over, drags my mate from her seat, and wraps Ava in a fierce embrace. “You’re back!” She exclaims, her voice a delightful symphony of laughter and joy. “Rhodos!” The reunion is filled with hugs and exclamations, the years of separation seemingly washed away in an instant. I watch the scene unfold, my chest tightening with a mix of happiness and unease. Poseidon pulls me aside, his eyes grave. “Son,” He begins. “There is something you must know.” The joy of the moment is tainted by the urgency in his voice. I nod, my gaze never leaving Ava as she chats animatedly with my mother and sister about our big day. I cannot wait to marry the love of my life, making us one in all things. “What is it, Father?” “I have foreseen trouble,” Poseidon says, his voice low and serious. “Someone means to harm Ava. You must keep her safe at all costs.” The air grows heavy with the weight of my father’s words. My eyes narrow, my jaw setting in determination as I look at my father. Harm to my mate is not an option! “I will protect her,” I vow, the steel in my voice echoing through the grand hall. “There is nothing and no one that will ever harm my mate!” Poseidon nods solemnly, placing a hand on my shoulder. “I know you will protect Ava with your life. But be vigilant, for even I cannot see the face of our enemy, Triton.” A sickening feeling sets in the pit of my stomach. I cannot lose Ava. I will not! “So, you have no idea who means to take my mate from me?” Poseidon shakes his head. “I saw no face. But I will do everything in my power to help you keep Ava safe.” “Thank you, Father.” The festivities continue, but my mind is elsewhere, planning and strategizing. I know that I will need to be ready to face whatever danger lurks in the depths in the coming days. The wedding must go ahead, but I feel that is when whoever the fool is coming for Ava will strike. I will triple security. I will have the best on the job, and no one’s life will be worth living if anything happens to my mate! Ava, oblivious to the shadow of foreboding that has settled over me, has been swept away by my mother and sister’s talk of our wedding. I cannot keep what I know from her, and I won’t. If Ava knows what’s coming, she can be prepared. She will have a better chance of protecting herself. I feel the burden of my father’s warning pressing down on me. I can’t shake the feeling that our happiness is precariously balanced on a knife’s edge. I need to talk to Ava now. This cannot wait. When the time is right, I take Ava’s hand. Though my mother and sister protest, I give them the go-ahead to begin organizing the wedding. With them happy, I lead Ava to our chambers and out the glass balcony overlooking the city. The bioluminescent lights from the sea floor dance in the water below, casting a serene glow on Ava’s face. “Ava,” I begin, my voice thick with emotion. “There’s something I need to tell you.” Her eyes search mine. “What is it, my love?” She asks, her voice a gentle whisper. I take a deep breath, weighing my words carefully. I don’t want to scare Ava, but I feel it’s inevitable. “My father has had a vision. There’s someone out there who means to do you harm.” Ava’s smile falters, the warmth of the moment chilled by my words. “Why me?” She asks, her voice trembling slightly. “I don’t know,” I sigh. “Because of me, no doubt. Being with me…” “Do not say what I think you’re about to say, Triton. You are not leaving me!” I smile while cupping her face in my hands. “No, my love. I will never leave you. I am too selfish to let you go. But I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.” Her eyes search mine, finding the resolve that she has come to expect from her protector. Me. “Thank you for being honest with me, Triton. I won’t pretend it doesn’t scare me that someone out there wants to hurt me. But I can hold my own, though I am so glad I have you.” This beautiful young woman is so strong. She has no fear of speaking the truth of her feelings, and I love her for it. I pull her into my arms, holding her tightly. “We’ll face this together, Ava. We’re stronger together than apart. We’re mates, and nothing can come between us.” Ava snuggles into my chest. “I know that. I trust you with my life, Triton.” I only hope that will be enough…
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