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As the car pulls away, I press my hand against the window, watching my old life disappear into the distance. Tears blur my vision, but I blink them back. I won't give Dwayne the satisfaction of seeing me cry. "Where are we going?" I ask, hating how small my voice sounds. "To your new home," Dwayne replies. "My palace in the heart of werewolf territory." I turn to face him, studying his harsh profile. "And what happens there?" His eyes meet mine, dark and unreadable. "There, you become my bride." The word sends a shock through me. "Bride? But I thought... I mean, you only said I had to... to bear your son." A cold smile plays at his lips. "And how did you think that would happen, little human? You'll be my wife in name, if nothing else. It's the only way to ensure the legitimacy of any heir you produce." I wrap my arms around myself, suddenly cold despite the car's warmth. "And if I give you a daughter instead of a son?" "Then you keep trying until you get it right," he says matter-of-factly. "For your sake, I suggest you succeed quickly." The implications of his words make my stomach churn. I turn back to the window, watching the familiar landscapes of my hometown give way to dense forests I've never seen before. "Why me?" I ask again, needing to understand. "You're the Alpha King. Surely you could have any woman you wanted. Why buy a human bride?" Dwayne is quiet for so long I think he won't answer. Then he says, "There's power in you, Rebecca. Power that could change everything. I intend to harness it." I frown, more confused than ever. "Power? I don't have any power. I'm just... me." He chuckles, the sound devoid of warmth. "Oh, you have no idea what you are. But you will. Soon enough." His cryptic words send a shiver down my spine. I want to demand more answers, but something tells me it would be useless. Instead, I ask, "What about my life? My friends, my plans for college?" "Forgotten," Dwayne says dismissively. "Your old life is over, Rebecca. The sooner you accept that, the easier this will be." Anger flares in me again. "Easy for you to say! You're not the one being sold like cattle!" In a flash, Dwayne's hand is around my throat, not squeezing but holding me in place. His eyes blaze with an inhuman light. "Mind your tongue, little bride," he growls. "I may need you alive, but that doesn't mean I can't make your life very, very unpleasant." Fear courses through me, but I refuse to look away. "If you hurt me, you might not get your precious heir," I say, proud that my voice doesn't shake. To my surprise, Dwayne laughs and releases me. "Oh, you are going to be fun to break," he says, sitting back in his seat. I rub my throat, glaring at him. "I won't break," I say defiantly. "Whatever you do to me, whatever power you think I have – I won't let you win." Dwayne's smile is all teeth. "We'll see about that." The rest of the journey passes in tense silence. I watch as civilization gives way entirely to wilderness, the trees growing taller and closer together. Just when I think we can't go any deeper into the forest, the trees part to reveal a sight that takes my breath away. A massive palace rises before us, all gleaming stone and soaring spires. It looks like something out of a fairy tale – or a nightmare, given my circumstances. "Welcome home, Rebecca," Dwayne says as the car pulls up to the entrance. Brown opens the door, and I step out on wobbly legs. The palace looms over me, beautiful and terrifying. A group of people – no, werewolves – wait on the steps, all eyes fixed on me. "Come," Dwayne says, taking my arm in a grip that allows no argument. "Let's introduce you to your new pack." As we climb the steps, I feel the weight of destiny settling on my shoulders. Whatever power Dwayne thinks I have, whatever future awaits me in this place – I know my life will never be the same. Just before we reach the top, I pause and look back. The forest stretches as far as I can see, wild and untamed. Somewhere beyond those trees lies my old life, everything I've ever known. "Having second thoughts already?" Dwayne's voice is mocking. I turn to him, lifting my chin. "No," I say firmly. "Just saying goodbye to who I was. You wanted a bride, Alpha King? Well, here I am. Let's see if you can handle me." A flicker of something – surprise? respect? – passes through Dwayne's eyes. Then it's gone, replaced by his usual cold mask. "Bold words, little human," he says. "Let's see if you can live up to them." With that, he leads me through the grand doors and into my new life. The heavy doors swing shut behind us with a sound of finality. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for whatever comes next. I may be Dwayne's bride on paper, I may be trapped in this bargain, but my heart and my spirit are still my own. And I swear, as I follow Dwayne into the shadows of his world, that no matter what happens, no matter what power he thinks I have – I will find a way to break free. Because this isn't the end of my story. It's only the beginning.
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