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As we step into the palace, I'm immediately overwhelmed by the grandeur. Marble floors stretch out before us, intricate tapestries adorn the walls, and a chandelier dripping with crystals hangs overhead. It's beautiful, but cold – much like Dwayne himself. "Impressed?" Dwayne asks, noticing my wide-eyed stare. I shrug, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. "It's... big." He chuckles, the sound devoid of warmth. "You'll get used to it. Come, there's someone you need to meet." Dwayne leads me down a long hallway, our footsteps echoing in the silence. We stop before a set of ornate double doors. He knocks once, then pushes them open. Inside is a study that takes my breath away. Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves line the walls, filled with ancient-looking tomes. In the center of the room, hunched over a cluttered desk, is a small, wiry man with wild gray hair. "Teddy," Dwayne calls out. "Our guest has arrived." The man – Teddy – looks up, and I'm struck by his bright, intelligent eyes. They widen as they land on me. "By the moon," he breathes. "It's true. You found her." I frown, confused. "Found who? What's going on?" Teddy scrambles around his desk, approaching me with an excited energy that contrasts sharply with Dwayne's cold demeanor. "My dear," he says, taking my hands in his. "Do you have any idea who you are? What you're capable of?" I pull my hands away, uncomfortable with his intensity. "I'm Rebecca. Just... Rebecca. I don't know what you're talking about." Teddy looks at Dwayne, his expression questioning. Dwayne shakes his head slightly. "She doesn't know," Dwayne says. "And for now, it's better that way. Teddy, I want you to examine her. Confirm what we suspected." Teddy nods eagerly. "Of course, of course. Come, my dear, sit down. This won't hurt a bit." Reluctantly, I perch on the edge of a plush armchair. Teddy bustles around, gathering strange instruments from various drawers and shelves. "What exactly are you going to do?" I ask nervously. "Oh, nothing to worry about," Teddy assures me. "Just a few simple tests to measure your... energy." He holds up what looks like a crystal pendulum, letting it dangle over my head. To my shock, it begins to glow and spin wildly. "Extraordinary," Teddy mutters. "I've never seen such a strong reaction." "What does it mean?" I ask, my heart racing. Teddy glances at Dwayne, who gives a slight nod. "It means, my dear, that you have a very rare and powerful gift. You're what we call a Conduit – a human capable of channeling and amplifying supernatural energies." I shake my head, disbelieving. "That's impossible. I'm just... normal." "Far from it," Dwayne interjects. "Your power is why I chose you, Rebecca. With proper training, you could become the most powerful Conduit in centuries." The weight of his words settles over me. "Is that why you brought me here? To use my... my power?" Dwayne's smile is cold. "Among other reasons. Your power, combined with my bloodline, could produce an heir of unimaginable strength." I stand up abruptly, anger flaring. "I'm not some... some breeding machine! You can't just use me like this!" "Can't I?" Dwayne's voice is dangerously soft. "Need I remind you of our bargain?" I clench my fists, fighting back tears of frustration. "It's not fair." "Life seldom is," Dwayne says dismissively. "Teddy, begin her training immediately. I want her ready as soon as possible." With that, he turns and strides out of the room, leaving me alone with the eccentric researcher. Teddy pats my arm sympathetically. "There, there, my dear. It's not all bad. Your gift is truly remarkable. Think of all the good you could do with it!" I sink back into the chair, feeling utterly lost. "I don't even know what this 'gift' is, let alone how to use it." Teddy's eyes light up. "Oh, but that's the exciting part! Let me show you." For the next few hours, Teddy explains the basics of what it means to be a Conduit. Apparently, I can sense and manipulate the energy that flows through all living things. With practice, I could even influence the elements or enhance the abilities of supernatural creatures. "It's why werewolves have always sought out Conduits," Teddy explains. "A strong enough Conduit could potentially double a pack's power." I frown, processing this information. "Is that why Dwayne wants me? To make his pack stronger?" Teddy hesitates. "Partly, yes. But there's more to it. There's an old prophecy—" He's cut off by a sharp knock at the door. Brown, Dwayne's intimidating beta, enters. "Time's up," he growls. "The King wants the girl prepared for dinner." I stand, my legs shaky after sitting for so long. "Prepared? What does that mean?" Brown's expression doesn't change. "Follow me." With an apologetic glance at Teddy, I trail after Brown. He leads me through a maze of corridors until we reach what must be the living quarters. A stern-faced woman waits outside one of the doors. "This is Elena," Brown says. "She'll be your personal attendant. Do what she says." Before I can protest, he's gone, leaving me with Elena. She eyes me critically. "Well," she sighs, "we have our work cut out for us. Come along, girl." The next hour is a whirlwind of activity. I'm bathed, my hair is styled, and I'm dressed in an elegant gown that fits perfectly – unsettlingly so, as if it was made for me. "How did you have clothes ready for me?" I ask Elena as she applies a touch of makeup to my face. "The King has been preparing for your arrival for some time," she replies curtly. This revelation sends a chill through me. How long has Dwayne been planning this? What else does he have in store?
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